High School Weekly Update
Counselor's Corner
That’s the best word to describe this edition of Counselor’s Corner. I have 3 things to share that are not really connected. I hope you enjoy.
1. Gratitude
Thank you! It is such a simple phrase that means so much yet often fails to express how much gratitude really means to us and to others. I am thankful for you, our parents, and our students. I am appreciative to work with such amazing people in a school that cares so much. I am also very grateful for acts of kindness. I will share 1 in particular. Last Friday, one of our parents did a kindness for me at Bojangles in Richfield by purchasing my breakfast. I do not know who it was or if they knew for sure who I was. I do know that it is one of our parents. Even if we didn’t know there was a connection through Gray Stone at the time, my heart was warmed to know that kindness is flowing through our families. For that, I am truly grateful.
2. Where Continuity Falls Short
On Monday, I was able to be present for senior presentations. How does this connect with my title? Simple, I was reminded of just how far these students have come. When I first moved into counseling full-time, these students were all 7th graders. I was able to realize how much more mature they now are (mostly), how much they have learned, and that they are truly ready for the next step. I also realized that when we see someone every day, it is easy to overlook the growth. Think about it. When you haven’t seen someone for a long time you notice everything when you see them again. Make an effort to see what continuity has caused us to miss because most change happens slowly. These young men and women have grown a lot in the last 6 years that I have known them.
3. Career Day and College Fair
I want to say thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s Career Day and College Fair. I’ve already shared it with our staff and teachers but I am also grateful for you. Some parents presented. Students explored. I hope everyone found at least 1 thing they can take with them from this event. It is a lot of work but it is always rewarding. It is dependent on the presenters who are willing to come and the students whose interests change from year to year. This year we had more than 30 people sharing about 23 different careers. Great insights were shared and my biggest takeaway is that you can use your education even if you don’t end up in the career you studied for in college. Learning always matters.
I know I get a little wordy on these messages and I hope you all do read them. I share from my heart most of the time and I trust that it makes a difference to you.
Before I go, I am very much aware that tomorrow marks a somber anniversary for many of our students and families. Please know you are in my heart, thoughts, and prayers.
As always, even if you have never been able to express anything to me yourself…
You Matter!
Associate Degree, Dual Enrollment, CCP Program Parent Information Session
Date: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Location: Gray Stone Day School Commons
Next Week is Spirit Week
Spanish National Honor Society Attends Cultural Event
Recently, the Spanish National Honor Society attended a "Night in Spain" at Catawba College. The concert featured a fusion of the Salisbury Symphony with Spanish classical guitar.
Quiz Bowl Wins Regional
The Quiz Bowl team won the Fayetteville regional and will compete this weekend in the State Finals in Greensboro. Congratulations and good luck!
Mock Trial Has Strong Showing at States
Gray Stone Mock Trial competed at the North Carolina Mock Trial State Finals this past weekend. In order to qualify, each team must win their regional competition, and our two teams won the Gastonia and Lincolnton Regionals. Each team was composed of primarily new members, with only three members each with prior experience. Both teams performed well, and the following team members received individual recognition: Addison McGuire (Best Attorney), Brinley and Bladen Goodman (Best Witness), Kinley Burleson (Best Attorney).
Career Day & College Fair A Huge Success!
Gray Stone hosted a Career Day and College Fair for students on Thursday, March 13. Students attended four rotations to learn about a wide variety of different careers in the morning and had the opportunity to speak from representatives of 15 different colleges and universities in the afternoon.
Senior Project Presentations
Seniors presented their service projects on Monday, March 17. For their projects, students had to complete at least 20 hours of service, present in front of a panel, and submit a portfolio. More than 45 representatives from the community volunteered to help assess the presentations.
Knight of the Week
This week's Knight of the Week is Ellie Walters. One of Ellie's teachers wrote, "Elizabeth es una persona fantástica. Siempre está sonriendo y es una chica muy amable. Hace la tarea con alegría y dedicación. (Elizabeth is a fantastic person. She is always smiling and is very kind. She does her homework with joy and dedication.)
Felicidades, Ellie!
Upcoming Athletic Events
Team Spotlight
Lunch Menu
March 24-28
Monday Pasta (Meat or Alfredo Sauce), Garlic Bread, Salad Bar
Tuesday Corn Dogs, Chips, Salad Bar
Wednesday Beef or Chicken Tacos, Salad Bar
Thursday Baked Potato Bar, Soup, Salad BarFriday Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni)
Important Upcoming Dates
March 27 - Launch for Seniors (rescheduled due to inclement weather)
April 02-04 - Jr./Sr. Trips
April 10 - Launch for Juniors
April 12 - Jr./Sr. Prom
April 17 - Early Release Day, All students
April 18-25 - Spring Break
Previously Shared Information
Birds of Stanly County
Golden Shoe
"Meet the Author" Luncheon at Pfeiffer University
Join Pfeiffer University’s Friends of the Library for their Spring 2025 "Meet the Author" Luncheon on March 25, at 11:30 a.m. in Stokes Student Center’s Grady Board Room on the Misenheimer Campus. The luncheon speaker is Daniel Wallace, the J. Ross MacDonald Distinguished Professor of English at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is author of six novels, including Big Fish which was adapted and released as a movie in 2003. In 2013, the book and the movie were mish-mashed together and became a Broadway musical. His most recent novel, Extraordinary Adventures, was released in 2017. He has also written and illustrated a children’s book, The Cat’s Pajamas, in 2014 and published a memoir, This Isn’t Going to End Well, in 2023.
Tickets are $35 and on sale now. Seating is limited. If interested, please use the link to register.
Car Rider Reminders
Recently, we have noticed an uptick in issues related to our Car Rider line. Here are a few friendly reminders:
- Please remember to drive cautiously when you are on campus.
- Do not pull into the other lane in order to get around the line. Be patient.
- Do not pick up your student in one of the staff/student parking lots. Only pick up your child in the designated area between the Middle and High Schools.
- In the morning, please have your child exit on the side of the car closest to the sidewalk when you come to a stop in the designated pick up area. You do not need to wait to get to the front as this slows down the line for everyone else.
- In the morning, you should not use the Middle School side for drop off until after 8:00 a.m. There is an exception on Wednesday mornings for Middle School students who are attending FCA in the Square of the Middle School.
- If your student needs to cross sides, they should always do so at the crosswalk at the front of the Car Rider line. They should never cut through the middle.
- In the afternoon, please do not arrive on campus prior to Middle School dismissal at 2:40. Only families who are picking up Middle School students only should arrive prior to Middle School dismissal.
- If the Middle School has been dismissed for the day, you may use either side (Middle or High School). Please do not stop the line by insisting to be on the High School side. If you have a HS student, it is ok for them to use the crosswalk to meet you on the Middle School side.
- Please obey the directions of the staff member on duty in the crosswalk, and do not tell students to cross if this is contradicting the directions of the staff member.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and helping make morning drop-off/afternoon pick-up safe and efficient.
High School Tours for Prospective Families
High School Tours
We will also offer school tours and information sessions to prospective high school families. Click here to schedule a visit with one of our counselors.
The Lance
The LANCE is a parent led organization that supports and enhances the existing programs of Gray Stone Day School. We work with the school, parents, teachers and community to support academics, athletics and social programs for the students and staff.
If you are interested in joining, please visit the Lance page on the GSDS website by clicking here.
General Meeting Schedule
Sep 3, 2024 6:30 PM
Dec 03, 2024 6:30 PM
Jan 7, 2025 6:30 PM
Mar 4, 2025 6:30 PM
May 6, 2025 6:30 PM
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86941536323
Driver's Ed
About Us
Email: slisk@graystoneday.org
Website: graystoneday.org
Location: 49464 Merner Terrace, Misenheimer, NC, USA
Phone: 704-463-0567
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrayStoneDay/
Twitter: @graystoneday