AIS Friday Flash
Friday, April 14, 2023
Happy Friday Flash!
Parent-Teacher Conference
500 PTCs in one and half days, thank you teachers!
Thank you to the families for keeping the days run smoothly and our teachers happy!
We would also like to thank the PTO for providing snacks and an amazing Turkish lunch to our well deserving staff. Thank you Ellis Family for the Thundercloud Subs. The teachers and staff enjoyed a feast!
Math challenge for French Schools in North America:
CM1, CM2 and Middle School students have participated in the math challenge 'La course aux nombres'. This is a mental calculation challenge where students have to answer a maximum of 30 questions in 10 minutes! All of our classes ranked in a very good position with all the other French Schools in North America.
Congratulations to Noah, Samuel, Aaron, Mickael (CM1) Galen, Jacob (CM2), Gabby, Mathieu and Ilan (Middle School) who have qualified for the Finale!!!
Open House Story Time - Wednesday, April 19th, 5:00 - 7:00pm
Join us on in welcoming potential and incoming families at our Open House Story Time. If you would like to read or greet our new friends please register here. We will offer story time, milk and cookies, and a tour of the campus.
ADULTS - We have a night out just for you! - ONLY 10 TICKETS LEFT!
ANTONELLI'S RACLETTE NIGHT - Thursday, April 27th, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Tickets are $95 per person and include:
- A brief lesson on the history of raclette. Then, you will have the ability to melt your own cheese and scrape it onto plates of goods, selecting from a traditional spread of potatoes, pickled goods, & cured meats.
- A flight of champagne, dry white, rose, and red wines.
- And for dessert a selection of artisanal chocolates.
2022-2023 Yearbook cover and page frame contest. Submit by Tuesday, May 2nd!
Unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life.
You can hand draw or use a digital format for your design and creations and use colors. There will be two folders at the reception desk: one for the yearbook cover and one for for the page frame. For details visit this link.
AIS's Wig Out FUNd Run - Tuesday, May 9th, 1:30 - 3:00pm
If you have not registered please visit and register your child for the run.
This is also a fundraiser and the website used to register your child for the run is also the tool to help your child(ren) raise funds for their school. You can upload your child's photo, make a video and share with friends and family. They will love the video. You can even post it on your FB page! The more people that sign up to pledge for your child the more they raise, the more they support the school.
Raise $50 and you receive a Wig Out Fun Run t-shirt! We will have a DJ, blow ups and other fun items for the event!
REMEBER - your email will not be shared, sold and you will only receive one thank you email from MyBooster. We are only using to securely raise and transfer funds.
Business Section
If your address, email address, or any other important family information changes, please visit your FACTS Family Portal and update this information. This will improve communication and ensure that you are receiving accurate information.
Consider it Spring Cleaning; if everyone could take a moment to double-check this important information, we would be grateful.
Save the dates
Mark these important upcoming dates on your calendars.
- 4/11 PTO Meeting 5:30-6:30 In Person & Virtual
- 4/13 Half Day of School / Parent Teacher Conference
- 4/14 No School / Parent Teacher Conference
- 4/19 Open House Story Time
- 4/25 Board Meeting
- 4/27 Antonelli's Raclette Night
Austin International School
Location: 4001 Adelphi Lane, Austin, TX, United States
Phone: 512-331-7806
Twitter: @austinintschool