D-A Middle School Newsletter
October 31, 2024

October 31, 2024
👋 Dear Durand-Arkansaw MS families,
Things to know this week:
- Activities
- Wrestling Clothing Order
- Basketball Clothing Order
- Target Time Focus
- Winter Sports Registration
- Letter from Mrs. Sabelko
All options are generic basketball or generic Panther gear and make great Christmas gifts!
This month's Target Time focus is THANK YOU. Mrs. Sabelko shares more information in this week's letter, and you can follow TILL360 on YouTube.
If your student played a fall sport, they still need to be registered for any additional sports they participate in.
6th graders only register for Fall Cross Country, Winter Wrestling and Spring Track.
Happy Halloween and All Saints Day to our families who participate in celebrations around these events. Thank you for helping the students this week with costumes, pennies, extra lunches, snacks, making sure they have the clothing they need, and the financial resources to participate in the quarter opportunities.
I would like to celebrate this week:
Our incredible office team helped to coordinate all of the awesome extras in the middle school. The location of the scarecrow for the Halloween Scavenger hunt was even in the office, I knew I should have asked what Mr. Bauer was in the office, this was a fun surprise to me too.
Mr. Gilles, Mr. Hendricks, and Mr. Smits for being willing to get a pie thrown at their face by three lucky middle school students.
The middle school students for taking the respect lessons seriously and continually respecting themselves, peers, staff, and our school building. I have seen this especially in the lunchroom at lunchtime!
The character trait that we will be focusing on for the month of November with goals for each grade including:
6th Grade- Students will understand the concept of gratitude and will be able to clearly recognize why it is so important.
7th Grade-Students will understand the concept of gratitude as a mindset and will be able to clearly recognize the benefits.
8th Grade-Students will understand the concept of gratitude and be able to clearly recognize and demonstrate why it is so important to improve their relationships and self.
As it works for your family during this month it is helpful to have conversations around this topic and intentionally recognize students for showing gratitude. In doing this you help to give them examples that they can use in class discussions.
On Friday during Panther, all middle school students will be attending the pep assembly to send off our high school athlete Zayne Richardson to compete in the WIAA State Cross Country meet. We encourage students to wear their Pink gear for these event. We’ll be ending the day again in the main gym together as we wrap-up the HOSA Penny War week with students throwing pies into the faces of our volunteer staff.
Mrs. Sarah Sabelko