Thompson Friday Forecast
January 17, 2025
Between Two Schools
At Thompson and Wredling Middle Schools, we believe that middle school represents a unique and formative time for students to explore their interests and uncover new passions. Our elective and explore class offerings are designed with this philosophy in mind, providing students the opportunity to engage in a broad spectrum of subjects. From art and music to technology, world languages, and STEM/PLTW, these classes expose students to areas they may not have encountered before and encourage them to develop new skills and perspectives.
We also recognize that meaningful exploration requires time and intentionality, which is why we have purposefully designed our schedules to allow students the flexibility to explore a wide variety of classes during their middle school years. This structure ensures that each student has the opportunity to engage with diverse subjects, helping them broaden their horizons and discover their unique strengths and interests.
This intentional exploration serves a dual purpose. First, it helps students identify potential career fields or areas of interest they may wish to pursue in greater depth in the future. Equally important, it helps them discover fields that may not align with their strengths or interests. This process of discovery and reflection is invaluable as students prepare for the opportunities to specialize in high school and beyond. By fostering curiosity and encouraging them to try new things, we aim to equip our students with a clearer sense of their passions and a foundation for informed decision-making as they grow.
We are proud to offer a variety of electives that challenge, inspire, and engage our students. We encourage families to have conversations about these experiences and celebrate the growth that comes from exploring the unknown. Together, we can ensure that this middle school journey is one of discovery, creativity, and preparation for the bright futures ahead.
Warm regards,
Dr. Matt Clark
Thompson Middle School Principal
Mr. Tim Loversky
Wredling Middle School Principal
Save the Date: Snowball 2025
Announcing the second annual Snow Ball—an enchanting winter dance on Friday, February 7th from 5:00-7:00 PM in our Thompson Gyms! Whether you come in your winter’s best or just as you are, prepare for a magical evening filled with frosty fun.
This all-inclusive event will be a winter wonderland with pizza, beverages, a candy bar, professional photo booths and a highly-rated DJ spinning festive beats.
Wristband presale starts 1/24 and runs until 2/5 at 3:00 PM. Grab your tickets starting next Friday on PushCoin or Square before they melt away!
8th Grade Course Selection
High School Counselor visits are right around the corner. East High School will visit Thompson on Tuesday, January 28 for individual student appointments. North High School and Compass will visit on Thursday, January 30. Please start having conversations with your child about courses they will be choosing. Prior to the high school counselor visits, all 8th grade students should select their courses for next year in Home Access Center (HAC) including elective courses. Students must bring their completed (blue or orange) worksheet to their appointment. Worksheet provided below. ?s reach out to your counselor
North High School
East High School
8th Grade Worksheet-Española
Math Corner with Mrs. Zitella
Mathematical problem-solving strategies are frequently applied to real-world situations. A situational problem may be referred to as a task in which students explore, discover, and invent ways of finding a possible solution. While solving for situations may be challenging for some, the KWC strategy may help with this challenge.
The "KWC" math strategy stands for "Knowns, Wants, Conditions," and it's a problem-solving strategy to help support problem solving. In this strategy, students identify what information they already know ("Knowns"), what they need to find out ("Wants"), and any specific rules that apply to the problem ("Conditions") before attempting to solve it. This strategy helps students break down a complex math problem into manageable parts by clearly identifying the key points in the situation/problem.
How to use a KWC…
List all of the relevant facts, formulas, and/or concepts that are important to solving the problem.
Clearly state the questions or what you are trying to find out about the problem.
Identify rules that apply to the problem being solved. For example: one week has 7 days, one year has 12 months
New Plant Based Options from Organic Life!
Organic Life is offering Plant Based options alongside traditional entrees on our menu.
This will include Plant Based meatballs, burgers, chicken nuggets, chicken patties and chicken tenders.
Grades 6-8 will find the Plant Based Chicken Patty and Burgers available daily on the Daily Special line. When traditional Meatballs, Chicken Nuggets and Chicken Tenders are served, Plant Based options will be offered alongside them on the Daily Special line. Signs will be posted.
We are excited to take this step to provide Plant Based items to the students! If you have any questions please contact Kathie Travis at 331-228-5711 or kathie.travis@d303.org
D303 Updates
View Inclement Weather Page
Ver la página web sobre Inclemencias Meteorológicas
Upcoming Community Events
The STCU Underground Teen Center is open to all Middle & High School students, ages 11-19 residing within School District 303 boundaries. The Teen Center is a safe and fun environment where teens can unwind and are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities!
A few exciting upcoming programs:
Jan 22nd - League of Legends Night
Jan 24th - Snow Tubing Trip to Villa Olivia
We can’t wait to see you there!
Contact Information:
Dan Procaccio, Teen Center Supervisor
E: dprocaccio@stcparks.org
P: 630-513-4322
Abby Fleming, Recreation Supervisor Tweens/Teens
E: afleming@stcparks.org
P: 630-513-4321
Link to Order School Pictures
HR Imaging is the company we use for school pictures. Here is the link to order pictures .
To contact HR Imaging with questions: https://shop.hrimaging.com/pws/contactus.aspx
Community Backpack
Referral GPS
An anonymous, easy-to-use, secure website to locate mental health and substance use treatment resources
Homework Help
NHS Honors students help our Thunder students with their homework 2:55 - 3:40 pm every Tuesday and Thursday in the LRC
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Mr. Ryan Wood - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Email: katrina.michaelis@d303.org
Website: http://thompson.d303.org
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thompson-Middle-School-671638232903851/