The Ram Report
Happy Holidays, Rams. We would like to thank you for making Mt. Carmel a special place to work and learn. We hope that you and your family have a safe holiday break. We cannot wait to see you all in January. Get lots of rest as we prepare for our 2nd semester of learning.
Semester 1 Data Meeting 12.13.2022
On December 13th and 14th , we offered our End of the Semester Data presentation. Below is a link to review the data that was shared at the meeting. In January, if you would like to speak with your child's teacher about his or her data, please schedule a conference.
As you are aware, there will be a price increase from $8 to $10 effective January 4, 2023. Please ensure that any unpaid balances are taken care of prior to January 4th. Any student with a remaining unpaid balance on January 4, 2023 at 12:00 pm will not be allowed to attend the program. If your child is unable to attend ASP that day, Mrs. Earle will contact you. It will be your responsibility to send an email to to ensure that we are aware of how your child will be going home that day.
Yearbooks are currently on sale. Our yearbook early bird special is happening RIGHT NOW so act fast. Yearbooks will be $35, however, they are currently $25 for pre-order until Friday, January 13, 2023.
Pre-order Prices and Special Discount Dates
$25.00 from October 3-January 13, 2023
$30.00 from January 14-March 31, 2023
$35.00 from March 31-May 20, 2023*
*while supplies last
Don't miss out on this deal!
(Code: 711317)
Join PTA Today!
Everyone is welcome to join our Parent Teacher Association (PTA), including parents, relatives, teachers, and staff. The PTA works to support our school and our students by raising money for classroom supplies, family nights, educational assemblies, scholarships, and more.
The main goal of the PTA is to benefit our children and our school. If you are interested in joining the Mt. Carmel Elementary PTA, now is your chance! Click the link below to join!
Link for suggestions:
Link to join:
This year, membership will be $7.00.
MCES Virtual Compliment Journal
We started our compliment journal last week and we didn’t want to leave you all out. If you’d like to leave a compliment for a staff member, please use this link. Your compliment will be shared with the staff member.
MCES Parent Toolbox
Have you seen your MCES Parent Toolbox? This toolbox was designed with parents in mind. Be sure to check the toolbox to get access to resources that you can use to help your child at home.
We Value Your Voice!
As a school, it is important that we are continually improving our school culture and getting a pulse on the issues that matter to you. We have a service that will send you regular, short, anonymous surveys making it quick and easy to get your voice heard.
Please click the link to sign up
Please use the school ID 935967 when prompted to join the school. And know that we value your feedback.
Title I Parent Input
Parental engagement is a vital part of the Title I program. Parents are encouraged to become partners in helping their children achieve and become actively involved in all aspects of the process of the Title I program, from the writing of the plan to its implementation and evaluation. Your valuable input is valued at Mt. Carmel Elementary School. Please take a few minutes to let us know your opinion by completing the input form here.
Teacher's Favorite Things
Some parents have inquired about wanting to know what their child's teacher's favorite things are. Here is a spreadsheet that you can use to find out more about the things that your child's teacher likes.
Is My Child's Bus Going to Be Late?
There are some days that your child's bus may be late due to busses being combined or a substitute bus driver driving a new route. If you would like to know if your child's bus will be late, you may locate that information here. Our school is abbreviated as MCE. This information is updated each morning and each afternoon.
Here Comes the Bus | Bus Expectations
Here Comes the Bus is available for parents and students to download now. The highly-rated free app currently has over a million users. To sign up, visit the Apple or Android store, or visit The code needed to complete the registration process is 79003.
Students are still encouraged to arrive at their stop five minutes early and to follow any additional instructions given by drivers.
As your children board the bus each morning, please help us and remind them of our bus rules. Students should stay seated in assigned seat, there is to be no eating or drinking on the bus and students should use their inside voices. Students should also keep their hands and other objects to themselves while riding the bus.
School bus transportation is a privilege afforded pupils by the Board of Education. It is not a right. To protect the safety and well-being of all involved, pupils must adhere to established bus conduct rules. Bus transportation privilege may be revoked if the pupil does not observe bus conduct expectations.
Birthday Celebrations
We do not allow whole birthday cakes or any birthday treats that are not individually wrapped. Cupcakes/snacks must be store bought AND prepackaged/individually wrapped. [No exceptions!]
Make sure you're connected with Mt. Carmel Elementary School (2356 Fairburn Road, Douglasville, GA) and your child's teacher. We will use this as our school-wide communication tool. Once you join our school, you can join your child's classroom via a code or you can request to join. If you need help with this, please contact your child's teacher.
Student Dress Code
It is important that students adhere to the dress code. You can find the dress code in our student handbook here. Last week, we noticed a few students who were not in compliance.
School Nutrition: Breakfast and Lunch
Parents are required to complete a Free and Reduced Meal Application in order to qualify for free or reduced meals. Meals will no longer be free. Parents will be required to send money for breakfast and lunch until the free/reduced meal application is approved. You can use to load money to your child's account or send cash for meals.
Note: If you receive notice that your child has a negative balance, please contact Mrs. Muhammad at 770-651-4201. She will be able to provide you more information on the balance.
Note: If your child has a negative lunch balance, they will not be accepted into any MCES extracurricular activities until that balance is cleared.
Lunch with the Rams
Parents are now invited to eat lunch with their children. Prior to arriving for lunch, you will have to notify the teachers with a 24 hour notice that you would like to join your child/children for lunch. This will help us to streamline the process and be sure that we have adequate space for visitors.
When planning to eat lunch with your child, please DO NOT bring any food from outside vendors, fast food lunches or carbonated drinks to cafeteria.
Grade Level Lunch Times
10:15-10:55 Kindergarten
10:40-11:15 1st Grade
10:55-11:35 3rd Grade
11:15-11:35 2nd Grade
11:30-12:10 4th Grade
12:10-12:50 5th Grade
No Cell Phone Zone
This is a reminder that we have a no cell phone policy within the classroom. If your child must bring a device to school in order to communicate with you after school hours, then please remind them of the following: Electronic devices brought from home will be kept in the backpack, turned off during the school day, and will not ring or cause disruption to the instruction in the classroom.
Please do not send sick students to school. Students who are absent must submit a valid excuse for their absence within 3 days of the date. Please only send a parent note or doctor's excuse.
Attendance Notes should contain the student's full name, grade, date(s) of absence(s), parent's signature and contact number. Absences that are 3 consecutive days or longer require a doctor's note.
Transportation Changes
All afternoon dismissal and transportation changes must be made in writing. Also, if there is someone other than yourself picking your child up from car riders, please email the name of the person. If he or she does not have the green car rider placard, please let them know that we will ask to see their license prior to releasing any student. This is to protect the safety of your child. Please send an email stating the change to the email address below no later than 1:30 PM.
Afternoon Procedures
As instruction and student safety are our top priorities, we hope to limit the reduction of instructional time disruptions and the decrease in office chaos in the afternoons. We respectfully ask that all families refrain from office check-outs after 1:30 PM each day. We can no longer pull children off the bus once they load as this becomes a safety issue for students. Of course we understand that emergencies happen but we do ask that you work with us as we ensure all students get home safely in the afternoon.
Need Help with Translating or Interpreting
Ms. Lizzy Kilgore is our District Bilingual Liaison. Please contact her if you need help with translating or interpreting.
Phone: 770.651.2223
1/3 Student Holiday
1/4 Students return to school
1/5 Report Cards will be sent home
1/12 Parent Advisory Council | School Council Meeting | 6:00 PM (Virtual)
1/16 MLK Holiday
2/1 Spring Picture Day
2/2 Grounded in Grammar