October Update
📣 Families! Here's What's Happening This Month:
Fall Break is October 7 - 11. We will welcome everyone back for school on Monday, October 14th.
Tuesday, October 15th our students will welcome in a team of BMX stuntmasters. Students will hear about perseverance, hard work, and the importance of staying active in life along with seeing some pretty cool stunts.
Tuesday, October 22nd will be our Fundraiser Rewards Trip to Rascals Fun Zone. Students that earned the trip will have access to all attractions at the venue along with a pizza lunch. If they would like to bring extra money for the arcade games, they are welcome to do so.
We will end October with our first ILEARN Checkpoint. We have chosen to participate in the state pilot of the checkpoints and are looking forward to checking student mastery of standards three times through the year ahead of the final state assessment in the spring. Checkpoints will be brief and will help our teachers target instruction to student needs.
🍂 "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." - LM Montgomery
🍕 October Menus
🗣 Family Meals ✍🏽
🗓 Coming Up!
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! SAVE THE DATE for November 9-15 and get ready to empower your reader with book choice. #ScholasticBookFairs.