Westview Weekly
Important Dates
23 School Assembly - Outback Ray
25 Early Release Day - students dismissed at noon
27 Spirt Day - Hat Day
27 Football Game at Amherst
Homecoming Parade Reminder
The Avon Lake Homecoming Parade is this Saturday, September 21. If your child is planning to participate, please arrive at the Avon Lake High School shortly before 10 am and meet at the Westview Float. We ask that students wear maroon and gold! Please do not forget to bring a bag of candy for your child to throw during the parade. With 80+ students signed up to walk, we are looking for parent volunteers to walk in the parade too. Questions? Reach out to Liz Messier (419-239-3184) or Kristen Luciano (608-354-4765)
Early Release - Wednesday, 9-25
On Wednesday, September 25th, all elementary students in Avon Lake City Schools will be dismissed at 12:00. Our school day will begin at the regular time of 8:50 and students will be dismissed from the elementary buildings at noon. Dismissal will follow the regular process at 12:00.
Students will eat lunch in the classroom and will be held from 11:15-11:45. Students may pack or purchase a school lunch. If your child buys a school lunch, the menu is below.
Cheese and Salsa
Apple Slices
Chocolate Milk
Students that attend the Champions program after school will not go there due to the buildings closing at noon.
Student Medication Information - Updated Info!
Student Council Class Representative Information
Students in grades 2-4 that are interested in being a Class Representative should read the document below. It has all the details needed to participate in the election of Westview's Student Council.
24-25 Westview Calendar - Updated
The 24-25 Westview calendar of special or planned events has been updated and is below.
Westview K-Kids Sock-Tober Event
Westview K-Kids will be holding a Sock-Tober sock drive in October. Details are below and thank you for considering to participate and help out the Socks+program.
Westview PTA Spirit Wear
Westview PTA is working with Lake T Apparel to offer spirit wear for our students. Click below for more info.
🧡 Fall
Email: nick.moore@alcsoh.org
Website: www.smore.com
Phone: 440-933-8131
Facebook: facebook.com/smorepages
X: @smorenewsletter