HSD News Round-Up
Oct. 11, 2024

Pictured: This aerial snapshot of Hockinson illustrates the location of Hockinson's three schools, as well as Hockinson Meadows Park, which is adjacent to the proposed site for a new elementary school.
Read on to learn about the HSD's recent bond announcement, an exciting award earned by all of our students and staff, important school safety updates, and other news from around the HSD.
HSD News Round-Up
November 12, 2024
HSD School Board Announces Bond on Feb. 2025 Ballot
At its Oct. 28 regular meeting, the Hockinson School Board voted unanimously to place a bond measure on the February 11, 2025, Special Election ballot. As illustrated below, the bond proposal includes plans for a second elementary school to address overcrowding, safety improvements at all schools, a Career & Technology Education building for job readiness classes HHS, and other facility improvement projects. Learn more about the bond and what it means for our community: hocksd.org/bond
If approved, the Bond will benefit HSD students by
Addressing Overcrowding at HHES
The bond would fund the construction of a second elementary school to alleviate overcrowding at HHES. With an enrollment of 924 students, HHES the largest elementary school in Clark County and nearly 1/3 of its students spend most of their school day in one of the school’s 24 portable classrooms. Learn more.
Improving Safety at all Schools
The bond would also safety improvements at all Hockinson schools, including lockdown functionality at all Hockinson schools, classroom emergency messaging systems, and the installation of a single secure entry at Hockinson Heights Elementary School. Learn more.
Adding a Career & Technical Ed Building at HHS
...and improving outdoor areas, including a covered play area at HMS and a replacement track and synthetic turf field HHS, to increase year-round, multi-use access for students and community members while reducing maintenance costs.
Did you know…
a bond is different than a levy. What's the difference? The old saying sums up the main distinction: "Levies are for learning, bonds are for building.” Bonds require a 60% supermajority to pass, and are usually required for large-scale school construction projects.
Sorry for the Fall Confusion; Let's Clear Up Spring 2025 Conferences
We understand that operating on two different schedules is a little bewildering for families with students at different schools. So here is the breakdown: HHES has 10 days of elementary conferences: 5 in Fall and 5 in Spring. However, our secondary schools have 5 days of conferences: 3 in the Fall and 2 in Spring. This means, this pring HMS and HHS will operate on a regular schedule Mon, Mar. 24-Wed, 3/27. Thurs, 3/27 and Fri 3/28 will be 3-hour early release with 3/27 being the designated date for evening conferences. This schedule is included in the 2024-25 HSD Calendar.
Land Maintenance Scheduled for New HSD Property at 119th St & 172nd Ave
As you may know, Hockinson School District purchased 40 acres near Hockinson Meadows Park (NE 119th Street & NE 172nd Avenue) using impact fees in 2023. We wanted to make our community aware of some maintenance work that will take place on this property in the next few weeks. This work will involve agricultural equipment and is a continuation of last summer's efforts to remove and control common noxious weeds like tansy ragwort and hemlock to help keep local livestock, pets, and wildlife safe.
The HSD does its best to practice preventive maintenance at all of its facilities and this plowing and seeding is a proactive move to prevent noxious weeds next spring. It is not related to the proposal for a second elementary school on this site. Any potential development of the property as a school site would require voter approval of the February 11 bond measure and permitting from the county.
3-for-3: All Three HSD Schools Receive Statewide Culture Kick Off Award
Last week, HHES, HMS and HHS all received the news that they were receiving the Culture Kick Off Awards from the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP) and the Association of Washington Student Leaders (AWSL)! This prestigious award recognizes schools that foster a positive culture through a strong kickoff to the school year, events like spirit week and the volleyball-a-thon, and intentional forward planning for a positive school year. Leadership students across all three HSD schools played a key role in sweeping the awards by helping create an environment where everyone feels connected and motivated. Congratulations to students and staff for this well-deserved honor! This award announcement follows Hockinson Middle School’s AWSP School on the Rise recognition earlier this year.
Student Spotlight: Bryce Mansur
Meet Bryce Mansur, a HMS student who joined us from another district and now serves on Leadership! Bryce takes on the responsibility of connecting with his peers, promoting inclusivity, and engaging in school events and activities. He’s doing an excellent job! More from Bryce:
How long have you been involved with Leadership?
I came to Hockinson in 6th grade from a Spanish Dual Immersion school in Camas. I am now in 8th grade and joined Leadership this school year.
What inspired you to participate?
The thing that inspired me to join Leadership was the service projects, I thought the service projects would be very fun to work on.
What's your favorite part about being involved in Leadership?
My favorite part of Leadership is helping plan the school socials, making posters for upcoming events, and learning how to budget.
Do you have any advice for students new to Hockinson schools?
I didn’t know anyone when I came to Hockinson and it was difficult. My advice would be to not worry, it’s a big school with lots of kids to be friends with and lots of activities and clubs that you might like. You are not alone.
Bryce’s contributions to HMS have not gone unnoticed. As Principal Colpron shares, “Bryce has been an awesome addition to our HMS community. We are so lucky to have him as part of our Leadership class. He displays the characteristics of HMS: Honorable, Motivated, Safe and Secure, which are key components to being successful in our Leadership class.”
Parents/Students: Please do not remove protective cases from Chromebooks
Hockinson Students Celebrate Veterans Day
Veterans Day is an opportunity for our students to learn about the sacrifices and contributions of our veterans and also honor the brave men and women who have served our country with courage and dedication. Thank you to all who joined us at the Veterans Day assemblies at our three schools to celebrate, and express our gratitude to, our veterans!
HHES' Veterans Day Assemblies are among the school's well-attended events. Heartfelt thanks to all the families who joined us, especially those who have served!
Leadership students led the HMS Veterans Assembly featuring a slideshow honoring veterans and a speaker who shared what it means to serve both country and community.
At Friday's assembly, HHS students had the privilege of honoring veterans (including Principal Fox), hearing their powerful stories, and having a Q & A opportunity.
HSD Nutrition Services Aims to Make School Meals Fresh, Friendly, and Fun
HSD Nutrition Services Director Joshua Brown-Silva is pursuing a goal that every day, HSD students have a fresh item on their plate. While fresh options have always been available, Brown-Silva has expanded them over the past four years. For example, last month, all HSD schools incorporated fresh fruit (cantaloupe) instead of canned fruit in their salad bars. Sometimes these items are a hit (roasted vegetable medley at HHES) and sometimes they are not (zucchini at HMS), but Brown-Silva is undeterred. "Part of my job is making sure our students are exposed to nutritious food options that they may not see every day," said Brown-Silva. "I love seeing the breakthroughs, when students like a fruit or vegetable they haven't tried before."
Brown-Silva also knows that students also like having choice, which is the idea behind "Your Vote Matters" in which HHES students vote on their favorite dishes (pictured). No surprises here. After the votes were tallies, Pizza was #1 and Chicken nuggets were #2. Read the full article here.
Brown-Silva wants to remind all families that HSD schools will be serving up a Thanksgiving Feast the week of Nov. 21. Lunch prices are $3.35 (HHES), $3.75 (HMS), and $3.90 (HHS) and students can charge up their accounts or pay with cash, but no change can be given due to time constraints. Any change will be applied to the student's lunch account to be used for a future meal.
Interested in Getting Involved? Join the HSD Wellness Committee
Attention HSD parents: Are you interested in promoting health learning environments for our students? If yes, then you might want to get involved in our district's Wellness Committee. It's a group of district and school employees as well as parent and student volunteers that share an interest in ensuring that our schools comply with the district wellness policy and our students have access to healthy foods, physical activity, and mental health support.
The HSD Wellness Committee meets in November, February, and May and presents an annual report to the HSD School Board. If you would like to join this committee, contact Aaron Villanueva, HSD Business Services Director at aaron.villanueva@hocksd.org or (360) 448-6400.
Levy Spotlight: Steele Supports HSD School Safety
For the past three years, Rick Steele, retired Battalion Chief for the Vancouver Fire Department and former HHS football coach, has been working alongside the HSD's Safety Director, Superintendent Steve Marshall, to continually improve safety in HSD Schools. Most recently, the two have collaborated on revising our district's parent-student reunification procedures (see below). Here is a quick Q & A with Rick:
What is your background with school and student/staff safety?
When I worked for the Vancouver Fire Department, I served as the department’s liaison with the Clark County Safe School Task Force. In the 25 years since, I have participated in the annual Safety Summits and consulted with the Vancouver Public Schools and Evergreen School District. For the past 3 years I have worked with the HSD to improve its safety program.
How do you feel about seeing schools take steps to get more prepared, more safe?
School safety is something I am passionate about and it is gratifying to see the improvements we implement pay off. Hockinson has made some big gains in its safety program and I feel very good about this progress.
What’s ahead for school safety in the HSD?
As we implement new procedures, I’m excited to see how the staff and students respond and the overall level of knowledge and preparedness [in Hockinson Schools] continues to improve. What I really want to do is provide people with the tools so they do not feel helpless and instead know what to do to act and make a difference in an emergency situation. Specifically, Steve [Marshall] and I are working to make an HSD school a pilot school for a new emergency labeling system that directs students and staff toward exits, AED devices, and designated shelter-in-place locations.
Thank you, Rick. Also, thank you Hockinson. Funds from the 2022-26 EP & O Levy enable the district to purchase the services, supplies, and equipment that make our schools safer.
Just in Case: HSD Parent-Student Reunification
Parent-student reunification may be required in response to various emergency situations including extreme weather, police activity, on-campus incident, or natural disaster.
Reunification Levels:
The HSD is prepared for four different levels of parent-student reunification:
- Level 1: Reunification on-site with normal pick-up procedure outside of normal pick-up hours;
- Level 2: On-site reunification involving controlled release of student to parent/guardian involving Reunification Information form (which would be provided to parents);
- Level 3: Level 2 reunification at another HSD site (#1 option: HHS stadium);
- Level 4: Level 2 reunification at Hockinson Meadows Park or another non-HSD site TBD.
In the event of an emergency, parents would be notified of the reunification level along with further details and instructions.
HSD Inclement Weather Plans & Family Notifications
As we transition from autumn and winter, it is important that both our schools and families prepare for colder temperatures - and the possibility of late starts and school cancellations due to inclement weather. Parents, we encourage you to take this opportunity to update your contact information in Skyward Family Access if it has changed in the past year.
Weather-related late starts and closure decisions are typically made with just a few hours notice. We will do our best to notify parents of any schedule changes as early as possible. Ideally, families can expect to be notified by 6:15 am via text message, email, and phone call. Snow route/late start/closure announcements will also be posted in an alert box on the HSD website and shared with local news media. We will also send out follow-up communications if we switch from a late start to a closure. School closures will result in make-up days. Our district’s designated snow make-up day is Friday, March 15 (see the 2024-25 School Calendar), and any additional closures will likely be added to the end of the school year.
We’re using a new text messaging system this year to notify families of important updates like inclement weather impacts. We conducted a test of the system earlier this school year and fixed all known issues by updating family contact information. If you believe that you are not receiving school text messages, please contact your school’s front office.
Fortier, Foster Named "Live Here, Learn Here" Heroes
Each year, Identity Clark County (ICC) celebrates local school employees and volunteers who make outstanding contributions to student learning and school resources. As a non-profit coalition of local business leaders, ICC recognize that schools are the “foundation of vibrant, healthy communities where people want to live and employers want to operate.”
This year, ICC recognized HHS English teacher Elizabeth Fortier and parent volunteer Jennifer Foster at its October 24 “Live Here, Learn Here Heroes” awards ceremony. Fortier worked with Project Lit to create a library with over 1,000 books, while Foster’s leadership with fundraising efforts generated over $90,000 for the district's band program. These are just two examples of how Fortier and Foster go above and beyond for the Hockinson school community.
News Bites
- HHS Girls Soccer Earns State Berth: The HHS girls Soccer Team punched its ticket to the 2024 State Soccer Tournament with a dramatic victory over WF West High School on Saturday. After a 0-0 tie at the end of regulation, the game went to penalty kicks, where the Hawks won 2-1 with PK goals from Amelia Stewart and Audrey Armstrong. The girls will play Bainbridge High School this Wednesday at 5 pm at Bainbridge High School.
- Peterson Named Coach of the Year; HHS XC Soars at State: Melissa Peterson, Head Coach of the HHSD Program, was named the GSHL 2A Girls Cross Country Coach of the Year. It is an honor Peterson also won last year when she was also recognized as both the Boys and Girls Coach of the Year. Peterson, along with assistant coaches Nichole Ervin and Kyle Peterson, guided the girls team to league and district titles and a 6th place finish at the State Meet this past weekend. Meanwhile, the boys team finished 12th at State. Both were the highest Cross Country team finishes in school history!
- Bravo to Cast & Crew of The Giver: The HHS Fall Play The Giver recently ended its 8-show run this weekend to audience acclaim. The play, set against the backdrop of a dystopian society that has gone to "sameness," was a challenge to bring to the stage for its two casts of actors as well as for the students responsible for lighting and sound. However, this team of students, under the direction of Stephanie Evans and Stephen Cookson, pulled off a remarkable production. Evans is excited to bring the musical The Sound of Music to the stage this spring!
- AAA Boosters Prepare for Nov. 23 Holiday Bazaar: After a successful Hawk-o-ween Auction to support HHS Athletics, Academics, and Activities, the Boosters are shifting their attention to another annual tradition: The Holiday Bazaar. The Hockinson community is invited for a day of festive holiday shopping on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 9 am to 4 pm. This event will feature over 120 vendors, including the Hawk Apparel Pop-Up Shop. Concessions will be available courtesy of the 2025 Grad Committee.
- Nutrition Services Newsletter: The latest newsletter from Chartwells, our district's Nutrition Services provider, is available here. It features a recipe for bison nachos, a nod to National Apple Month, a shout out to HHS Cook Tina Baertlein, and more.
Upcoming Events
* Be sure to check your school newsletters and calendars for holiday concerts!
- Fri. Nov. 14: HMS Winter Social
- Mon. Nov 18: HHS Winter Sports Begin
- Nov. 21, 22, 23: HSD School Board at Annual WSSDA Conference in Spokane
- Sat. Nov. 23: Boosters' Holiday Bazaar at 9 am-4 pm @ HHS
- Mon. Nov. 25: School Board Regular Meeting at 6-8 pm @ HCC and Zoom
- Nov. 27, 28, 29: Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL
- Mon. Dec. 2: Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting at 6-7:30 pm on Zoom
- Thur. Dec. 5: Stone in Love community concert at 6:30 pm @ HHS Gym
- Fri. Dec. 6: Hockinson Tree Lighting at 6 pm @ HCC
- Mon. Dec. 9: School Board Regular Meeting at 6-8 pm @ HCC and Zoom
- Dec. 23-Jan. 3: Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
ICYMI: In case you missed a previous newsletter, our Round-Ups are archived here!
Contact Us
Email: justine.hanrahan@esd112.org
Website: https://www.hocksd.org/
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606, USA
Phone: (360) 448-6400