Hildebrandt Hoofbeat
Week of July 29th

Week of August 19th, 2024
What's Happening at Hilde...
August 19 Cross Country 8 Boys and Girls 7:30 AM
August 20 Cross Country 7 Boys and Girls 7:30 AM
Picture Day August 20th (Through Science classes)
Fall Open House: September 11th 5:30p-7p
Week 2!
A couple of reminders:
Students are required to wear a school issued lanyard with their student IDs at all times visibly around their necks.
Students are not to have any internet capable devices in use while they are at school. Smart phones/watches, tablets, bluetooth headphones are to be turned off and inside backpacks.
📷Picture Day 8/20 (TUESDAY)📷
FLYERS went home with students Friday, 8/16. Every student will take their picture during their Science class on Tuesday, 8/20.
See below for a link to purchase online:
Enter student ID number OR Picture Day ID:
Behavior Expectations
💙🐴HEART of a Mustang! 🐴💙
We are working with all of Mustang Nation to provide clear behavior expectations for our students. Each teacher is working on a CORE VALUE in their classroom to provide students with multiple opportunities to see the CORE VALUES in action.
We are excited to celebrate the success of our students with showing EXCELLENT character!
Football Updates:
We would love to communicate to you about our Mustang Football team! Please join us for a Football Parent Meeting in the GYM on Tuesday 8/20 @6:30 in the BIG GYM.
Please park in the parking lot closest to the GYM and ENTER the doors to the GYM Foyer.
Cross Country Updates
First Practice 8th Grade Boys and Girls: Monday 8/19 @7:30
First Practice 7th Grade Boys and Girls: Tuesday 8/20 @7:30
Please join our PARENT meeting on Monday 8/26 @6pm in the BIG GYM (meeting is for BOTH 7/8 Parents).
We ask for you to park in the parking lot closest to the GYM and ENTER the doors to the GYM FOYER.
Chromebook Pick Up and Student ID distribution
Chromebooks are for Academics. If students are using them for personal use that is inappropriate or not benefiting academics they can be taken up by campus administrators. Please ensure your student understands that chromebooks are not to be used for gaming, music or chatting with friends.
Click for info on Tech Safety:
Mustang Family!
If your child will need a prescribed medication while at school, there has been a change to Klein ISD procedures. Prescribed medications will need a written order by a licensed healthcare provider. Clinic staff will not be able to use the prescription label as proof of the written medical order, as in the past. The licensed healthcare provider can use the Klein ISD Medication Authorization form, an action plan, or a letter from their office to provide their signed consent. If you have any questions, please contact our school clinic at 832-249-5063.
School Supplies
Start of school procedures
Upon arrival to campus:
6th Graders will go into the BIG GYM
7th Graders will go into the CAFETERIA
8th Graders will go into the SMALL GYM
Students will pick up their schedules and remain in the area for their grade level until released by administration.
REMINDER: students can enter the building after 8:35.
Staff will help guide students to the correct areas. Parents are not allowed to escort students into the building. Please make sure to drop your student off and exit the line so that all students can get into the building in a timely manner.
Student release begins at 4:15. Car riders, bikers and walkers will be released at 4:15. Bus riders will be released from their class when their bus arrives to campus.
Click for curriculum guides to HELP your students for Q1
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
We have new drop-off/pick-up procedures to follow. Please refer to the map above for details.
There are two lanes that enter from Hildebrandt Rd (right after the bus lot). You will drop off your student at the pillars only in front of the school. There will be staff members outside to assist you with this. Please follow the path to exit Hildebrandt Rd (near the railroad tracks).
Parents will not be allowed to park in the parking lot to pick up students. Please make sure that you are following the set procedures so that we can ensure a safe and orderly dismissal.
At Hildebrandt, we strive to recognize our students who show H.E.A.R.T. This outreach would not be possible for our students without your support!