Frayne Today
Final Edition 2024

Week 10 Term 4 | 16/12/2024
Principal's Welcome
Welcome to our final Frayne Today for 2024.
Our year has certainly concluded with great excitement amongst the students and staff. On Friday students from K-12 were allocated their new Houses for 2025 and beyond. On Thursday last week we announced all staff allocations. We will have an official launch of the Houses at the start of the 2025 year.
As part of the process to bring life and identity to our Houses a special workshop was conducted at the Xavier Campus with 70 students from Year 1 to Year 12 and sixteen staff participating. The students worked with House Coordinators and Primary Staff in a facilitated workshop conducted by Mr Michael Nicholas from the creative projects company Run Mouse Run.
The Aboriginal seasons and Patron Feast days were used to decide House Colours. By aligning these two elements House Colour was able to be decided easy.
The workshop resulted in the key identity concepts for crest, symbol, value and mascot to be decided for each house. These elements will be finalised and revealed at the House launch at the start of the 2025 new year.
All students from Kindy to Year 10 have been informed of their new House Allocation. Year 11 and 12 students will be informed by SEQTA communication this week.
There is no need to worry about House Shirts at this stage. House shirts are currently in design mode and the aim is to have shirts ready for semester two. In the interim students can wear their sports uniform or current house shirt.
At the annual community meeting held on the 26th November, 2024, a number of reports were presented. Please find a link the Principal's report which was tabled at the meeting.
At this meeting three new members were appointed to the College Advisory Council:
- Carly Davis
- Desmond Abel
- Victoria Ward
Thank you to the following parents who will continue to be members of the College Advisory Council in 2025.
- Richard Miles
- Mary Turonek
- Jason Fair
- Julia Ewert
- Veronique Renel
- Rebecca McAdam
- Fr Nicholas | Fr Bello
Mr Chris Kelly will be concluding his time as a Council member due to relocating overseas. Chris has been a valuable contributor to the Council, and we are thankful for this.
I look forward to writing my second community letter to you all in late January which will help prepare you for an extra special celebration year at the College. Ursula Frayne Catholic College will celebrate 35 years since the amalgamation of St Joachims and Xavier College. A very timely time to name our two college campuses Xavier Campus and Joachim Campus.
We have lots to look forward to in 2025. In what will be a year of celebrating 35 years as Ursula Frayne College and 125 years of Mercy Education associated with the college, we have the following to be excited by:
- A new secondary timetable
- A new K - 12 House structure
- Introduction of a House Activity period at the Xavier Campus (Friday Afternoon)
- New house polo shirts - to be introduced for semester two
- Introduction of a K - 12 House Spirit Cup Competition (To be named)
- Continued refRESH of the Joachim Campus
- Introduction of the Fr(AI)ne Academy K - 12.
- Student naming of the College Cafe
- Introduction of a Year 12 retreat
- Introduction of three-year-old Kindy at the Xavier Campus starting semester two
- Year one of the Fathering Project.
As the year draws to a close and our staff wrap-up for 2024 I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the staff, students and parents who have welcomed me into the Frayne Family. I hope you all have a joyous and safe Christmas, New Year and holiday break and look forward to welcoming you back to Frayne in 2025
For your children | Mark Antulov | Principal
Staff Updates
As always, the end of a school year sees a lot of movement with staff and this year is no different. However we do have some long-term Frayne Family moving out and on and would like to recognise and highlight their commitment to the College while they were here.
After 24 years of work at the college Ms Mcgonigle is retiring. Ms McGonigle has been a wonderful servant if the college in her community engagement role. Mary's support of both staff and students has been exemplary and her passion and love for the College is inspiring. Mary will be missed but we are sure she will stay connected to her Frayne Family.
After 18 years of committed service to the College Mr Cabalzar has been appointed to the position of Business Manager at Newman College. The College is thankful for Mr Cabalzar's stewardship of the College finances over this period. The College has undertaken a number of building projects in his time ensuring that our students have positive learning environments. We wish Mr Cabalzar all the best for his new role.
Mandy Williams has decided to downscale her work and has accepted a part time role at a small primary school close to her home. Mandy has been a wonderful Executive Assistant to the Principal for 12 years. Her energy and commitment to serving others will be missed at the College. We will celebrate Mandy's contribution to the College this week.
We wish the following staff all the best as they take seconded appointments for 2025:
- Adam Waddell - seconded to John Paul College Kalgoorlie to the role of Deputy Principal.
- Daniel Gallanagh - seconded to St Brigid's College Lesmurdie.
We acknowledge the following staff who will conclude their time at the College:
- Kim Thuijs
- Kim Duffecy
- Jaymie Smith
- Olivier Patterson
- Rose Warburton
- Olivia Spagnoli
- Isaac Ramshaw - Attard
The following staff completed their short-term contracts:
- Ciaran Allsop
- Kelly Chambers
- Anne Armstrong
- Michelle Biasin
- Madison Crellin
- Abbey Hunter
- Lydia Emanuele
- Polly Reitsema
- Gabrielle Repace
- Sam Smith
- Emily Wood
- Claire Woolfitt
Upcoming Events 2025
Wednesday 29 January: Kindy Playdate
Thursday 30 & Friday 31 January: New Staff Induction
Friday 31 January: Year 12 Ball
Wednesday 5 February: Term 1 Begins for K-6, Years 7 & 12
Thursday 6 February: Term 1 Begins for Years 8-11
Friday 7 February: Opening School Mass
Monday 10 February: Prep School Parent Information Evening
Wednesday 12 February: High Achievers Assembly
Thursday 13 February: Year 7 Parents Information & Social Evening
College Celebrations
On Thursday 21 November our 2025 Year 7 cohort visited the Joachim Campus to get oriented with high school life. It was so lovely to see so many smiling faces! We can't wait to welcome them back to campus in 2025 as full-time Frayne Family members.
We are thrilled to share the launch of our latest project in Education Support – Gr8 Enterprises.
This pilot initiative is designed to help our students develop the skills they will need in life beyond school. In partnership with Dr. Michael Openshaw, we are introducing a new pathway called Custom Path for students who will not achieve WACE in 2025, recognising that each student’s journey is unique.
Gr8 Enterprises will play a vital role in preparing students for their future. As part of the Custom Path program, we are now offering Cert I in Adult Education and Cert I in Active Volunteering. Our enterprise will also provide students with valuable volunteering hours through hands-on work experience.
We have already begun trialling some of the roles students can take on, starting with the delivery of fruit and milk to both campuses. A special thank you to Chef Nic, who has been instrumental in guiding us through these early stages and ensuring we have everything we need to make this pilot a success. As you’ll see in the photos, our students are thriving in this new environment!
Looking ahead, Gr8 Enterprises will include a variety of roles, such as:
•Magical Creations: A coffee and smoothie-making business
•Delivery Service: Xavier & Joachim Campuses (fruit & milk)
•Recycling Program: Collecting paper for recycling
•Eco Warriors Collaboration: Cash for Cans & Worm Farm Assistance
•School Flags: Helping with flag management
•Shredding Confidential Documents
•Watering School Plants
•Student Services Runner
•Laundry service for Staffroom and Canteen
This is just the beginning of what we hope will be a vibrant and varied program, offering our students' diverse opportunities to practise the communication, organisational, and social skills they need to succeed. We are incredibly grateful to our teachers, education assistants, groundsmen, and administration staff for their support.
On Monday 25 November, six UFCC students were given the opportunity to assist at the annual Modern Slavery Reflection evening at St Mary's Cathedral, organised by Catholic Mission. As Ursula Frayne was a sponsor for the event, we helped at the front door, welcoming and assisting people, which let us experience the community of St Mary's Cathedral. It was a brilliant opportunity to come together for Advent as a faith community to reflect on, as well as learn something about, the issue of modern slavery.
Tahlia Reilly
Year 10 Student
Having prepared for the heat wave all week before the Concert, we were all very happy to see the overcast conditions and reduced temperatures on Friday 29 November! The students spent the afternoon travelling by bus back and forth from Higgins Park practising on the stage for the big event. Despite it being a hot week and nearing the end of the year, they performed admirably in preparation for the big show.
As the families began setting up their picnics and camp chairs from 4.00pm, it was apparent that it was going to be a big turnout. By the time the students and music tutors began playing the Christmas Carols instrumentally, there were hundreds of families spread around the staging area. The festive spirit was well under way and the nervous energy was growing.
As the sun began to set, and the lights began to brighten the stage, the Junior School Dance Troupe opened the night with a spectacular dance performance which they entered in the Catholic Performing Arts in Term 3. This was then followed by the gorgeously cute Kindy students who reminded us all why we were in attendance and what the true spirit of Christmas is all about, the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Following on from the Kindy children, each class then had an opportunity to sing on the stage as a year group. In between each act, the Year 6 students played Carols for the community to join in with and compered the whole evening. The digital Christmas Carols Booklet was also put together by a Year 6 student, Dominic Newman. The entire evening was conducted by the senior students who did an amazing job hosting such a special celebration.
Thank you to all the staff who spent their Friday and evening setting up and supporting our children so that they truly shone on that stage. The Christmas Spirit was capped off by a special visitor, Santa Claus, who almost caused a stampede!
We thank all of our community for attending our first outdoors Christmas Celebration Under the Stars, and we look forward to seeing even more in attendance next year!
Andy Dalton
Head of Junior School
The Celebration of Excellence Assembly for the Duncan campus was held on Tuesday 3 December. It is an opportunity to not only recognise achievements in all fields of endeavour; spiritual, academic, sporting, and cultural, but also show our gratitude and appreciation for the contributions our students make to our college community.
The Celebration Assembly was student-focussed. Year 9 students Erin O’Callaghan and Zeeahra Anderson chaired the assembly together with the 2025 Student Executive of Samuel Osnain, Deputy Head Boy, Suraiya Steele, Deputy Head Girl, Luca Di Bartolomeo, Head Boy, and Grace Pearson, Head Girl. Year 10 student, Parker O’Neill skilfully worked behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of all technical aspects of the assembly while Year 11 students Oscar Gardner and Caden Fraser oversaw the audio for the event. We are very blessed to have students who are willing to generously give of their time and talents to support college events
It was wonderful to see so many parents attend and be part of the celebration. They were well entertained by our talented musicians and dancers and were able to view the creative work of the art and media students. The morning tea afterwards was an opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of the college and each other’s company.
Assemblies such as this are important for our community to gather to acknowledge and celebrate the fantastic efforts, achievements, and successes of our students.
Pauline Bourke
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care and Community
The Year 2 cohort celebrated their end of year liturgy on Tuesday 3 December. It was a lovely liturgy with few dry eyes left in the church.
To sum up the 2024 Year 2 students in the form of a poem:
I think you’re very special, and I just wanted you to know,
This year has been amazing, I’m so sad to see you go!
We’ve done so much together, we’ve laughed and smiled and learned,
After such an exciting journey, enjoy the summer break you’ve earned.
Remember to come and visit, I would love to see you grow,
You have a lot to learn ahead, but there is one thing you should know.
The thing that makes you wonderful, and will shine through all you do,
Is just to be yourself and be proud that you are you!
The Liturgy is symbolic of the journey that continues for our Year 2 students next year in the Junior School. They are guided on this journey with Jesus by their side to spread the Good News of the Lord.
Thank you to everyone who attended and was part of the Year 2 celebration liturgy for 2024.
Julia Horgan
Assistant Head of Preparatory School
On Tuesday 3 December, we marked the 10th year of celebrating the International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPwD) on the Joachim Campus, and on Wednesday 4 December we held our first-ever celebration on the Xavier Campus. The theme for this year, “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future,” resonated strongly across both campuses as we reflected on our ongoing commitment to inclusion and support for all students.
Joachim Campus Celebration
The day on the Joachim Campus began with a beautiful start at the Town of Victoria Park Flag Raising Ceremony. Alongside other schools, we had the privilege of listening to the Mayor and a guest speaker discuss the importance of inclusion and how we can all contribute to creating a more inclusive world. It was an inspiring reminder of the power of community and collaboration.
Returning to Frayne, we were delighted to welcome over 70 guests, including past, present, and future families, students, teachers, and representatives from CEWA. A highlight of the day was our guest speaker, Stephanie Hayes, a former Frayne student who graduated in 2009. Stephanie is a neurodiverse advocate passionate about animal conservation and education. Her incredible achievements include creating an educational Conservation Game App designed to engage learners of all abilities. Stephanie’s dedication and story were a testament to the IDPwD theme, and we were honoured to have her share her journey.
We also celebrated our graduating Year 12 students, Daniel Simmons and Joe Pike, with heartfelt speeches that reflected on their time at Frayne and their bright futures ahead. These moments served as a reminder of the resilience, growth, and contributions of all our students. After the formalities, guests enjoyed nibbles and conversations, with past students, families, and teachers reconnecting in a warm and joyful atmosphere.
Xavier Campus Celebration
The Xavier Campus also embraced the spirit of IDPwD with its first celebration. While this year’s event was intentionally kept small, we are confident it will grow into a larger celebration in years to come.
The highlight of the day was hearing from two high school parents, Jane Royce and Caitlin Broderick, who shared their personal journeys and provided invaluable insights on how we can support one another as a community. Mrs Moore did a fantastic job as MC, guiding the event with grace and warmth.
The celebration concluded with tea, nibbles, and meaningful conversations, giving parents an opportunity to connect, share their experiences, and realise they are not alone on their journey. The sense of community and support that emerged was truly uplifting.
Why We Celebrate
At Ursula Frayne Catholic College, we are proud to be an inclusive school. No matter a student’s disability, learning, or emotional needs, we are dedicated to wrapping programs around them to ensure success both in school and life beyond. Celebrating IDPwD is an opportunity to recognise the incredible contributions and potential of our students, foster a culture of inclusion, and strengthen the bonds within our community.
We extend our gratitude to Mr Antulov for addressing guests at both events and sharing what IDPwD means to him, as well as to everyone who contributed to making these celebrations so meaningful.
As we continue to celebrate the achievements of our students and embrace the principles of inclusion, we are reminded of the power of leadership, community, and collaboration in shaping a sustainable and inclusive future.
Sally Matthews
Director of Learning Diversity
On Tuesday 3 December the inaugural Year 6 Valete Evening was held at the Xavier Campus and Our Lady Help of Christians Church.
The liturgy was a beautiful celebration and the first time the term ‘Valete’ has been used. It’s a fitting Latin term that means to say farewell and this represented the evening perfectly as a way to recognise the end of primary school for these students as they continue their journey into secondary school.
The students reflected on Catherine McAuley’s calling to the Sisters of Mercy to “be shining lamps, giving light to all around us”. In recognition of the shining lights that assisted the students throughout their journey, the Year 6 students wrote gratitude cards to teachers that had been “shining lights” to them along their primary journey. They reflected on the words of Mr Antulov about being special and celebrating their uniqueness.
The liturgy ended with the Year 6 students performing a moving rendition of “A Million Dreams” which left all of the parents with tears in their eyes, filled with pride as they continued the celebration in the Xavier Campus Hall with supper. A big thank you to the Year 5 families who put on a wonderful celebration for the Year 6’s, supported by the Friends of Frayne. We also thank Mr Antulov, Mrs Bouwman, Mr Dalton, Mrs Quin and all other staff who supported the students by attending the evening.
We look forward to seeing what they achieve in the next part of their journey.
Sabrina Del Rosso and Daniel Gallanagh
Year 6 Teachers
On Wednesday 4 December our Year 7 students participated in the World of Maths incursion. Students worked together, and engaged as a team to discuss strategies to help them develop problem-solving skills and build confidence in their maths abilities.
Hands-on activities have many benefits for students. It’s not just about reinforcing maths concepts – the activities encourage participation, boost confidence and spark a love of learning. The variety of activities catered for all abilities, which encouraged positive thinking so that students felt rewarded through their achievements. There was no pressure to finish – as long as everyone ‘gave it a go’. The chain activity proved the most challenging and had students offering encouragement and ideas to assist participants.
A great morning was had by all Year 7 students. This incursion reinforced the power of 'learning by doing' particularly in Mathematics.
Kerry Ellis
Learning Area Coordinator Mathematics
Following the lovely Valete celebration, the Year 6 students were able to continue their celebration with their end of year excursion.
This year, the students got to continue their learning about different forms of street art with a walking street art tour with O Hey WA!’s Adie and Phoebe. This was a fantastic tour full of amazing pieces and variety of styles through Globe Lane, Wolf Lane and Yagan Square. We then caught the train to Optus Stadium where we enjoyed lunch before completing a tour of the stadium.
Breaking up into three groups, we explored all different areas of the stadium from the 340m2 TV screens on level five, a coaching box, the West Coast Eagles change rooms and getting to sit on the Fremantle Dockers’ interchange bench. We definitely got the opportunity to hear about the value of having such an amazing stadium facility in our state, which linked to our Business and Economics studies this semester.
A big thank you to all of the parent helpers who joined us on the day. It was a fantastic day had by all and a great way to celebrate with the Year 6 students.
Sabrina Del Rosso and Daniel Gallanagh
Year 6 Teachers
To round out the year, the Xavier Campus had their End of Year Mass and Awards Assembly on Friday 6 December.
It began with a beautiful and reverent mass, led by Fr Nweke. We then moved into the formal part of the day, with an Awards Assembly, where for the first time ever students from Years 1 through 6 were presented with Outstanding Endeavour Awards.
To finish the assembly, select Year 6 students were recognised with Christian Leadership Awards, Principal's Awards and Frayne Medals. These awards are given to those students who have excelled during their time at Frayne.
Congratulations to those students, your achievements are to be commended!
Note: Full listing of award recipients is in the Student Award section below.
News & Updates
As we plan our annual Neurodiversity Celebration Week Parent and Student Evening, we want to ensure it’s meaningful, inclusive, and supportive for all who attend.
We invite you to complete the form below to share your thoughts on topics, speakers, event format, and ways to enhance networking opportunities. Your input will play a vital role in shaping an experience that celebrates and strengthens our community.
Thank you for sharing your feedback and helping us make this event the best it can be!
Thank you to all our Frayne families who have gone out of their way to help those in need this year by donating to the Vinnies Christmas appeal.
This year we also have a number of families helping out with the packing of hampers in OLHC Church on Friday 13 December 2024.
If you would like to help out, please email the St Vincent de Paul OLHC conference secretary on: EastVictoriaPark.Secretary@svdpwa.org.au
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish wishes to inform the families of children participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation (Yr 6), Holy Communion (Yr 4) and Reconciliation (Yr 3) in 2025 that the dates have been set and are:
First Holy Communion Sunday 22 June at 9.30am
Confirmation Saturday 28 June at 4.00pm
Reconciliation Tuesday 9 September at 5.00pm
The enrolment forms for all sacraments will be available at all weekend masses on the 8 & 9 March. Those wishing to participate will need to return the form at any of the weekend masses the following weekend, 15 & 16 March. All Sacramental Program details are on display on the Parish Notice Board. For more information, please email olhcsacramentsevp@gmail.com.
Arts Spotlight
Approximately 50 students from primary schools across Perth enjoyed our Instrument Trial event. They were able to rotate through five instrument stations, trying out all the Concert Band and Orchestral stringed instruments on offer at Frayne.
The visiting students were ably assisted by our Frayne Music Ambassadors, while music staff completed suitability checks and stamped the students Instrument Trial Passports.
On Saturday 30 November the College held its annual Piano Festival Concert.
As always it was a wonderful day, showcasing the amazing talents of our piano students. Parents and families enjoyed performances from 76 students from both Xavier and Joachim Campuses demonstrating their love for piano and learning.
Thank you to those students for being brave enough to take the stage, to the families for showing their support and to our amazing teachers.
Ashley Baker
Coordinator of Instrumental and Choral Programs
Student Spotlight
Tim has recently been selected as a Training Partner for the Western Australian U20s men's netball team. He has also been chosen as a Training Partner for the men's team at Comets in the WANL (Western Australian Netball League). Congratulations Tim!
On Sunday 8 December our experienced String Quartet of Amberley Miles (Year 9), Perth Macapagal (Year 9), Kylan Barrett (Year 11) and Euan Macapagal (Year 11) entered to compete in WAYACOMP, a chamber music competition here in Perth.
It’s a first for a Frayne instrumental ensemble to compete in anything, let alone a high-profile competition such as WAYACOMP, with thanks to their director Kateryna Melnichenko for getting them involved.
Whilst they didn't take away any prizes, their score of 82/100 is an amazing achievement! Congratulations and thank you for representing our College so well, especially considering school has finished for the year. Your dedication to your craft is outstanding.
Student Awards
There was much to celebrate at the end of the year! Here are the recipients for the major awards which were presented at the Celebration of Excellence (Joachim Campus) and Awards Assembly (Xavier Campus):
Xavier Campus
Outstanding Endeavour Award: Georgia Rodrigo | Max Fowler | Aurora Ramawickrema | Jonathan Arockia Dass | Aria Vivanco Thacker | Amelia Desta | Rhys Cikarela | Luca Richards Critchley | Hugo Hill | Nicole Rizkalla | Ashleigh Girgenti | Anthony Kaye | Georgia Kintanar
Christian Leadership Award: Julius Lin | Dominic Newman | Julia Teope-Cuccovia | Rachael Deering
Principal's Award: Benjamin Monaldi | Emmett Sammels | Eloise Hill | Olive Hegarty
Frayne Medal: Lily Sciortino | Macayla Lai
Joachim Campus
Sportswoman of the Year: Mary-Jane O'Malley | Kate South | Zeeahra Anderson | Angelina Kosta | Amelie Adamczyk
Sportsman of the Year: Daniel Kinsman | Chase Brunt | Thomas Webb | Mark Sunkar | Luc Carles | Andrew Cook
Anne Parker Achievement Award: Alessandra Andreoli
Rev. Mathai Memorial Award: Christian Rozario
ADF Long Tan Leadership Award: Leo Newman
ADF Future Innovators Award: Rishab Sharma
Principal's Award: Dominic Koh | Keira McDaid | Joshua Sawin | Jaimie Girgenti | William Hemingway | Olivia Chambers | Levi Escalante | Charlotte Silva | Robin Hersey | Riley Corbett de Winnaar | Josephine Barnett | Grace Pearson | Luca Di Bartolomeo
Frayne Medal: Erin O'Callaghan
Friends of Frayne
Check the calendar in 2025 for the full listing of Friends of Frayne meetings and get involved!
Dad’s of Frayne is a newly established group by dads, for dads – to engage, belong and learn.
Research shows that children with engaged fathers have better academic, social and emotional outcomes, and Dads benefit from being part of a supportive peer-to-peer environment that improves confidence, skills and commitment.
What we do, or don’t do as dads, has an enormous impact on the happiness and health of the children we love.
That’s why we’re encouraging dads across our school community to join Dad’s of Frayne in partnership with the Fathering Project. The Fathering Project was founded in 2013, by Professor Bruce Robinson in Western Australia, with the aim of supporting fathers, and father figures, to be the best parent they can be so their children can thrive.
Look out for the Dad’s of Frayne events in 2025!
Nick Ng, Dad’s of Frayne
041 614 4570
Each year, Friends of Frayne allocates a specified amount in our budget towards supporting small projects and requests that enhance our children's experience at school. It's great to have a process involving staff and students that can provide experience in preparing proposals and presenting applications.
In Semester 2 this year Small Grants have enabled support of:
- Years 5/6 Dance Troupe costumes - for their performance in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival.
- Early Learning Centre Tricycle Repairs and Upgrades.
- Noise Reducing Smoothie Machines for the Magical Creations business within the Education Support Unit.
- Write a Book in A Day student fundraising teams, producing some truly beautiful books for sick children to read in hospitals across Australia.
We look forward to sharing more updates in Term 1 next year!
To congratulate Year 9 for successfully completing their extended tests in preparation for moving into the senior years, Friends of Frayne provided some little bags of sweet treats for each student.
The Year Celebration liturgy and morning tea was a beautiful morning. The year 2 families were very generous with their contributions to morning tea so that offering was plentiful and delicious. The photo wall, kindly donated by Jess Pochintesta was also a big hit so thank you Jess. We would like to extend a very special thank you to Maria Kaye, our Groundsmen Lee Barker and Kostya Daylight as well as Son Nguy who were all instrumental in setting up for the morning. We appreciate you all!
The Year 6 Celebration Liturgy Evening was a wonderful evening. It is a beautiful tradition supported by both the college, Friends of Frayne and Year 5 parents. Year 6 students and their families enjoyed a light supper while socialising and creating memories, to celebrate the end of their primary school journey. A very special THANK YOU to the Year 5 Class Coordinators Deanna Monaldi and Caroline Sonego for co-ordinating such a stunning and enjoyable event. Thank you also to our wonderful team of planners and helpers: Nicola Iannantuoni, Nikki Middleton, Aimee Hamer, Cynthia & Tristan Monardes-Rojas, Gemma White, Rebecca Reiger Ross, Lori Abernethy, Emma O'Kane, Rachel Morgan-Jones, Shane Healy, Anna Whitehouse, Gemma Milne, Carla Ramsland, Sarah Robson and Bernie McCrann.
Our thanks also to Jess Pochintesta for creating the gorgeous photo backdrop and Jenny Piva for putting together the gift bags. Special mention to Son Nguy, Lee Barker and Kostya Daylight for all your help setting up in what was already a very busy week.
Thank you to our lovely year 3 coordinators Matija Ng Cheong Tin and Jess Pochintesta for organising a really well attended and lovely afternoon picnic for the year 3 families. The children had such a fun time and it was great to catch up with many families before the years end.
There was another wonderful picnic wind up this term for our year 1 families. Thank you very much to our class coordinators Natalie McKaigue and Stacey Bruce for creating this opportunity to socialise by the river. The kids had a really beautiful afternoon.
Act. Belong. Commit.
This section contains items of interest for you or your family where you can Act, Belong or Commit.
Please see below upcoming events and programs for families and children:
Town of Victoria Park Events
As always, there are lots of different activities on offer in the Town of Victoria Park. See below for more information.
New Year's Eve Midnight Mass
May we never take Christmas for granted when we contemplate that God has become one of us. He is with us in times of darkness and hardship, in joy, happiness, giving us hope. Joseph Kentenich, Founder of Schoenstatt
Our Christmas gift for you all is a Novena of Holy Masses celebrated in our Schoenstatt Shrine. The Shrine has become a designated place of pilgrimage in the Holy Year of Hope
and we are looking forward to welcoming you here to receive many graces and blessings for yourself and those who have gone before us, with a special invitation to celebrate with us
New Years Eve 31 December.
Date: Tuesday 31 December
Time: 10.30pm - Adoration and reflections and official opening of the Holy Year and 12 midnight - Holy Mass and fellowship.
Location: The Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in WA, 9 Talus Drive Mt. Richon
Info: Please bring a chair
Bricks 4 Kidz
This Summer School Holidays we are running Workshops with LEGO® and Coding with Robotics. Our holiday programs are designed for kids ages 5 -12. We have many themes to inspire creativity and fun.
Our Summer School Holiday Workshops are located at the following locations:
- BRICKS 4 KIDZ Manning
- BRICKS 4 KIDZ City West @ West Perth
WAAPA Summer
Experience a summer you will never forget as WAAPA’s theatres and studios come alive to host an array of exciting courses for young creatives. WAAPA’s Summer School offers dynamic, fun-filled programs that providing intense, creative training for students in years 7 to 12. The courses are crafted to build confidence, teamwork and self-esteem while honing the skills necessary to becoming a successful actor, musician, dancer and performer on stage and screen.
Our Summer School features teachers who are seasoned educators and industry professionals. They deliver exceptional tuition, training and direction and cultivate an environment that fosters inclusivity and creativity. You will have plenty of fun as you make new friends and learn more about your craft.
Find the perfect course for you and make this summer extraordinary.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY | We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation, the traditional owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation.