Canterbury Elementary School
September 2024 Newsletter
I hope everyone had a happy, healthy summer. Canterbury Elementary School staff have been preparing for the school year ahead: curriculum planning, classroom set-up as well as professional learning and collaboration have kept us busy. In addition, all classrooms and several other spaces have received a fresh coat of paint!
On site summer learning programs kept our students engaged as well. Thank you to Mrs. Shoemaker and Mrs. Wong for their efforts with our learners. I also appreciate the work of our Head Custodian, Dawn Angus and volunteer Ellwyn Hayslip for their efforts to get our building ready for back-to-school.
I am pleased to introduce our new staff members to the CES school community:
Joan Abbott - social worker
Courtney Coppi - classroom assistant
Jamie Hebert - grade 4 teacher
Fiina Glines - grade 2 teacher
Emily McGowan - elementary special education coordinator
Logan Moulton - music teacher
Casey Nameche - 1:1 assistant
Important Information - General School Operations
Bus Information
Bus schedules from First Student are posted at sau80.org, or you may click the link below to view them. Please call First Student at 603-524-1787 with any questions regarding bus transportation.
Morning Arrival
Supervision begins at 8:10, and students may be dropped off at this time. All vehicles will pull up to the playground entrance. A staff member will meet the children and guide them safely to the playground.Parking is allowed on the right side of the parking lot only between 9 AM and 3 PM, and after dismissal ends at approximately 3:30 PM. This eliminates private vehicles moving through while students are exiting buses/cars. This also prevents a backup of traffic on Baptist Road.
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
Students who arrive at school after 8:30 AM must be escorted to the school and signed in by a parent/guardian. Please sign in at the clipboard on the table in the vestibule. Students will receive a late pass and then walk to class.
If you are dismissing your student early, please sign them out at the same clipboard on the table in the vestibule. Please wait while Ms. Manita calls them to come down from class. Do not proceed to your child's classroom. PLEASE notify the office no later than 1:30 PM with end-of-day transportation changes. The office is VERY busy in the last hours of the day. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Note: Dismissal changes need to go through the office and not the classroom teachers. This helps us to ensure that changes are accurately noted. For example, in the event of a teacher absence, messages to the teacher would not be seen and able to be addressed.
Visitor/Volunteer Sign In Process
If you are visiting CES for a meeting or to volunteer, please see Ms. Manita in the main office. She will give you a visitor's badge and have you sign in before you proceed to your destination. You may be asked to display photo ID as we ensure the identity of all visitors. This process allows us to know who is in our buildings at all times in case of an emergency. Thank you in advance for helping us to ensure the safety of all of our students.
Breakfast/Morning Recess
Students may get breakfast in the cafeteria or play with friends outside from 8:10-8:30. On rainy days, the students will wait in the gym with adult supervision.
Starting Our Day
The bell to start the day rings at 8:30. Students will line up outside with their classes at this time. We have created specific areas for each class to line up. Teachers will greet their learners and bring them inside.
Lunch and Recess
Students will have snack, lunch and recess at the following times:
10:20 Snack
10:35 Recess
11:45 Lunch
12:15 Recess
Dismissal will begin at 3:10. Please ensure that your student(s) know how they are getting home from school. Walkers will be dismissed to the office. We must have written permission on file in the office for your student to walk home. Kindergarten and first grade students MUST walk home with someone. They may not walk home alone for safety reasons. Bus riders and car riders will be dismissed to the gym, where staff will be on hand to guide them.
No private vehicle is allowed to enter the parking lot from 3 PM until the buses leave at approximately 3:20 PM. Please remember it is illegal to park and wait on Baptist Road in front of the school. That would create a very dangerous situation as traffic attempts to pass waiting vehicles.
After the buses have departed, those in private vehicles may enter the school driveway and proceed to the playground entrance for car rider pick up. A staff member will escort each child safely to their ride.
There is only one entrance to the school parking lot and the traffic must proceed in one direction.
Thank you for your help in ensuring that our routines are efficient and safe.
The First Day of School
On the first day of school (Tuesday September 3rd), we ask that everyone follow normal procedures for dropping your child off at school. Parents sometimes want to accompany their student into school, particularly on the first day of kindergarten, which often increases student anxiety. Almost without exception, students calm down within minutes of parents leaving, but if parents stay, the anxiety continues. We will have our school counselor and many other staff dedicated to helping our kindergarten students (and all students) work through the challenges of the first day, and this system works very well. We will, of course, call you if there are lasting concerns.
Volunteering at CES
Volunteers are an important part of our school community! Please reach out to your student’s teacher or to our volunteer coordinator, Kathryn Scanlon at kscanlon@sau80.org to get involved. In order to be a volunteer or chaperone you will need to have a 2024/2025 Volunteer Affidavit on file with the SAU. You must also be fingerprinted with the district. To get fingerprinted, please call Laurie Cowan at 267-9223 ext. 5304 and make an appointment with her. Fingerprinting results can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 weeks. Please see Ms. Manita in the office for an affidavit form, or email her at rmanita@sau80.org. You may also complete this process at any of our open house events. Please bring a photo ID. We look forward to having you join us!
Our Visitor and Volunteer Podium - Located Outside the Office
Mrs. Chubb
I am SO excited to be back for year 5 as your principal. CES is such a special place to learn and work, and it continues to be an honor to be part of this wonderful school community. I hope that you have had lots of fun summer adventures. I look forward to seeing you soon and hearing all about them.
All the best,
Mrs. Chubb
Responsive Classroom & PBIS
We also utilize the PBIS framework to support our learners for success (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports). This framework helps staff to proactively teach and recognize pro-social behaviors. We use the acronym PAWS to teach our school rules:
Practice Kindness
Accept Responsibility
Work Hard
Stay Safe
PTO/CES Advocates
Rebecca Plue and Chelsea Szepan: Co-Chairs
Aimee Shaw: Treasurer
Erin Meeh: Secretary
The team will be meeting each month. Please consider joining them! They need your support to continue hosting the many wonderful events that occur each year, and it's a great way to meet other families. The first meeting of the school year will be held on September 12 at 6 PM in the CES library. All are welcome!
Important Dates
August 27: School Board Meeting (6 PM at CES)
August 28-29: Teacher Workshop Days
August 29: Kindergarten and First Grade Open House events (1-3 PM)
September 2: Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
September 3: First Day of School
September 10: Teacher Workshop Day - NO SCHOOL
September 10: School Board Meeting (6 PM at BHS)
September 12: PTO meeting (6 PM)
September 18: Open House, PTO Supper, and Book Fair (5-7 PM)
September 23: CES Clubs begin
September 24: School Board Meeting (6 PM at BHS)
September 30: School Picture Day (retakes are November 13)
Save the Dates for our Open House Events
Kindergarten and first grade families are welcome to stop by anytime between 1 and 3 PM on August 29 to see the classroom and meet the teachers. We will also have a school bus on site for the children to explore and ride. Volunteer fingerprinting will be available in the main office. Bring your photo ID.
All Grades:
There will be an Open House for all grades on the evening of September 18. Open House is an opportunity for your student to show you around the classroom and introduce you to their teacher. Individual discussions about your child are not appropriate at this time, but will occur in early November at parent-teacher conferences. We will hold the annual PTO Supper and book fair this evening as well as volunteer fingerprinting. Bring your photo ID. More details to come!
Clubs at CES
Homework Club (grades 1-4) with Ms. Hebert: dhebert@sau80.org
Computer Club (grades 2-4) with Mrs. Myers: jmyers@sau80.org
Yearbook (grades 2-4) with Mrs. Glines: fglines@sau80.org
Student Council (grades 3-4) with Mrs. Wieck: kwieck@sau80.org
School Store (grades 3-4) with Mrs. Briggs: kbriggs@sau80.org
Newsletter Club (grades 2-4) with Mrs. Perlet: eperlet@sau80.org
Garden Club (grades 2-4) with Mrs. Shoemaker: mshoemaker@sau80.org
Running Club (grades 3-4) with Mrs. McCauley and Mrs. Collins: emails should be directed to Mrs. McCauley at hmccauley@sau80.org.
Regular attendance at school is critical for a student's success. The interactive nature of lessons at school today make it challenging to provide students with the same learning experiences when they return from an absence.
If a student reaches 10 half days (or 5 full days) of unexcused absences in a school year, the State of NH considers that student habitually truant. Our protocols require that we follow a process with families to ensure that the importance of attendance is understood and that unexcused absences are to be avoided.
Below I have attached a PDF of our attendance policy, as well as RSA 193:1 (Duty of a Parent - Compulsory Attendance) and RSA 189:35-a (Truancy defined).
Absences are excused in the event of sickness, required quarantine, a death in the family, or medical appointments. Other absences are considered unexcused and should be avoided.
Please note: SRSD School Board Policy JH states that for absences other than illness, parents must provide a written notice to the principal 10 days prior to the absence: the reason for the absence and how long the student will be absent.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for partnering with CES to support the success of all students.