HES Shark Scoop
October 6, 2023

A Message from Principal Cutone
Friday, May 10, 2024
Dear HES Families/Caregivers,
What an incredible week it has been at HES! From captivating performances to completed assessments and heartfelt appreciation, there's so much to celebrate. Let's dive into some of the highlights together.
Our fourth-grade drama club, guided by the talented Ms. Riley, Mr. Weimer, Ms. Williams, and Ms. Hirschberger, took center stage this week with four remarkable performances of Seussical, the musical. The vibrant sets, stunning costumes, and heartfelt performances left our audience spellbound. We're immensely proud of the forty-nine fourth graders who poured their hard work and raw talent into this production, both on stage and behind the scenes. A huge thank you to everyone who supported this monumental effort—it truly takes a village!
This week marked the continuation of our state assessments, with our third graders kicking off the mathematics portion. Next week, both third and fourth graders will continue with their assessments. We commend our Sharks for consistently giving their best effort during these tests. A special thank you to all caregivers for ensuring your students are well-rested and punctual, especially on testing days—it makes a world of difference.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
A heartfelt thank you to our amazing PTO for showering our staff with love and appreciation this week. From rejuvenating massages to refreshing hydration stations and indulgent dessert bars, every gesture was deeply cherished. The individual notes, comments, flowers, and treats shared with us warmed our hearts and reminded us of the incredible support we have from our school community. On behalf of the entire staff, we are profoundly grateful to be a part of such a caring and supportive community.
As we head into the weekend, I wish you all a wonderful time ahead. And to all those who play the role of "mom" in any capacity, Happy Mother's Day!
Warm regards,
Beautiful Seussical
Notes from the Health Room
Spring is here, which means it is allergy season. Those of us who are suffering from allergies can be congested, have itchy eyes, feel tired, and our brains can feel foggy. Drinking a lot of water and eating foods with vitamin C in them may help. If your child’s allergies are severe, consult with your medical provider. We want our students to come in well prepared to learn at school.
The 4th grade students are about to leave us for their new school. How exciting, and sad, all at the same time. We are starting to work on the transition now. If your child has had a physical in this past year and you have not submitted it to the nurses, please do so as soon as possible.
If any of your children have borrowed clothing from our clothing closet, could you please return them ASAP?
If anyone is spring cleaning and has children’s pants, shorts, shirts, and shoes/boots that are in good condition, please consider donating them to the nursing office. Our biggest need is boys pants sizes 8-12 and various sizes of shoes and boots. If you have some you would like to donate, send me a message at jginsburg@monomoy.edu and I will let you know if I can use them. Thanks in advance.
The Family Pantry of Cape Cod is hosting their annual Food Grab and Go on Sunday May 19th from 10:00 to 12:00. If this would help your family, feel free to stop by. I would plan on going on the early side, to make sure they have not run out of items. The distribution locations are Barnstable High School at 744 W. Main St. in Hyannis and Nauset Regional Middle School at 70 Rt. 28 in Orleans.
Monomoy High School Teacher Earns National Recognition
HES United Arts Teachers are on Instagram
Mark Your Calendar
May 15 -- Kindergarten Screenings
May 20-24 -- Spring Book Fair
Wednesday, May 22 -- Early Release 1:20 pm Dismissal
June 12 -- Field Day K-4
June 13 -- Field Day K-4 Rain Date
Spring MCAS Dates
Please note these dates for 3rd and 4th grade students, and avoid making any appointments that would interfere. Thank you!
PTO Updates
Community Resources and Events
Camp is now open to Harwich Students in grades 1 - 6. Space is filling up fast for Session I, II or for the full 10 week summer. Go to https://www.harwich-ma.gov/recreation and locate Summer Camp! in the Left hand Menu bar.
Host Families Needed for Circus Smirkus Youth Performers
The Harwich Children's Fund is bringing Circus Smirkus to town this summer, and is in search of host families for the youth circus performers (ages 10-18). The dates are Monday, July 15, through Friday, July 19. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a host family for these 4 nights, please complete the form at this link: https://forms.gle/7F1aMEjXZ8KB42QQ9. If you have questions, contact Sheila House at hitthedunes@gmail.com.
Through Young Eyes
March 21 - May 12, 2024
20th Anniversary Annual Exhibition of Cape & Islands Student Art presented by the Cape Cod & Islands Art Educators Association (CCIAEA).
This show will include three pieces of student artwork from each school on Cape Cod.
There is no entrance fee, but donations are accepted.
Important Links
Bureau of Special Education Appeals
The Bureau of Special Education Appeals, which derives its authority from both federal and Massachusetts statutes and regulations (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; "IDEA"; MGL ch.71B; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) conducts due process hearings and renders Rulings and Decisions concerning eligibility, evaluation, placement, individualized education programs (IEP), provision of special education and procedural protections for students with disabilities.
To join an Informational Session: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/mediation-and-facilitation-informational-sessions
To learn about BSEA Mediation: https://www.mass.gov/mediation-at-the-bsea
To learn about Hearings at the BSEA: https://www.mass.gov/due-process-hearings
Did you know? Past issues of the HES Shark Scoop can be found on our website at https://hes.monomoy.edu/news/hes-shark-scoop.
Stay in Touch
Ms. Allyson Joy, Assistant Principal
Email: ccutone@monomoy.edu
Website: https://www.monomoy.edu/Domain/9
Location: 263 South Street, Harwich, MA, USA
Phone: 508-430-7216
Twitter: @monomoyschools