Hollywood Hill Happenings
March 11 Edition
From the Prinicpal
Hello Hollywood Hill Families,
It Is Education Support Professional Appreciation Week
This week is Education Support Professional (ESP) Appreciation Week. Did you know that about 50% of the staff here at Hollywood Hill work within these positions? ESP positions include para educators and school assistants just to name a few. These staff members have a huge impact within our school by monitoring student safety on the playground and around campus, delivering student academic interventions, assisting students acquiring a second language, and more!
Within any ESP position, staff members have the opportunity to form positive relationships with students and it is because of this, and so much more, that these positions play a crucial role in our support for students. We never know which moments in a student’s day or over time will stick with them the most. Join me in extending a sincere appreciation for all they do - Happy National Education Support Professionals Appreciation Week!
Northshore’s Social-Emotional Survey - Supported by Panorama
Our district is partnering with a leader in social-emotional learning, Panorama Education, to survey students twice a year - once in the fall and once in the early spring. Panorama has worked with Northshore staff and the Student Advisory Board to develop a survey that will help schools, educators, and the District better understand students’ self-perceptions and student experiences in their learning environment. This data will provide schools with a holistic view of what they are doing well and where they need to grow in providing a supportive school environment as well as to see the individual needs of students. Please visit the Northshore website to learn more.
Here at Hollywood Hill, students in grades 3-5 will take this survey between March 18th-29th. Opting Out: If you choose to opt out of this survey, please click this link to fill out the form as soon as possible. You may be contacted by our Northshore Student Support Department to discuss your reasons for opting out.
Scholastic Book Fair
This week is our Scholastic Book Fair. Please follow the link to the communication shared this past Thursday to learn more about how students can pay for books, ways to donate for others, Camp Read-A-Lot and more!
Kind regards,
Kate Eicher, Principal
- A Place Where Every Star Shines!
Important Upcoming Dates
- 3/11 - 3/15 - Book Fair
- 3/13 - Strings Concert - 7 pm at Leota Middle School
- 3/14 - Camp Read-a-Lot - 6:30 - 8 pm in the Gym
- 3/19 - 2nd/3rd Grade Art Walk and Musical - 5:45 in the Gym
It's Time to Order your Yearbook!
From the Music Room
Dear HHE families!
Please mark the following dates on your calendar.
- Tuesday, March 19th @6:30pm in HHE Gym: 2nd/3rd Grade Musical "How To Be A Pirate"
- Tuesday, April 30th @6:30pm in HHE Gym: K/1 Musical "Barnyard Musical"
- Thursday, May 30th @6:30pm in HHE Gym: 4th/5th Grade World Music Concert, along with 5th grade Orchestra and Band classes and 5th Grade Marimba Band
Musically yours,
Yuh-Pey Lin, D.M.A.
Music, Hollywood Hill Elementary
From our 5th Grade Strings Class
The students of my Hollywood Hill and Woodin Strings class will be performing at Leota Middle School Gym on March 13th at 7pm during their Young Ensembles Showcase! We hope to see you there.
Kira McDaniel
Northshore School District
5th Grade Strings Teacher
It's Time for Track and Field
You are invited!
What? Track and field
Why? Jump, throw, kick, run, cheer!!
- 4/2- 4/26: Tuesdays and Fridays- After school until 5:00 on HH field
- 5/3- 5/17: Only Fridays- After school until 5:00 on HH field
- 4/30: 5:00- 6:30ish at Northshore Middle
- 5/7: 5:00- 6:30ish at East Ridge Elementary
- 5/14: 5:00- 6:30ish at Hollywood Hill Elementary
- 5/21 (Junior Olympics): 5:00- 6:30ish at Woodinville High
How? Sign up through TouchBase @: https://wa-northshore.intouchreceipting.com Contact our school secretary, Judy Robb for your personal information to access TouchBase. *There is a $35 fee, but we can help you with that. EVERYONE IS INVITED!!*
Questions? Erica Wark: ewark@nsd.org
Seeking volunteers for HH’s young athletes!!
- What? Track season is starting and we need YOU!! to help us at a couple of our meets.
- Why? We need YOUR help to make two of our meets safe and run smoothly. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!
- When? Tuesday, 5/14 @ 4:45 & Tuesday, 5/21 @ 4:45
- Where? Tuesday, 5/14 @ Hollywood Hill; Tuesday, 5/21 @ Woodinville High School
- How? Contact Erica Wark @ ewark@nsd.org
From the PTA
From the PTA President
Dear Stars,
Thank you for all your support at our school events. We are excited to invite you to join Camp Read-a-Lot on March 14th. Principal Eicher will be a guest reader at this event. All grades & families are welcome to attend.
The Book Fair will launch this great month of Reading. Each class will have an opportunity to visit the Book Fair and it will be open before/after school. Your teachers will send out more information in your class newsletters.
We have a PTA Membership meeting coming on April 16th, with some new information about our school next year. This will be a hybrid meeting and will include the Zoom link in the next newsletter.
Scholastic Book Fair: March 11-15
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to HHE! Students and families will have opportunities to shop throughout the week, and at Family Night, which will coincide with Camp Read-A-Lot. More details will follow…
Date: March 11-15
Times: TBD
Location: HHE Library
Camp Read-A-Lot: March 14
Mark your calendars for a very special event that celebrates the great outdoors and all things literacy with fun and inclusive crafts, games and activities for all ages! Did we mention there will be trees, tents and camp-sites filled with books? This event is open to all HHE students, families and staff and will be one you don't want to miss!
Date: March 14th
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Location: HHE Gym
Our PTA and Event Committee is excited to continue to offer early access to the event for families who need it! Please feel free to arrive 15 minutes early for a quiet opening prior to the event.
Featured at our Fall events and most recently our Glow Dance, our calming space will be available for families at Camp Read A Lot too. Located in the Music Room and staffed by an experienced volunteer, this space is offered to ensure our events are welcoming, accommodating and inclusive for all families to enjoy!
Calling All 5th Grade Families
THU 3/14 10AM | Class of 2031 5th Grade Celebrations Planning Meeting & Request for Photos
- Planning Meeting: All 4th & 5th grade parents and caregivers are encouraged to log in on Thursday 3/14 at 10AM to see if you can help make the 5th Grade Celebrations extra special this year. Includes the off-site picnic on 6/20, the ceremony on 6/21 and a few things in between like the legacy gift!
- Photos (for 5th graders only): Please start sending photos of your 5th grader to 5thgrade@hhillpta.org for the ceremony slideshow. We are asking for at least 1 baby/toddler photo, 1 current photo, and any school activity photos throughout the elementary years. Include the full name of your student in the email. Photos are due by 5/10.
Questions: Erin Bordner at 5thgrade@hhillpta.org
Spring Art Walk, Musicals & Concerts: Save the Dates!
2nd & 3rd Grade Art Walk & Musical: How to be a Pirate | HHE Gym: March 19 @ 5:45PM
1 or 2 pieces of your 2nd and/or 3rd grade student's art will be on display beginning at 5:45pm
Students will need to report to the Music Room to get ready for their musical at 6:15pm
The musical will begin at 6:30pm
All 2nd & 3rd grade families are invited - we hope to see you there!
Questions: Ariana Levin at artdocent@hhillpta.org
March 11-15: Book Fair
March 14 : Camp Read-a-lot
March 19: 2nd & 3rd Grade Art Walk & Musical
April 8-12: Spring Break
April 16: PTA Meeting via Zoom
April 30: K-1st Grade Art Walk & Musical