August 2021
Back to School
Welcome back to school! On behalf of all SAU 16 staff members, I want to wish you all a happy end of summer days and welcome you to the 2021-2022 academic year. Whether you were able to travel near or far, spend time with family and friends, or simply relax on your own, I hope that you have had a wonderful break and are ready to begin a new chapter in our evolving journey together.
While we believe it is important to look back at all that has transpired over the past year, we also want to emphasize that moving forward in this “new normal” is where we aim to go. It is a fact that while the virus that scuttled most of our plans for such a long time is never going to go completely away, we are learning to implement new habits to return to our normal routines, like attending school every day with all of our friends and teachers beginning on August 30. In order to accomplish this, we acknowledge that we will need to introduce some strategies, old and new. All of our schools have presented this information to their respective school boards and are eager to share with you, if they have not done so already.
Welcoming New Staff
Academic Convocation Awards
School Construction Projects
Construction at Exeter High School is almost complete resulting in more individual and small group learning spaces as well as meeting areas for staff and students. The CMS Renewal Project is winding down after almost 15 months of construction and three years of planning. The $17.8 million project added new classrooms, individualized learning spaces for special education programming, an additional elevator near the main lobby, meeting and office space, a multipurpose room, and a completely renovated cafeteria that can accommodate each academic grade for grade-level lunch periods. This has had a profound effect on the academic programming and ability to be more flexible in grade-level team scheduling. All of our elementary schools have undergone extensive cleaning and preparation for the new year, and repair and scheduled maintenance projects including parking lot/driveway paving, ventilation performance upgrades, and LED lighting have been completed at many.
Portrait of an Educator
CMS History Teacher of the Year
SST Project on Display at McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
A student project on the colonization of Mars is now on display at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center (Discovery Center) in Concord. Students worked with instructors and scientists from NASA on a four-month project that combined six academic programs and each class had a different role in the research, design and construction phases. The final display has information panels along with two interactive touchscreens and an interactive kids' game and opened on July 1. We hope to have this wonderful display at SST soon for everyone to see.
MSS Launched First Free Books on Bikes Program
Over the summer, Emily Darby, reading specialist and teacher, and Maureen Kiesel, library media specialist launched the first Books on Bikes program in New England to engage with the community and to keep children reading. The volunteer literacy program was very popular and gifted 655 books to children in pre-school through age nine from 10 bicycle rides to the Exeter Farmer’s Market and the Exeter community pool and recreation park. With the success of this summer’s program, the two teachers are in the process of creating a non-profit to continue this initiative long-term and with the hopes of adding more stops next summer.
EHS Teachers Presented with Champion Awards
The Council for Youth with Chronic Conditions presented Geoff Taylor and Dan Provost with Champion Awards on July 29. This award was in recognition of their hard work and dedication to a child with a chronic medical condition during the height of the pandemic which was especially hard on children with chronic medical conditions. Geoff and Dan were nominated through a video from EHS junior, Bayleigh Clock, for helping her participate in school in a meaningful way this year.
There is so much more to share and we look forward to doing it over the next 10 months in this space. We are very excited to be beginning another school year with you and we wish everyone a happy and healthy start!