Mar. 19 - From the Superintendent
March 19, 2024

March 19, 2024
Hello, USD 231 Patrons and Employees.
Where has time gone?! As we begin the fourth quarter of this school year, I am reminded how each year seemingly goes by faster than the last. It seems like just yesterday we were taking pictures of our students on the "First Day" of school!
I'm writing with two informational items today:
Gardner Edgerton Schools Foundation (GESF)
If you weren't aware, our School Foundation is doing amazing things for our students, staff, and community. Established in 1991, the Gardner Edgerton Schools Foundation was established to assist the school district in the development and improvement of creating a quality education for students.
For many years the Foundation was limited in its scope by primarily overseeing the distribution of scholarships to graduating seniors. In the early years, a couple of fundraising events took place to purchase various items requested by teachers and administrators, including a weather station perched on the roof at Edgerton Elementary School.
In 2017, the Board of Directors conducted a thorough review of the by-laws and multiple changes were made that better outlined the role and responsibilities of the Board and the membership. As the school district continued to grow and area Foundations prospered, the Board made the decision to create a part-time Executive Director position to expand the potential of the GESF. As a result, in the summer of 2022, retired USD 231 teacher and administrator Tim Brady was selected to lead the Foundation.
Some recent highlights include:
New Teachers Receive $500
Three new teachers to the profession joined the USD 231 family in January 2024. Knowing that it is expensive to embark on a new career, the Foundation provided each educator with a cash stipend. It our way of joining the district in saying WELCOME. No strings attached. No receipts. This terrific trio can use the funds however they want. Join us in celebrating Annie, Sharon, and Katie as they begin their journey in education.
WE CARE Fund - Stories About Making a Difference
Proceeds from the annual GESF cornhole tournament and other donations, support the WE CARE Fund. This money is earmarked to help students and their families during a time of hardship. During the first semester, nearly $4,000 was issued to support various challenges. These include: assisting with a house payment for a family facing eviction; covering utility costs so a family has water, electricity and heat; paying for driver's education classes; providing Christmas presents to children whose parents have fallen upon hard times; providing car fuel so a parent can drive to work; assist with medical bills, and Project Period. The Foundation works closely with school personnel in supporting those who are in need.
This is just two of the more recent acts of service provided by GESF. To learn more about the Foundation and how you can get involved, click HERE.
Strategic Plan
In my last newsletter, I shared that an important part of our Strategic Plan was the aspect of Leadership. Today, I write to share more about the fourth aspect of our plan, Professional Learning.
We recognize that to be the best school district, a strong system of continuous improvement and personal development is needed for all staff members. The best educators constantly seek growth opportunities to help our students achieve the highest levels of success.
Gardner Edgerton District 231 will create purposeful, targeted, and meaningful professional learning systems focused on our strategic goals. Departments and schools throughout the district will work collaboratively to ensure coherent and connected professional learning opportunities that are personalized for all employee groups and individual needs.
Professional learning will go beyond single sessions to include job-embedded support and the identification of updated practices. We will provide robust onboarding structures and sustained mentorship opportunities for all new employees. Non-evaluative development opportunities will be leveraged to provide timely feedback, personalized support, and responsiveness to each educator’s specific instructional and professional needs. Follow-up support strategies will ensure transformative practices are widespread, effective, and evident in learning environments across the district.
We will provide the time and support needed to implement, adjust, and evolve new approaches and initiatives through personalized professional learning. Innovative approaches to scheduling will enable embedded learning opportunities supported by networks of professional learning communities within our schools and the district. These professional learning communities will focus on needs identified through routine assessment and reflection on our practices. Our employees will also have the opportunity to engage in new learning with peers across the district to gain valuable skills and strategies that will support success in the classroom as well as personal and professional growth. To ensure return on investment, the effectiveness of professional learning throughout the district will be measured through implementation and impact rather than attendance.
By providing the highest quality professional learning experiences aimed at developing effective educators, support staff, and leaders, our staff members will be empowered to hone and advance their skills—ultimately establishing themselves as the standard bearers of the most effective and engaging teaching and learning.
Thank you for taking time to read this message. Have a great week!!!
#Forwardas23ONE #WeAreUSD231
P.S. - Please follow me on Facebook (@usd231superintendent) and Twitter (@usd231supe) for more frequent updates!
Now Hiring!!!
Do you know anyone looking for a great job with the school district? Do they like to work outside and are unafraid to get their hands dirty? Our Grounds crew has an immediate opening and the job description is here - Grounds Crew Job Description.
Grounds crew members work 260 days per year (12 months) 40-hour weeks (4-10's in June and July with every Friday off).
Eligible for all benefits, including health/dental insurance, PTO with Vacation and Holiday pay.
Starting wage is based on experience ranging from $17-22/hour
Click HERE to apply.
Please contact Mark Meyer, Executive Director of Human Resources, with any questions at (913) 856-2019.
Board Briefs
Board Briefs are provided as a service to our community in order to quickly learn what transpired during the most recent Board of Education Meeting.
These summary documents can be found HERE.
Community Volunteer Program
We are looking for caring volunteers to engage with students at our elementary schools. Come make an impact in the lives of children in our community!
Volunteer opportunities include:
- Before/ after school activities Classroom helper
- Student tutor Library assistant
- Breakfast/lunch buddy Bus greeter
- Watch DOGS Dad Lunch room helper
- Classroom helper
- Library assistant
- Bus greeter
- Lunch room helper
To learn more, click HERE.
The newest edition of our "Week-at-a-Glance" document is now available!
We encourage you to bookmark this PAGE, as it will always host the most recent version.
If you feel like we've missed an event or found an inaccuracy, don't hesitate to let us know.
Share Good News!!!
One of the priorities of the USD 231 Community Relations Department is sharing our stories!
If you have student or staff awards, accomplishments, interesting story ideas to share, or fantastic programs to highlight, please submit them via this FORM.
Additionally, we hope you will keep Community Relations and district leadership informed about upcoming events. To do so, please be sure to fill out this FORM in order to:
- Let Community Relations know about potential story ideas and consider the event for coverage on the district website, social media channels, and potentially through local media.
- Invite the Superintendent, Superintendent’s Leadership Team, or Board of Education to an event.
Thank you!!!
To view events occurring at the district-level, please click the image on the right/above. To view school-specific calendars, please visit each building's respective website.
As a district parent, guardian, alumni or community member, you will receive A Message from Gardner Edgerton USD 231, our email newsletter with updates, celebrations and upcoming events, in your inbox.
Please be sure to follow USD 231 Schools on social media to keep up with all the great accomplishments happening across our district!