PLE Updates
November 22, 2024

November 22, 2024
Principal's Message
Pine Lane Crew,
In preparing for announcements this week, I came across this quote from the Author Melody Beattie, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” I could not agree more with this sentiment. An attitude of thankfulness changes our outlook on life in so many ways. It helps us stop looking around at what everyone else has that we might not and focuses us on the blessing we have that we in so many ways do not deserve. I truly hope that as your family heads into our Thanksgiving Break, you all are able to enjoy family and friends and experience joy and contentment as you reflect on the blessings in your life.
We have shifted some of our charitable efforts this year. Our main push has been to collect food items in order to provide Thanksgiving Meal Boxes for families that may need a little extra help. Thanks to all your help and support we are going to be able to put together about 30 Thanksgiving Meal Boxes, including a turkey. It was so great to see each grade level contribute to this effort. You all have been so generous with your resources. Thank you for joining us as we seek to contribute to a better world.
These efforts also aligned well with our Habit of Character for this month of Service. We define Service in this way, “We help others. We do this not for ourselves, but for the greater good. We contribute to the welfare of others through meaningful efforts from the heart.” Today, this focus culminated with our Pawsitive Bear Assemblies as we continue to seek to recognize the excellence in character amongst our Crew.
As we come back from Thanksgiving Break, we have a lot going on. December 5th will be our Poinsettia Pickup. On December 6th we will hold our rescheduled Love and Logic Class and then in the evening, we have Kid’s Night Out. I would also like to encourage you all to attend our next SAC meeting on December 18th in which we will focus on our School Culture and Behavior Management Systems.
We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary
Upcoming Dates
- November 25th - 29th: Thanksgiving Break - No School
- December 6th - Love and Logic Parent Training
- December 2nd - Open Enrollment Closes
- December 2nd - Kindergarten Registration Begins
- December 6th - PLEA Kids Night Out
- December 18th - SAC Meeting
- December 23rd - January 6th: Winter Break
- January 7th - Students First Day Back after Break
- January 10th - Love and Logic Parent Training
- January 15th - SAC Meeting
- January 16th - PLEA Public Meeting
- January 17th & 20th - MLK Holiday No School Students
Bus Cancelations
- November 25th - Thanksgiving Break
- December 2nd - Bus 142
- December 9th - Bus 151
- December 16th - Bus 146 & 186
- December 23rd - January 6th - Winter Break
- January 7th - 145 & 183
Recess and Weather
Recess is an integral part of school, and all students will be expected to participate. During periods of inclement weather, please be sure your child comes to school with appropriate clothing, including boots, hats, gloves, socks, coat, etc. Children will go out unless there is precipitation, lightning, or the temperature (with wind chill considered) falls below 20 degrees.
Thanksgiving Meal Boxes
Thank you for bringing items in, and supporting our Spirit Fridays! We have raised $1,634.00!
At this time we are able to provide boxes for 30 of our PLE families!
Lifetouch Picture Order Discounts
Dear Parents,
As a token of appreciation, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
Valid through 12/1/24
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
PLEA Updates
December 3rd - Spirit Night at Chick fil A
- Date: Tuesday December 3rd
- Times: 4pm - 8pm
- Location: 9335 Crown Crest Blvd / Parker / CO / 80138
Kids Night Out - December 6th
Kids Night Out - Friday December 6th
Kid’s Night Out will be a little different this year! We are splitting up grade levels and having something at both the North and South Campus
Complete details regarding drop off / pick up etc will be emailed to families that have registered the week of Kids Night Out.
KNO Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
South Campus
- Time 6pm – 8pm
- Grade Level: Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
- Theme: Where in the World is Carmen San Diego
- Cost: 20.00
- Dinner: $5.00
- Register in My School Bucks here: PLE KNO Kinde – 3rd Grade Registration
KNO 4th - 6th Grade
North Campus
- Time 6pm – 8pm
- Grade Level: 4th – 6th Grade
- Theme: Glo Party / Dance
- Cost: 20.00
- Dinner: $5.00
- Register in My School Bucks here: PLE KNO 4th – 6th Grade Registration
Open Enrollment
The first round of 2025-2026 Open Enrollment begins Friday, November 1st at 8am and closes Monday, December 2nd at 4pm.
If you have a student at PLE through prior Open Enrollment or a Special District Program and have other siblings that would like to also attend Pine Lane, you would need to apply for 2025-2026 Open Enrollment
If you have a 6th grade student but do not live within the Chaparral Feeder boundaries, you would need to apply for Open Enrollment to Sierra Middle School in order for them to attend Sierra and Chaparral High School.
If you have questions about whether your student needs to Open Enroll, email PLERegistrar@dcsdk12.org or call 303-387-8325.
Kindergarten Online Registration opens December 2nd
Love and Logic Parenting Class
November 8th date Rescheduled to December 6th.
Complete information and schedule is available here: PLE Love and Logic Parenting Classes 24/25
Before and After School
****New**** Lego Robotics Club
Our STEM teachers are hosting a new Lego Robotics Club Explore Team for the 2nd semester!
- Dates: January 14th - May 6th
- Day of the Week: Tuesday
- Location: North Campus Innovation Lab
- Registration: Online Only click here: PLE Lego Robotics Explore Team Grades 2nd & 3rd (or scan QR Code)
- Cost: $120.00
Chap Feeder Area Events
DCSD Community Updates
Upcoming Discounted Community Events Include:
- CU Buffs - 11/29/24
- A Christmas Carol/DCPA - 11/22 - 12/29/24
- Mannheim Steamroller/DCPA - 12/8/24
- National Western Stock Show - 1/11 - 1/26/25
- Back to the Future/DCPA - 2/7/25 2/9/25
- Mean Girls/DCPA - 2/28/25, 3/2/25
- The Wiz/DCPA - 4/25/25, 4/26/25
General link to purchase tickets or for more information is: https://www.foundationdcs.org/community-events
Are you getting yours?
Parent Crew!
We are working on updating the contact information in our messaging system. If you are not receiving emails, texts or calls from us or if you are receiving messages where you do not want them to go.....email PLERegistrar@dcsdk12.org. We can double check your settings and preferences to ensure you are receiving the messages you want where you want them.
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8277