Update from WES PTO
Monthly meetings are Every First Wednesday of the Month
Wednesday, Apr 2, 2025, 06:00 PM
1060 Zeigler Road, Wellsville, PA, USA
Volunteers needed! Please sign up here. Thank you!!
This was one fun filled week which wrapped up with the VIP Dance. All the kiddos had a great time hanging out with their friends, listening and dancing to their favorite songs, and just unwinding a bit. We would like to say a big thank you to all these wonderful ladies and some who aren't even pictured for helping make this (and all our events) happen. Thank you to all the parents who donated food, supplies, and their time to decorate and clean-up that made this event a huge success.
This adorable little charm was found while cleaning up after the dance. If it belongs to you, it can be found in the front office at Wellsville Elementary.
Click below to find your favorite teacher or staff to spoil!
Gift Cards Make Great Gifts All Year Long!
Don't forget those gift certificates! They are always an excellent choice.
Who doesn't love a gift certificate?
Log into RaiseRight and purchase those gift certificates and help out your PTO all at the same time.
(Keep in mind this site is always open.)
Help us fund Raise while you shop! All year long!
It’s easy—and it works. By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses, you can help us earn percentages back on your purchases. Raise Right will give the percentage back to our PTO for every gift card purchase you make. These can be purchased online and delivered right to your house.
Simply create an account and use our enrollment code to start purchasing gift cards.
Giant foods, Weis, Target and many more!
Use our Enrollment code - QVHNUUE9AZFR
Thank you Shell USA Inc. and the Book Family!
We would like to thank Shell USA, Inc for awarding us with a $5000 donation. We received this donation because Wellsville Elementary School received the most Shell employee volunteer hours in Pennsylvania during the 2023-2024 school year. We intend to use the donation for the 5th grade legacy gift over the next 5 years and other PTO sponsored events throughout the 2024-2025 academic year. Thank you, Shell USA, Inc for your generous donation and the Book Family for helping us obtain this grant!
We want to shout out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who made our Polar Bear Run a success! Thanks to generous donations sent in by families and friends of our Wellsville Elementary School students, along with the support of wonderful local businesses, we were able to raise just over $17,000. We look forward to many upcoming events for the students and staff in the coming months.
Come have fun with us!
We need YOU!
We hope you will join us this year at our monthly PTO meetings and PTO sponsored events! As you can see, we are a small, but busy group. This is where you come in - we need your help! We need growth within our organization and are seeking volunteers to help us re-establish our organization. The PTO is a team effort and provides an opportunity to be a part of your child’s learning community. Please join us!
PTO Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year
* All meetings will be held in WES Cafeteria
Wednesday April 2, 2025 @ 6pm
Wednesday May 7, 2025 @ 6pm
Wednesday June 4, 2025 @ 6pm
WELLSVILLE ELEMENTARY (P)arent (T)eacher (O)rganization
Dear WES Families,
What is the PTO and who can be a Member? Our active board is made up of an Executive Board Group, Committee Chair Members and other active members. Our Executive officers: Kristen Louder and Jenelle Hood, Co-Presidents; Jillian Roof, Vice President; Briana Smith, Secretary; and Jen Latchaw, Treasurer. Also, we have several other active PTO members who serve as committee chairs and not to mention our wonderful school staff. So, who can be a member? If you’re a father, mother, protector, guardian, and/or a person who teaches or instructs at Wellsville Elementary then you can be a member, and we would love to have you come on board! We want to hear your ideas!!!
PTO Programs & Fundraising
Our primary objective as a PTO is to provide our school with funds, programs, resources, and services that will enrich and maximize the education of every child and to benefit the school. To meet this important objective, we fundraise. Here are a few fundraising programs that we organize throughout the school year: Polar Bear Run, R&K Sub sales, dessert sales, and Restaurant Nights. We have many areas in which we support the students and staff. To highlight a few, they include: Assemblies, Tailgating, Roller Skating, Family Nights at the Annual Holiday Shop and Book Fair,
Family Fun Night, and Field Day.
Become a Volunteer….Why YOU should get involved!
As you can see, we are a small and busy group. This is where you can come in! We need your help, and so do the children. A special thanks to all of our past volunteers for all of their hard work and dedication. Here at WES, we strive for excellence and what better way than to become involved today. We are in need of growth and are seeking volunteers to continue re-establishing the organization. We are planning some exciting events again this year and hope to see new and familiar faces helping to plan these events. The PTO is a team effort in which we cannot succeed on our own.
Kristen Louder and Jenelle Hood (Co-Presidents), Jillian Roof (VP), Briana Smith (Secretary), and Jen Latchaw (Treasurer)
Want to be a volunteer? Get your clearances and join us!
Click below to access the forms.
Volunteer Information
Volunteers are an integral part of the educational athletic and extracurricular programs at NYCSD. School volunteers are required to provide clearances prior to approval to volunteer and every 5 years thereafter. All clearance can now be requested electronically (The FBI clearance also requires a fingerprint submission), or paper application can be downloaded below.
Wellsville Elementary PTO
The Wellsville Elementary PTO is a 501(c)3 organization that's main purpose is to provide opportunities to the students and staff or the Wellsville Elementary located in the Northern York County School District. These opportunities are provided in the ways of fundraisers throughout the school year. Opportunities included are family events, assemblies, classroom/playground supplies and other areas.
Email: ptowellsville@gmail.com
Website: www.northernpolarbears.com
Location: 1060 Zeigler Road, Wellsville, PA, USA
Phone: (717)432-8691
Facebook: facebook.com/wellsvilleelementarypto
Twitter: @WESpolarbears
2024-2025 WES PTO BOARD
Kristen Louder - Co-President
Jenelle Hood - Co-President
Jillian Roof - Vice President
Jen Latchaw- Treasurer
Briana Smith- Secretary