Podesta Ranch Newletter 07/28/2024

Podesta Ranch's Newsletter For Week of 07-28-2024
💬 Principal's Message
Podesta Ranch Families,
On behalf of the staff at Podesta Ranch Elementary School, I am truly delighted to welcome all of our families to the 2024-2025 school year! Our Podesta Ranch team eagerly anticipates the arrival of our Red-Tailed Hawks on Tuesday, July 30th. We look forward to continuing our partnership with you to ensure the academic and social success of all of our students. The Podesta team values and appreciates input from our families. Please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the Podesta Ranch staff via Dojo, email, or phone.
Please review the information below to help your family prepare for the upcoming school year. Thank you for entrusting your child's safety, education, and social development to our dedicated Podesta Ranch Staff!
Red-Tailed Hawks are Responsible, Kind and Safe! Red-Tailed Hawks, Our school RocKS!
See you Tuesday!
Alyssa Barban, Principal
🏫August Events
💻Class List
Want to know your student's teacher?! AERIES Parent Portal for class lists will be avaliable on Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 after 12 PM. Please also confirm and update your contact information for EACH child on AERIES to complete their school registration for their 2024/2025 school year.
You may click on the image on the right to login into the AERIES Parent Portal website.
🚸First Day of School
Friendly reminder that the first day of school is Tuesday, July 30th, 2024 at 8:15 AM. Doors open at 7:45 AM for entry and breakfast. Please pay attention to signs for entry and PTA will have a photo booth area in the front for first day pictures.
For the safety of the students, NO PARENTS are allowed on campus past the office. Please drop off your child with an staff member in front and they will be guided to their destinated area.
🎒Back to School Night
Friendly Reminder that Back to School Night is on Thursday, August 1st, 2024 from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. Familiies will meet up in the cafeteria first for school announcements and will be dismissed to the classrooms afterwards. Teachers will do their presentation two times so parents with more than one child can attend two sessions (announcements will be made for transitions).
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Cafeteria
6:00 PM - 6:25 PM: Classroom Session 1
6:30 PM - 6:55 PM: Classroom Session 2
📅Podesta Ranch's Calendar of Events
🌞 August 2024 Calendar
Attached is Podesta's calendar of events for August 2024.
Please click on the image for the pdf file of the calendar.
🏢 LodiUSD News
🕝YMCA Registrations for 2024/2025
We have opened up our applications for the after-school program for next school year. Parents may visit our website at ymcasjc.org and head over to either our 'after school programs' or 'youth development' pages where they will be able to fill out the application 100% digitally!
Disclaimer: The form is not an enrollment or registration form, but simply an application. After families fill out the application, parents/guardians will receive an email with more info on when to expect any registrations to go out.
While current families do have priority enrollment, we still require parents/guardians to submit an application.
You may also click on the image on the right to go to their website.
💻Chromebook Care & Responsibility
We want to bring to your attention the importance of discussing the proper care of district-issued student Chromebooks with your children. We have observed an increase in incidents involving damage, often linked to carelessness or misuse. As we address these situations, we want to remind you of the importance of engaging in discussions with your child about the proper care of their district-issued Chromebook. Students will be held responsible for any damages, and charges may apply for repairs. Principals will conduct thorough investigations in collaboration with students to ensure fair outcomes. Additionally, please remind your students to charge their Chromebooks overnight, ensuring they are ready for the next day's learning activities. Your involvement in these discussions is crucial, and we appreciate your attention to these matters.
Please click on the image on the right for more information about the Chromebook Care Plan Insurance page that is avaliable for purchase in the District.
📣Friendly Reminders
🥞Free Breakfast Hours
Free breakfast is served every school day at 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM. If your child intends on eating free breakfast at school, they may arrive no earlier than 7:45 AM. If they are not eating breakfast, children should not arrive at school before 8:00 AM in lieu to safety concerns. No adults are supervising the students before 7:45 AM.
🚸Drop Off and Pick Up
Please remember to NOT pick up or drop off your child in the bus loop or parking lot area, especially by the DEAD END section of the parking lot. Bus loop is ONLY for our SPED students and busses, and families are highly advised to accompany their child when walking through the parking lot. We do not have adults supervising these areas. Please park your car in the parking lot if you are planning to pick up your students directly from their teachers. Please leave the drop off area ONLY for moving vehicles that are picking up/dropping off quickly, and refrain from double parking, as we need ease of car movement for student and driver safety.
Thank you for partnering with us and modeling to our students the importance of following traffic and road safety rules. 👍
⏰ Attendance
One of our site goals, and our challenge from the Superintendent, is to improve attendance and curb truancy. The law states that students will attend every day, on time, and ready for school. With a new system in place, absences are carefully tracked, and notices are automatically sent to guardians. You have 10 days to clear an absence. On the 11th day it reverts to all unexcused and is considered truancy.
If you request IS, it must be requested 2 weeks prior and approved by IS administration. So please don’t wait until the night before.
Student Handbook
Please read our student and family handbook for the 2024-2025 school year, as it has important information about all school expectations.
🥪 Quarter 1 Cafeteria Menu 2024/25
Join us for free nutritious breakfast each morning at 7:45 AM!
Please click on the image on the right to see a live view of the cafeteria menu for our school. Make sure to click on the drop down menu for Podesta Ranch Elementary School.
Click the BLUE WORDS MENU below for the digital pdf copy of the lunch menu.
Click on the blue words below for their Quarterly newsletter.
For more information about lunches and nurtrition, please click on the link below.
👟 Student Dress Code & Safety Policy
As the weather becomes warmer and as a safety reminder, please send your student to school in appropriate attire, including shoes. Our dress code can be found in the Student Handbook in your student's planner or online. Students are expected to wear closed toe/heeled shoes. Students with sandals, slides, or Crocs will be asked to sit out during recess and PE to ensure student safety on the playground, stairwell and in the bark box.
Please click on the image on the right for the digital Student Handbook regarding their dress code.