Knighthawk Family News
Pleasant Knoll Middle School
Message from Mr. Young
We hope that all of our families had a wonderful Spring Break! We have been very busy at Pleasant Knoll getting our students prepared for state testing and wrapping up our extra-curricular activities for the school year.
Please take a moment to read our testing tips in this newsletter. Testing began today and will continue until the last week of school. You can view our testing calendar by clicking here.
I would also like to invite you to click here to read our School Improvement Council Report to Parents for the 2017-18 school year. This is a wonderful report to find out what we have done at PKMS this year.
Thank you again for your support of PKMS!
Grey Young, Principal
Student Re-Registration
Counseling Corner
The end of the year brings about many tests that can be quite stressful to some students (and their parents) J. Here are some test taking tips to help students prepare and have a successful testing experience.
April 30th Rising 6th Grade Night 6:30-7:30 pm
May 11th Rising 5th grade and Rising 9th grade tours (during school)
May 25th 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony 9am
PKMS Thanks our AWESOME volunteers!
Lost & Found!
PKMS TOP Knighthawk...Heather Cheske!
Nurse News
The last day to pick up your child’s medication (prescription or non-prescription) is Friday, May 25 at 11:35am. Parents must come into the school to pick up the medication. The students are not allowed to carry medication home with them. Medication left after Friday 5/25 will be discarded per district policy. Please feel free to contact Nurse Young at 803-835-3734 or youngja@fortmillschools.org if you have any questions. Also, if you have indicated that your child has a medical condition that may require management in the school setting please have all necessary paperwork completed during the summer before the start of the new school year. The intention is to make it easier to obtain necessary physician signatures and have the plans/medication forms in place by the first day of school. All paperwork must be updated by the physician annually.
Please make an appointment for your child to update their Tdap vaccination before next school year. ALL seventh graders will be REQIIRED to get the Tdap vaccine to protect them against whooping cough (pertussis). One (1) dose of Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) administered on or after the 7th birthday will be required for all seventh graders. It is strongly recommended that adolescents who have not yet received a dose of Tdap vaccine be immunized in advance of this requirement. Students who are not up to date with their Tdap vaccination may not be allowed to attend school. For more information, please visit www.scdhec.gov/scimmunize
Please send a copy of the immunization record to the school nurse once they receive the updated vaccination.
Library Books Due May 11th!
Winners of Congressional App Challenge!
National Junior Art Society creates new mural!
Baseball - FMAC Champions
Boys Track - FMAC Champions
Boys Soccer - FMAC Champions
PKMS Teacher Appreciation Week May 7th - May11th!
Congratulations Knighthawks!
PKMS Jr. Book Club Read-in
The SC Junior Book Club attended the first annual Fort Mill Read-in at the Greenway. We had a fun-filled day of guest authors, poetry, yoga and of course lots of quiet reading time.
Fort Mill School District Summer Camps
Below you will find information about the 2018 summer math camps and summer STEAM camp that the Fort Mill School District Curriculum Department will offer this summer. Registration for the camp is now open.
Please note, we are unable to accept payments for the camp until May 1st, 2018. We ask that you register your child for the camps they are interested in attending using the links to the forms below. Once the payment system is open, we will communicate to parents so that they are able to make payments and finalize registration.
Location: Pleasant Knoll Middle School
Dates: June 11-14 and/or July 16-19
Hours: 8:00 am – 12:00 noon (Monday – Thursday)
This camp is for rising 4th – rising 9th graders. The camp cost is $140.00 per week.
More Information on Summer Math Camps
Link to Registration Form:Summer Math Camp
Location: Orchard Park Elementary School
Dates: July 16-19
Hours: 8:00 am – 12:00 noon (Monday – Thursday)
The camp is for rising 4th – rising 8th graders. The cost of the camp is $100.00 per week.
More Information on Summer STEAM Camps
Link to Registration Form: : Summer STEAM Camp
Please be sure to complete the registration with an accurate, up-to-date email address. We will use this to communicate with parents about the camps. Once the payment system is available (May 1st), we will send a reminder to all registered with further directions on how to pay and finalize camp registration.
Should you have any questions please contact Chad Allen, STEM Coordinator, at: allenc@fortmillschools.org
It's hard to believe that our very first year at PKMS is quickly coming to a close. As we approach the end of the year it is now time to seek nominations/volunteers for election to the 2018-2019 PKMS PTO Board. Please complete the survey in the following link if you would like nominate either yourself or another parent for next year's PTO Board. We will reach out to all nominees to verify their willingness to run for election.
As a reminder, parents of current 5th graders/rising 6th graders who will attend PKMS next fall are eligible to run for the PTO Board.
If you have any questions/concerns about either the nomination process or the duties/responsibilities of PTO Board positions, please email us at pleasantknollmiddlepto@gmail.com.
We would also like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to our wonderful teachers, administration, staff and PKMS family for supporting the PTO this year! Your PTO board is extremely honored to serve such a supportive group!
Thank you!
Chris, Kendra, Dawn & Wendy
The school year is almost over, but never stop collecting those Box Tops for PKMS! If you have a stash of Box Tops at home, please send them in ASAP and help your student’s homeroom class win a donut party.
Also, please continue collecting Box Tops for PKMS all summer. We’ll kick off a fun new collection drive when school starts again in the Fall. We’ve earned nearly $600 this year--1 little 10-cent Box Top at a time, and we want to earn even more next year!
Pleasant Knoll Middle School
Email: zeppelink@fortmillschools.org
Website: http://pkms.fortmillschools.org/
Location: 2320 Pleasant Road, Fort Mill, SC, United States
Phone: 803-835-3770
Facebook: facebook.com/PKMSKnighthawks/
Twitter: @PK_Knighthawks