PESH Counseling October Newsletter
What's Happening This Month:
Red Ribbon Week, PSAT testing, the End of Quarter 1, and Fall Break!
Did you miss the September Newsletter? Check it out here!
PESH Counseling Department
🕓 Level Changes
The next opportunity to make level changes from an Honors or AP course to on-level will be October 3rd-11th. Students must remain in their current course for the remainder of Quarter 1, and changes will go into effect starting Quarter 2.
**All requests to change levels must be initiated with your current teacher.**
Important Considerations:
- If the request is approved, schedule changes will be subject to course availability.
- Proceeding with this change may disrupt other aspects of the schedule such as the order of classes, lunch period or assigned teachers. Completed changes are final.
- The student's Quarter 1 AP/honors grade will factor into the semester grade for the new course. Students may be expected to make up assignments in the new course that provide a necessary foundation for future learning.
💡 Dual Credit Reminders
- The last day to withdraw from a dual credit course is November 1, 2024:
- The course will show on your Collin transcript with a "W"
- Students must complete the Dual Credit request to Withdraw form
- Dual Credit FAQ's and Helpful Links
- Collin College Student Resources
- If you have an immediate dual credit question, please email dualcredit@collin.edu
📝 Testing Info
Plano East Testing Website
- View all things testing on the PESH Testing website
PSAT Test Day - October 2nd
- Who will test?
- All 9th and 10th graders
- 11th graders who registered and paid by the deadline
- Be sure to review the alternate bell schedule for the day.
- More information about the PSAT test can be found here: School Day PSAT/NMSQT
FREE Test Prep Material
- 100% free test prep material is available for ASVAB, PSAT, SAT, TSIA2, EOC, AP, ACT testing and more
- Can be accessed from the PESH Testing Website
AP Test Registration
- View the AP Exam Registration Checklist for registration details
- Registration deadline is November 1st
- $40 late fee begins November 2nd
Questions can be directed to the Campus Testing Coordinator:
Danielle Martin
🏫 College Info
✅ College 101
If you missed the College 101 Presentation earlier this month, you can view it HERE.
All transcripts and other documents are sent to colleges through SchooLinks, therefore students MUST add the schools to which they are applying to their SchooLinks account. Step-by-step instructions can be found here: Adding Colleges to Your Application List in SchooLinks
Rec Letters from a Teacher:
- Must be requested in SchooLinks when adding the college to your application list.
- Adding Recommenders to SchooLinks
Rec Letters from the Counselor:
- If a school you are applying to requires a rec letter from your counselor, contact your counselor or see their google classroom for their specific rec letter instructions.
- Students must request the letter and complete any information required by their counselor at least 10 school days prior to the application deadline! Letter of Recommendation Deadlines
Do you have a November 1st college application deadline that requires a counselor rec letter? Letter must be requested and information submitted to your counselor by October 11th!
Have questions or need help with your applications? Counselors will be available in the cafeteria during both lunches on the dates below to offer assistance:
- Thursday, October 10th
- Thursday, October 24th
Speak with representatives from the colleges below during A and B lunch in the cafeteria:
- University of Oklahoma - 10/1
- Mississippi State University - 10/1
- Albany College of Pharmacy - 10/7
- Hampden-Sydney College - 10/11
- University of Arkansas - 10/11
- University of Missouri - 10/21
- University of Nebraska - 10/21
- Oklahoma State University - 10/22
- Austin College - 10/22
💰 Scholarships
🎯 General Scholarship Resources
Use the scholarship search tool in SchooLinks:
Click the “Financing” icon on the left
Choose “Scholarship Matching” from the list
Complete the questionnaire to be matched with scholarship
- Check for offers with:
- Local organizations
- Parents’ place of employment
- The college/university - they often offer scholarships of their own
Online Resources:
🎯 HEB Sports in Action Scholarship
🔴 Red Ribbon Week (October 23 - 31) 🔴
This year's Red Ribbon Week theme is Life Is A Movie, Film Drug Free. The theme is a call to action to speak out in support of healthy choices. It also serves as a reminder that we are all empowered with shaping the communities around us through positivity, bravery, and strength.
- Criminal drug networks are mass-producing fake pills and falsely marketing them as legitimate prescription pills to deceive the American public.
- Fake pills are easy to purchase, widely available, often contain fentanyl or methamphetamine, and can be deadly.
- Fake prescription pills are easily accessible and often sold on social media and e-commerce platforms, making them available to anyone with a smartphone, including minors.
- Many fake pills are made to look like prescription drugs such as oxycodone (Oxycontin®, Percocet®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), and alprazolam (Xanax®); or stimulants like amphetamines (Adderall®)
- Learn More at OnePillCanKill
Learn how the National Family Partnership and the Lock Your Meds Campaign can help you combat prescription drug abuse and bring awareness to families.
Visit LockYourMeds.org
Plano ISD School Social Workers offer monthly virtual and in-person workshops and support groups on various topics. This month's offerings are:
📅 Important Dates in October
🎯 October 2: PSAT Test Day
- Follow the alternate bell schedule for the day
- Seniors who signed for the TSIA2 will also test on this date
🎯 October 10: Counselor Corner
During both lunches in the cafeteria.
🎯 October 11: Rec Letter Deadline
If you have a November 1st application due date, and your application requires a rec letter from the counselor, please have all information submitted to your counselor by this date!
🎯 October 11: End of Quarter 1
Speak with teachers now to make sure grades, missing assignments, and makeup opportunities are taken care of well in advance!
🎯 October 14 - 18: Fall Break
Enjoy your week of vacation!
🎯 October 24: Counselor Corner
During both lunches in the cafeteria.