The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
You can translate our newsletter to any language in three easy steps:
Nuestro boletín se puede traducir a cualquier idioma en tres sencillos pasos:
1. Cuando reciba el boletín de la escuela en su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico, abra el correo electrónico y haga clic en el título del boletín para abrirlo en Smore.
2. Una vez en Smore, desplácese hasta el final del boletín. Sobre la palabra roja "Informe" verá la palabra "Traducir". Haga clic en "Traducir".
3. A continuación, seleccione su idioma preferido en el menú desplegable y el boletín se traducirá automáticamente al idioma que elija.
Dear Imlay Families,
A Message from Mrs. McCalley, Principal
Dear Imlay Families:
I hope this letter finds your family safe and healthy. The added uncertainty of wildfires and the extreme smoke in the area has added an additional layer of stress and concern for everyone. Please reach out (503-844-1090) if we can support you in any way!
The first day of school is Monday, September 14, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. All students will begin their day logging in to Google Meets for Morning Meeting. Please see below for information on attendance, schedules, how to get help, etc.
Together we soar!
Thank you,
Principal McCalley
Student Login Info: be sure you add to your student log in name!
Free Meals Delivered Via School Bus
During Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL), all meals will be delivered via bus routes. Deliveries will take place Monday through Friday on school days, starting Tuesday, Sept. 8, and will include both breakfast and lunch.
Students will receive their meals free of charge.
To find out the location and time of the meal delivery for your student, visit the MyBus Student Route Look-up tool on our website or see below for routes around Imlay Elementary.
Imlay Schedule for Parents (Click below)
Parents are welcome to refer their child for services designed for students identified as talented and gifted. Students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test of overall reading or math or on a mental abilities test, and have other confirming evidence that they learn at a rapid rate and advanced level, are identified as TAG students. With parent input, individual plans are made to adjust the rate and level of the student’s instruction to meet his or her specific needs.
If you think your child may qualify for TAG services, and want information about the referral and identification process, please contact Angie Foster, Imlay's TAG Coordinator at
Kindergarten Welcome Back Letters
K/1 Blend and First Grade Welcome Back Letters
Second Grade Welcome Back Letters
Third Grade Welcome Back Letters
Fourth Grade Welcome Back Letters
Fifth Grade Welcome Back Letters
Sixth Grade Welcome Back Letters
iWIN & Counselor Welcome Back Letters
Ms. Zephirin, School Counselor Information
Our Imlay School Counseling Program has launched a new website! It includes contact information for Mrs. Zephirin, as well as community/parent resources that will be updated throughout the year. Please visit the parent resource section for newly added information on supporting children during wildfires. Contact Mrs. Zephirin at with any questions.
Parent Vue Verification Needed!
What is Online Verification?
Parents/Guardians review and update information for students currently attending Hillsboro School District. Having accurate contact information for parents is critical for communicating school and district news, as well as attendance and emergency notifications. Only one parent/guardian can complete the verification process.
How do I access Online Verification?
Login to your ParentVUE account. Click on the Online Registration tab in the top right hand corner and then select 2020-2021 Verification.
ParentVUE account creation instructions were emailed to parents without active accounts on 8/3 and a paper copy will also be mailed the week of August 10, 2020. Please call 503.844.1871 if you have questions regarding your ParentVUE account.
Once you finish the online verification, you can see who is your child's assigned teacher!