Newsletter February 7
News on The Hill
Office Hours are 8:00-4:30pm weekdays. Please don't hesitate to call us at 208-350-4432 if you have any questions. You can also access our school website:
Hillsdale Elementary School / Homepage (westada.org)
For our Hillsdale Staff Directory, please visit our Hillsdale webpage:
www.westada.org and choose school-elementary-Hillsdale from the district school dropdown menu
Once on the Hillsdale page, select the Menu icon from the upper right and choose Hillsdale Staff from the drop-down menu under Contact Us Hillsdale Staff | Hillsdale Elementary School (westada.org)
Office Staff and PTO
Jenn Connor, Head Secretary Connor.Jenn@westada.org
Sally Fitzgerald, Office Assistant/Registrar Fitzgerald.Sally@westada.org
Patty Smithley, Office Assistant/Registrar Smithley.Patty@westada.org
Ashley Tracy, Safe School Assistant tracy.ashley@westada.org
President: Shelby Van Orsow
Vice President: Rikki Watkins
Treasurer: Kristin Raney
Communications Secretary: Heather Galm
Fundraising Coordinator: Kara Jensen
Events Coordinator: Brittney Logsdon
Email: bair.khristie@westada.org
Website: https://www.westada.org/Domain/6243
Location: 5225 South Stockenham Way, Meridian, ID, USA
Phone: 208-350-4432
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hillsdaleherons1
REMIND: Hillsdale Elementary School @a62337b
11-Kindergarten Orientation for incoming 2025-26 students 1:30-3:00pm. Bring your incoming kindergarten student with you. We will all check-in at the auditorium steps for a short presentation and you will receive information for kindergarten registration.
14-Valentine's Day Event during lunch time for all students coordinated by our PTO. See details below...
17-No School-Presidents' Day
18-20-Gary Hogg (Utah Author): Assemblies and Writing Workshops 1-5th grades
26-STEM Night Last Names A-K (5-6pm) and Last Names L-Z (6-7pm) & Book Fair (4-7pm)...more details to come!
4-Kindergarten registration for 2025-2026 school year 9:30-4:00pm (appointments can be scheduled with office staff when all enrollment paperwork has been completed)
5-No School-Professional Learning Collaboration
Kindergarten Orientation, February 11th-1:30-3:00pm
Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook-deadline Friday, Feb. 14th
Parents can visit: www.buytheyearbook.com and either search for Hillsdale or enter our school code, which is 295530-2501. Yearbooks are $20 each. The deadline to order is Friday, February 14.
Valentine Dress Up Lunch Event
Perfect Attendance for January
Each month one student per grade level is randomly selected from that month's perfect attendance list. Those students drawn receive a $10 Stella ice cream gift card. The picture below includes students' whose names were drawn for January. Each quarter, those students who have maintained perfect attendance throughout the year are acknowledged with a special treat provided by Officer Bridges.
Pictured L-R: Claire, Evie, Ellie, and Oliver.
January Winners
Pre - Nugent - Gracelynn Kent
Kinder - Craver - Eliette Craver
1st - McKinley - Brayden Nickel
2nd - Brousseau - Evelynn Munguia
3rd - Powell - Claire Yoon
4th - Montoya - Oliver Shanks
5th - Reed - Corbin Stout
Hillsdale STEM NIGHT is coming...February 26th
Our STEM Night and Book Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26th and we need volunteers! This is a fun evening event that will coincide with our annual Book Fair. If you would like to help with either of these events, please use the sign-up links below. More information on these events will come out soon!
To help with the Book Fair: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4EAEAA2BAAF8C52-54388949-book
To help with STEM Night: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4EAEAA2BAAF8C52-54388422-science
Thank you for your support! We couldn’t do it without our amazing volunteers.
Resha Thornton
Caught You Being A Heron!
Each day, Hillsdale staff are looking for students who exhibit HERON traits to give them a Caught You Being a Heron ticket. Students then put the ticket in their grade level jar by the main entryway. Two students' names will be drawn each week per grade level and read over the announcements for prizes from our Treasure Chest. Each month a K-2nd and 3rd-5th grade student will be drawn to receive a monthly prize!
We want to acknowledge all the great HERON traits we see in our students throughout the day!
This Week's Students Caught Being a Heron:
Kindergarten: Stevie Miller (Respectful) & Hayes Bankus (Engaged Learner)
First Grade: Nora Wiersma (On Task) & Aliya Skogen (On Task)
Second Grade: Zane Watkins (Engaged & Respectful) & Madelyn Murri (Respectful & On Task)
Third Grade: Martin Kirk (On Task) & Isaac Thiel (Respectful)
Fourth Grade: Brielle Culbertson (Engaged Learner) & Margo Tsougas (Never Give Up)
Fifth Grade: Aivind Pearce (Respectful & Self-Control) & Londyn Nelson (Respectful)
Education Foundation Family Night at Wahooz!
District Art Show
PTO Meeting Dates for 2024-2025
All PTO meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:
March 4: 7:00-8:00pm
April 1: 7:00-8:00pm
May 6: 7:00-8:00pm