Grades 6-12 Science
September 2022 Secondary Science Newsletter
Secondary Science Department
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.ccsoh.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=2577
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380) 997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
Welcome Back Teachers!
I hope that you took the time to attend one of the professional development sessions for your newly adopted curriculum materials. Just to clarify...these are NOT your curriculum. They are yet another tool for you to use. These are your district-approved, adopted curriculum platforms that will be used in their classrooms as the primary resource. You are still greatly encouraged to conduct hands-on labs and activities, but these platforms are your new curriculum resources. Be sure to follow the district curriculum document found in the CLT folder for your discipline (the red document). See the CLT folder link below. The order of your new materials may not match the order written in your district curriculum guide. This document is also incorporated into the new Canvas courses.
If you did not find time to attend one of the sessions, below find the link to the Implementation Folder found in the CLT folder. In there you will find resources, recordings, and tips from the PDs. This is a great place to start familiarizing yourself with the platform or as a reminder to some of the information you may have learned in the session.
Resources You Might Find Useful
Appalachian Academy offers free online STEM lessons and activities focused on Ohio: https://osln.org/2022/08/appalachian-academy-offers-free-lessons/
-Our Beautiful Planet: videos and lessons: https://tinyurl.com/4yvmw3ww
-Case-Based Teaching Collection: https://www.nsta.org/case-studies?utm_medium=email&utm_source=rasa_io&utm_campaign=newsletter
-From the Field Freebies: https://tinyurl.com/2ayzrfvp
Flinn: Safety Course and Certification: https://labsafety.flinnsci.com/UnAuthHome/Index
Ivy Panda:
-The Effectiveness of PowerPoints: https://ivypanda.com/blog/the-effectiveness-of-ms-powerpoint-take-your-presentation-to-the-next-level/
-PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines: https://www.mcgill.ca/skillsets/files/skillsets/powerpointguidelines.pdf
Ditch that Textbook:
Ditch that Textbook:
-The Ultimate Back to School Guide: https://view.genial.ly/62ce4e87e8d7260018613d6b
-Would You Rather Icebreaker Activity: https://www.canva.com/templates/EAEk_KPUmJI-blue-white-and-beige-school-supplies-ice-breaker-class-activity-would-you-rather-education-presentation/
-First Days of School's Hyper Doc: https://read.bookcreator.com/4ImAi7KrwJOY90mE9AnzyYyzUH22/3Vh5hB3HSHuY8PpnbXwzvQ
-The All About Me Google Drawings Poster: https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/c/middle-and-high-school/en/design-a-poster-about-you/overview.html
-The Chromebook Care Presentation and Kahoot Game: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18nYv06uQXT38sNSRegqtqAhiCI3K6Dnb7NT3NyU7VvM/edit#slide=id.g10ad52f23d8_0_0
-The Check In with Students Pear Deck Slides: https://app.peardeck.com/share/view/h2jq2q
-80 Back to School Ideas and Activities: https://ditchthattextbook.com/back-to-school
-10 Ways to Improve Students' Long-Term Learning: https://ditchthattextbook.com/longterm
-20 Ways to Build Classroom Community and Relationships: https://ditchthattextbook.com/community-relationships
Safety First!
If you do not have a lab safety contract, there is one from Carolina Biological attached below.
If Interested: Academic Excellence for All Conference
The conference aims to provide Ohio educators with the opportunity to learn how to address gaps in academic achievement specifically those exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The mission of the conference is to provide an opportunity for all educators (P-16) to become familiar with research and strategies that support the six components of the Academic Excellence for All framework:
- Equitable Student Access;
- Culturally Responsive Practices;
- Student-Centered Learning;
- Diverse Staff of Excellent Educators;
- Family and Community Engagement; and
- School Climate.
Department Chairs
September 14
October 12
November 9
December 14
January 11
February 8
March 15
April 19
May 10
Articles That Might Interest You
-Get to Know Students through Seating Challenges: https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/opinion-teaching-secrets-get-to-know-students-through-seating-challenges/2012/06
-Start the School Year with Purpose: 5 Priorities: https://tinyurl.com/2p8jkayy
-How to Build Inclusive Classrooms: https://tinyurl.com/39ten88m
-Veteran Teachers Offer Advice for Beginners: https://tinyurl.com/y87cm9pz
-The Key to Getting Girls Interested in STEM Could Be Their Teacher: https://tinyurl.com/4z7tvrhd
-Teens on TikTok...What Should Teachers Do: https://tinyurl.com/2p8zru2s
-How Schools Can Teach Students to Network: https://tinyurl.com/mr3cv28r
-What Science Can Teach Us about Learning: https://tinyurl.com/2bw8jden
-How Teachers Can Boost Students' Self-Confidence: https://tinyurl.com/37cdrk5p
Kessler Science:
-Top 5 Reasons Your Class Should Be Using Interactive Notebooks: https://www.keslerscience.com/top-5-reasons-that-your-class-should-be-using-interactive-notebooks/?utm_source=ck&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=082322_INB
Spruce Run Nature Center
Welcome, Heather Allen, as our new Spruce Run Coordinator! She is planning many great things this year and really looking for ways to have more secondary teachers involved in the center.
Spruce Run Nature Center fall newsletter: https://www.smore.com/7b89z
Three Ecosystems of Spruce Run: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1InbCPqTtoEIGboljtVC-dXglS4lPo0TuIU-_Cud-SFA/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you, Linda!
Office of Teaching and Learning (614-365-5727) is located at 3700 S. High St.
Brian Morton, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Sonja Dill, Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
Laura Schnebelen, K-5 Coordinator, lschnebe@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Heather Allen, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us