August 30th, 2024

August 30th, 2024
Message From the Principals
Greetings TLA Family!
We have had an AMAZING first week here at TLA!! We started with a Senior Sunrise Breakfast quickly followed by an outstanding All School Assembly where we had K5-12th grade in the gym at one time! Then scholars were off to their classrooms for three days of seeing friends, creating new friendships, getting to know the staff and learning! We can't wait to make the 2024-2025 school year one to remember!
Upcoming Events:
Career Focus - Construction
8/30 - Last Day for 1st Quarter Club Sign Up
9/2 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
9/3-9/5 - K4 (Last Name M-Z ONLY)
9/3 - 9/6 - K5-3rd MAP Reading Fluency Assessment
9/5 - NJROTC Family Orientation Night (5:00-5:30 pm)
9/6 - ALL K4 Scholars report moving forward
9/9 - 9/11 - K5 – 8 MAP Growth Assessment
9/16 - 9/20 - K4 MAP Reading Fluency Assessment
9/17 - PLC Meeting (8:00 – 9:15 am)
9/17 - 9/20 - SEAL-A-SMILE
As we told the scholars--Year 4 and we are ready to ROAR!! Go Lions!!
Tavi Riddle, Principal K4-5th (tavi.riddle@tlabeloit.com)
Janae Gile, Principal 6th-12th (janae.gile@tlabeloit.com)
General Information
School Breakfast & Lunch Information
Parent Leadership Council (PLC)
A general reminder that PLC offers an opportunity to all families where they can engage with TLA's leadership team beyond classroom level involvement. These meetings are always scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month from 8:00-9:15 am in the Library. Our first meeting of the school year will be held on September 17th. We look forward to seeing families that can attend!!
Back to School Forms
We thank the families who completed the required Back to School forms. If you haven’t yet done so, we’d like to remind you to fill out the necessary forms through Skyward’s Family Access under Online Forms as soon as possible. These forms are important for maintaining accurate records and ensuring the smooth operation of various school activities.
We understand that life can get busy, but we kindly ask for your prompt attention. If you’ve encountered any issues or have questions about the submission process, please don’t hesitate to contact our school office at 608-690-5100. We are here to assist you every step of the way.
6th Grade Field Trip Reminder
The 6th grade field trip to Outdoor Wisconsin Leadership School (OWLS) is scheduled for September 13th. Please make sure to turn in the specific permission trip form for OWLS and $20 by September 12th. Click HERE If you need another copy of the permission slip or HERE if you want to reference the informational sheets.
Character Strong Screener
We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at The Lincoln Academy called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with TLA. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
Send and receive school and class information
Share pictures and files
See calendar items
Sign up to volunteer
And much more . . . all in one centralized place!
Parents—Getting Started Video Padres: vídeo de introducción
All district and school, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text.
You should've received an email invitation to join the TLA ParentSquare community. For even more convenience, you can also download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices-see photo above for reference).
Uniform Expectations
Our scholars have been looking so good in their uniforms! Thank you for partnering with us to help create a stronger TLA Community and supporting your child with uniform expectations!
As a general reminder:
- TLA polo tucked in or TLA sweatshirt/quarter zip
- Tucked in black or white undershirt (if applicable)
- Black uniform pants/skirt or knee-length shorts
- Belt (if visible)
- All black socks
- All black shoes
- Solid black, blue or white hair ties
Reminder that uniform pants should be from French Toast or similar style. Pants should be straight leg, not stretchy and have a slit pocket only in the back (not a full pocket). Walmart has a Wonder Nation brand for younger scholars or certain Lee brand styles for older scholars that are very similar. Target also has a Cat & Jack brand for younger scholars and many of our older scholars have purchased uniform compliant pants from Old Navy.
New K4-12th Grade Personalized Learning Platform
- We’re using IXL to support our curriculum this year, and your child has access to this online program at home. IXL is a learning platform that lets scholars practice skills that they’re learning and guides them to material that will help them grow the most. With thousands of skills that match what we’re covering in class, as well as insights into scholar progress, IXL is a great resource to help your child excel.
- Scholars are currently taking the ELA and Math diagnostic assessments to create their own personalized learning activities from counting to 3, to learning Calculus and studying for the ACT, or skills applicable to the trades and workplace environments
- Learn anywhere with the IXL app. The IXL app is tailor-made for tablets and phones to create a fun, immersive experience that students love.
- Families can also access IXL via Clever from our website, parent tab, TLA's Clever Portal link.
- K4 to 12th - IXL ELA and Math Diagnostic Testing, 8/29-9/6
- K5 to 3rd - MAP Reading Fluency Assessment, 9/3-9/6
- K5 to 8th - MAP Growth Reading and Math, 9/9-9/11
- K4 - MAP Reading Fluency Assessment, 9/16-9/20
- K5 to 12th - WIDA Screening, taken by scholars new to TLA and who are identified as English learners
Attendance Corner
Attendance Communication
Did you know that if a TLA scholar is absent and the parent/guardian has not contacted the school, our office staff will place a phone call to you that same day? …not an automated message, but rather a personal call dialed just to you. We want you to know that we care, and we miss our scholars when they aren’t here! Attendance is one of our top priorities at TLA, and our school-wide goal is 95% attendance for the year. Please help us reach this goal with timely communication!
As a friendly reminder, if your child is going to be absent or tardy, please notify the office by 8:00 am via the school attendance line (608-6905100), attendance@tlabeloit.com or Skyward Family Access.
In This Week's Athletic News:
This marks the first season of varsity athletics at The Lincoln Academy. Our volleyball and cross-country teams are looking forward to the challenge. We encourage you to come out and support our Lions!
Middle school volleyball and cross country will start on Wednesday, September 4th, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Doors will open at 4:55. Please arrange to pick up your scholars promptly at 5:00 pm. Also, ensure that all required athletic documents are submitted and scholar fees are paid to be eligible to practice. If you have any questions, please contact the athletic director, Mr. Clothier, at joe.clothier@tlabeloit.com.
This week's athletic events are as follows:
- August 31st - Varsity Cross Country J-Hawk Invite (Rockford Jefferson @ 9:00 am)
- September 3rd - Varsity Volleyball vs. South Beloit (TLA at 6:00 pm --please note the start time change)
- September 4th - MS Cross Country & Volleyball practice starts (5:00 to 6:00 pm)
- September 7th - Varsity Cross Country Harlem Invitational (Harlem High School @ 9:00 am)
Sports Physicals
As we transition into the summer break, we urge our scholars to utilize this time to complete their sports physicals for the upcoming school year. A sports physical is a mandatory requirement every two years to maintain eligibility for athletics in 6th-12th grade. For the second year, an 'alternate year card' is necessary.
Fall sports are in full swing but Winter sports seasons are right around the corner. You must have a WIAA sports physical completed along with the necessary paperwork. The paperwork can be located HERE under "Athletic Forms"
1st Quarter Clubs-Sign ups Due TODAY
First Quarter after-school clubs will begin on Thursday Sept 5th and run through the week of October 21st. Clubs will run from 3:45-4:45 on scheduled days. Scholars interested in participating in a club should complete the form linked below. Seats are limited--names will be drawn if more scholars request to participate than spots available. Sign-Up endsTODAY and you will be notified through Parent Square the week of September 3rd.
Scholars are ineligible to participate in clubs if they fall into any of the categories below for quarter four during the 2023-2024 school year.
Two or more F's or a GPA less than 2.0
Two or more Unexcused absences
Two or more school suspensions
Please reach out to Mr. Shane Davie with questions: shane.davie@tlabeloit.com.
Available Clubs:
- First Lego League (2nd-4th)
- Girls Scouts (K5-1)
- Gaming Club (6th-12th)
- Culinary Club (6th-12th)
- Scholar Council (9th-12th)
- Esports (9th-12th)
Career Exploration
Construction Careers Month
Community Connection
USS Beloit Community Picnic
This free, family-friendly event promises an afternoon of fun, food, and festivities, aimed at bringing together local residents and the crew members to build relationships as the crew prepares for the future ship commissioning.
Event highlights include:
- Meet and Greet with USS Beloit Crew: A chance to interact with the individuals who serve on the USS Beloit.
- Games and Activities: Fun for the whole family, including face painting, balloon artists, yard games and a dunk tank.
- Delicious Food: Free food will be provided by Geronimo Hospitality Group and the USS Beloit Commissioning Committee, while supplies last. Beer concessions will be open for purchase.
“This picnic is a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate our local heroes while enjoying a day filled with entertainment and camaraderie,” said Sarah Lock, social chair for the USS Beloit Commissioning Committee. “We’re thrilled to host this event and look forward to seeing everyone there.”
Message From the Deans
Mr. Anderson
Mr. Cieplewski
Dear TLA Families,
First couple of days in the books and what joyous days they were! There were so many smiles, friendships rekindled and new relationships built. We hope you have a great Labor Day weekend and be ready to hit the ground running on Tuesday, September 3rd. As a reminder to families, uniforms are a big push this year and any scholar not in uniform will need a parent/guardian to bring the correct uniform. Can’t wait to see you all on Tuesday!
Mr. Ryan Anderson, 4K-4th Grade Dean of Scholars
Mr. Robert Cieplewski, 6th-11th Grade Dean of Scholars
The Lincoln Academy
Email: info@tlabeloit.com
Website: https://www.thelincolnacademybeloit.com/
Location: 608 Henry Avenue, Beloit, WI, USA
Phone: 608 690 5100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TLABeloit/
Twitter: @tlabeloit