Eagle News
March/April 2024
Happy Easter! Hope you had a wonderful Spring Break with family. It was nice to have my oldest daughter in town from college. We start a long April and May, please take a look at the information below:
4th/5th Grade Writing Contest- Molalla Current
Do you know a student with big ideas about Molalla? Encourage them to take part in the "If I Were Mayor..." contest. Winners from the local competition will move on to the state competition, where they could win a prize worth $500! Check out the link below. Submissions need to be in by April 5th.
Dental Visit
All Smiles Community Oral Health will be providing free dental screenings, sealants, and fluoride at your child’s school during the week of April 15, 2024. Healthy teeth are important to your child’s overall health. A dental screening is a quick look inside your child’s mouth to check the overall health of their teeth. Dental sealants are protective coatings put on the back teeth to prevent cavities and fluoride is a vitamin that is brushed on the teeth to make teeth stronger and prevent cavities. Permissions slips were sent home and are due back by April 4th please! Click this link sign the permission form for your child online.
Eagles in Action
Check out our mascot in action, Eagles are cool!
State Assessments 3rd-5th
Each year our third, fourth, and fifth-grade students take the Oregon state assessments. Students are tested in the areas of ELA, Math, and 5th graders also take the Science assessment. These tests will take place in the Spring and are completed during the school day. Students will take practice tests during class time to prepare them for the assessment. Families are encouraged to explore the tests as well. Families can access the sample tests here.
There is also an option to opt your child out of the ELA and Math tests. If this is something you are interested in doing, please contact our head secretary Crystal Robles and complete the attached document.
If you would like to opt-out of the Science test please send Crystal an email. Any other questions about the assessment, feel free to contact your child's teacher or Mr. Womack.
Flash Alert
We encourage all families and community members connected to the Molalla River School District to subscribe to our FlashAlert System for notification in emergency situations. We use it for weather-related emergencies as well as other situations that might require immediate notification of our public. You can subscribe to this electronic notification system and receive emails or text messages. Please subscribe below:
Parent Teacher Club
If you would like to be involved with our parent teacher club, we would love to have you join our team. Parents are an important part of our community. You can email the PTC team directly.
4/10, 5/8, 6/11
Molalla Elementary School
Head Secretary- Crystal Robles
Website: https://mes.molallariv.k12.or.us/
Phone: 503-829-4333