Days 1 & 2
Mrs. Walls's First Grade Class
Day 1
Hello, 1st graders! Today's assignments will cover a variety of skills. Below, you will see what we will be covering in each subject.
Phonics: I can decode and encode words with magic e.
Comprehension: I can identify and describe main story elements in a text.
Math: I can add and subtract within 20.
Day at a Glance
Magic E🪄
We will dive into decoding and encoding words with Magic E. Remember, in a v_e word, the e jumps over one consonant and gives the "power" to the vowel, changing its short sound to a long sound.
Main Events
We will be identifying and describing main story elements in the text, Enemy Pie.
➕Adding & Subtracting➖
We will be practicing addition and subtraction fluency within 20.
Scan the QR Code to join our class. You will find a variety of long vowel readers, as well as a formative assessment/game.
Word Match
Graphic Organizer
Complete the graphic organizer on the story elements.
Describe the main events from the story.
Class code: 1234
Scan the QR Code to access SplashLearn. Choose the assessment tab and practice the addition and subtraction assignments.
Day 2
Hello, 1st graders! Today's assignments will cover a variety of skills. Below, you will see what we will be covering in each subject.
Phonics: I can decode and encode words with ai & ay.
Comprehension: I can identify and describe main story elements in a text.
Math: I can add and subtract within 20.
Day at a Glance
ai & ay
We will dive into decoding and encoding words with the long a sound using the vowel teams ai & ay. Remember, ai says /a/ in the medial position of a word, and ay says /a/ in the final position of a word or syllable.
We will identify problem and solution in the text, Knuffle Bunny.
➕Addition & Subtraction➖
We will be practicing addition and subtraction fluency within 20.
Boom Cards Long A
I Know It- Long A
Click the image to practice all the sounds of Long A.
IXL Addition & Subtraction Practice
Complete the assigned math problems in IXL.
Addition & Subtraction interactive 10 Frames
Work to practice addition & subtraction using the online game, WordWall