Back to School Family Guide
Welcome Back, BCS Students & Families!
Student Success Checklist
School starts on August 19, and we’re here to help you and your family start off on the right foot. Inside this guide, you’ll find important back to school essentials including the school year calendar, bus schedules, and more!
Whether you’re returning or joining us for the first time, let’s make this school year the best one yet!
2024-2025 School Year Calendar Snapshot
Bus Schedules and Parent Portal
Our school district partners with Edulog Parent Portal to give you access to a smartphone app to improve communication, school bus safety, and efficiency. The Edulog Parent Portal app provides you with information on the GPS location of your child’s school bus and sends you a push notification when the bus is nearing your bus stop or other locations that you define – such as the school or neighborhood entrance. To learn more, click the link below.
Get Connected, Stay Informed!
Don't miss news, events, activities & celebrations shared by the district & your school. Download the BCS app and select the schools you wish to receive notifications from. And, when you enable notifications, you won't miss a beat!
Student's primary & secondary contacts are automatically enrolled to receive NTouch messages. Community members may also sign up at the link below.
Learn more about how you can get connected and stay informed by clicking the link below.
Safety/Emergency Protocols
Over the summer, our school system updated our emergency protocol practices and language to ensure that we are fully prepared for any potential hazards. These updates are designed to enhance the safety and security of our students, staff, and visitors. We are committed to providing a safe learning environment and will continue to review and improve our protocols as needed. Thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our schools safe.
What should I expect as a parent or guardian?
- A continuation of practice drills for students throughout the school year.
- Communication sent out via electronic formats regarding LOCKDOWN, HOLD, SECURE, SHELTER, and EVACUATE if incidents occur.
How can I contribute to School Safety as a Parent or Guardian?
- Complete your child's online Emergency Card annually.
- Sign up to receive NTouch messages so that you will get information if there is an emergency situation.
- Complete any paperwork sent home by your child's teacher promptly.
- Immediately update any changing phone number with your child's school.
- Always bring a photo ID when visiting the school.
- Understand that you will be held in our secure entryways when engaging in a quick visit with the school.
- Model safe and respectful behavior in front of your children.
Annual Emergency Information Update
Completing your student’s annual emergency information update is important for ensuring their safety and well-being throughout the school year. This information helps us have up-to-date contact details and medical information, so we can respond quickly and appropriately in case of an emergency.
Accurate records also help the school communicate important updates and maintain a safe environment for all students. By taking a few moments to complete this update, you’re playing a vital role in your child’s care and security.
School Safety and Resource Officers
Did you know that the Berkeley County Sheriff's Office provides a Safety Resource Officer (SRO) for Musselman High, Spring Mills High, and Hedgesville High and their feeder schools; and Martinsburg City Police Department provides an SRO for Martinsburg High? In addition, BCS has hired five former law enforcement officers to serve as School Safety Officers (SSO) to serve our middle schools.
These SROs and SSOs are an integral part of the Berkeley County Schools family and are deeply appreciated. We also want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our families, school staff, other law enforcement partners, and the community for your continued support in making our schools a safe and welcoming place for all students. Your involvement and cooperation play a crucial role in maintaining a secure environment where our children can learn and grow. We deeply appreciate your partnership in prioritizing the safety and well-being of our school community.
Smartphone Free for Student Success!
To maintain an environment conducive to learning and minimize distractions, the use of smartphones, cell phones, smart watches, earbuds, air pods, or Bluetooth headphones during class time will be strictly prohibited effective Monday, August 19, 2024.*
Limiting cell phone use is essential to foster a focused, respectful, and equitable learning environment. Research has shown that cell phone use in schools can significantly distract students, impair their concentration, and negatively impact their mental health.
Students in Grades PK – 5: Students may bring personal electronic devices to school, but they must be placed on silent or turned off and must remain off and away in the student’s locker, backpack, or teacher-designated area at all times during the school day while on school grounds. Usage may resume at the end of the school day upon dismissal.
Students in Grades 6 – 12: Students may bring personal electronic devices to school, but they must be placed on silent or turned off and must be off and away at all times during instructional periods, which are defined by the school’s bell schedule, and class changes. Principals may allow the use of personal electronic devices before the first instructional period, during lunch, and after school.
We appreciate your support as we enforce this policy to keep your students engaged in learning. If you should need to contact your student during the school day, please contact the school's main office by phone. In the event of a school emergency, parents will be notified via the contacts on the Annual Emergency Information Card.
*The policy is subject to change pending board approval.
Meal Benefits Application
Your family may qualify for free or reduced meal benefits, but you won't know unless you apply. This application must be completed each year, even if you have received benefits in the past.
We encourage ALL families to apply for meal benefits, even if you think you won't be eligible!
Updated Immunizations
Need more time getting your student's required immunizations? The West Virginia Department of Health (WVDH) has granted Berkeley County Schools a two-week extension to obtain all immunizations required for school entry.
The Berkeley-Morgan Health Department (BMHD) is offering appointments to assist your student with getting their required vaccines. Please use the link below to schedule an appointment; do not call their office directly.
Shenandoah Community Health offers student vaccinations at their walk-in clinic, HealthExpress, at 99 Tavern Road from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Get your student's required vaccines by September 3!
This newsletter was published on August 16, 2024.
Email: info@berkeleycountyschools.org
Location: 1453 Winchester Avenue, Martinsburg, WV, USA
Phone: 304-267-3500