EEA Student & Parent News
Welcome Back! 24-25
Important Dates
August 29th- Open House- 3:30-6:00
September 3rd- First day of school- 7:45 AM- 3:30 PM
September 30th- Picture Day
Open House
OPEN HOUSE for ALL Students- Thursday, August 29, 2024- 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
This is a great opportunity to get students and families back in the mood for the upcoming school year that begins on Tuesday, September 3rd @ 7:45 AM. Of course there’s always some housekeeping that needs to be done, so make sure when you arrive to check-in at the table to pick up your paperwork. All paperwork needs to be completed that night so come ready to fill in the blanks! We have been working hard this summer to make things as easy as possible for your family's transition back this fall.
Feel free to bring any supplies that your student wants to have on hand. You will meet your student’s advisor and classrooms will be open. Bus tickets and locker assignments will also be available.
We look forward to seeing you at the Open House!
Daily Supplies & Back to School Supplies
Daily Supplies:
#2 pencil
1 clear water bottle
Appropriate Winter clothing (If taking daily walk outside)
Back to School Supplies:
1 package of #2 pencils
1 package of multi-colored highlighters
1 package of colored pencils
1 notebook
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 ream of printer paper
1 clear water bottle
1-inch binder for academic vocabulary class
Daily School Schedule
7:35-8:00- Student Arrival
7:35-7:55- Breakfast
8:00-8:30- Advisory
8:30-9:00- Movement Time
9:00-11:40- APEX Learning
11:40-1:00- Lunch, PE & Reading Block
1:10-3:15- APEX Learning
3:15-3:30- Closing Circle
3:30- Student dismissal
7:45-12:00- Teacher Lead Workshops
12:00- Student Dismissal
Annual Infinite Campus Update
Please take a moment to do your annual update on Infinite Campus. This is where you can update address, phone and email information. As well as authorize school field trips and health info/aide.
Log in Link: https://wausauwi.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/wausau.jsp?status=logoff
Instructions: https://www.wausauschools.org/fs/resource-manager/view/b2a6ff62-7263-45d3-aa14-da3c3f73e290
Account Help: https://www.infinitecampus.com/audience/parents-students/audience-parents-students-help-center
*Yellow bus assignments will be sent out via email Tues the 27th. If you do NOT get their email regarding your student's routing, please contact First Student at 715-842-2268 extension 1 for Dispatch. We do not recommend leaving voicemails at First Student at this time of year w/everything going on. Please speak to a live person or call back later.
*City bus applications and tickets will be available for pick-up at our open house on Aug 29th from 3:30-6:00PM. Bus routes and maps can be found here- https://www.wausauwi.gov/your-government/transit/how-to-ride/planning-your-trip
*The Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area will be sending our BGC van to EEA after school, Mondays-Thursdays, during the 2024-25 school year. This van will be available to kids who have signed up with our transportation survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSerRvh4vZXReE00ZAh9MlmDeZwuNjFJxTv_BWdVKBEG5hZ3uQ/viewform
Our van will be arriving during school days at 3:45 PM. BGC staff on the bus will have our roster with them.
Free and Reduced Lunch
If your household has received an eligibility letter from Nutrition Services, you do not
need to do anything further with a free and reduced meal application. However, if you
have not received a letter and feel that your household would qualify for free or reduced
price meal benefits if your child(ren) did not attend a CEP (Community Eligible
Provision) school, we are kindly asking that you complete an application as this could
help receive funding for other programs and/or grants. Receipt of free breakfast and
lunch meals does not depend on completing and returning an application. The quickest
way to complete an application is online by clicking the following link: https://linqconnect.com/public/meal-application/new?identifier=E66EJJ.
Paper applications are available at your school’s main
office or the District School Nutrition Office.
Important information from Health Services
Important health information from Health Services for the 2024-2025 school year. Please update any new health information on the online request form, so accurate health information is received. Please review the following information about medication during the school day. OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS are available during the school day. The Wausau School District will supply generic ibuprofen and generic regular strength acetaminophen (Tylenol) for students in high school. WSD personnel will only administer the recommended therapeutic dose of the non-prescription medication. Also available is the medication consent form. This form is used for daily prescription medication or over-the-counter medication other than generic ibuprofen or acetaminophen (i.e., tums, allergy medication etc.). Both forms along with specialized forms for Allergy Action Plan, Seizure Action Plan, Asthma Action Plan and Special Dietary Request forms may be found on the Wausau School District website www.wausauschools.org under department, then health services. Blank or completed copies of these forms can be picked up/dropped off any time during the school year at the East Health Office.
Medication must be kept in the health office. Students are not allowed to have medication (prescription or over the counter) with them during the school day with the exception of: Diabetic supplies, EpiPens and Inhalers. Medication is required to be brought in by a parent/guardian. Medication may be dropped off in the health office between the hours of 7:15-3:15.
Please follow up with your healthcare provider or Marathon County Health Dept. On your child’s immunization requirements. This link for the Marathon County Health Dept. will give updated clinic dates, immunization requirements and a link to the Wisconsin Immunization Registry to view your child’s immunization record: https://www.marathoncounty.gov/services/public-health-human-services/immunizations
If you have any questions or concerns about any information, please contact the East Health Office.
Nancy Peters (Health aide) at 715-261-0678 or npeters@wausauschools.org
Emilee Mootz (School Nurse) at 715-261-0713 or emootz@wausauschools.org
EEA Resources
EEA Staff
Shannon Young- Principal- syoug@wausauschools.org
Ann Kleiber- Room Advisor- akleiber@wausauschools.org
Jody Marsh- Room Advisor- jmarsh@wausauschools.org
Kim Zimmermann- GED02 Advisor- kzimmerm@wausauschools.org
Noel Phelps- Paraprofessional- nphelps@wausauschools.org
Sarah Schneck- Special Education- sschneck@wausauschools.org
Carol Lukens- Literacy Specialist- clukens@wausauschools.org
Heather Rasmussen- Student Services- hrasmussen@wausauschools.org
Sarah Nilles- Social Worker- snilles@wausauschools.org
Tina Vannatter- JAG Specialist- tivannatter@wausauschools.org
Angela Zarnke- Admin Assistant- azarnke@wausauschools.org
Enrich Excel Achieve Learning Academy
Email: azarnke@wausauschools.org
Website: http://eea.wausauschools.org/
Location: 2607 North 18th Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-261- 0636
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EEALearningAcademy
The Wausau School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex (including transgender status, change of sex, or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability (“Protected Classes”) This is a staff email account managed by Wausau School District. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender.