Thunderbird Update
"Where all Thunderbirds Thrive"

Week of March 3, 2025
Good Afternoon Thunderbirds,
We have made it to the final week before Spring Break! Encourage your students to remain focused through this last week so that they don't have to work on any missing assignments over the break. Also...Students have been pretty handsy the last couple of weeks leading to some conflict between kiddos. Please talk to your students about do's and don'ts in the school environment so that we can finish the 9 weeks strong!
A huge shout out to Mr. Torres, Ms. Elwell, Ms. Perez-Luna, Mr. Gaytan, Ms. Salopek, and the 8th grade team for planning and hosting the 3rd Annual Car Show here at Zia. Also a huge thank you to Mayfield and Las Cruces High School Enlace students for helping! We could not have done it without you! The fundraiser was a great success and raised money that will go towards the 8th grade end of year field trip to the Chihuahuas Baseball game in May. Hope you had a chance to attend and see the amazing cars on display! Congratulation to all the winners!
This week is "Spread the Word to End the Word" brought to you by Best Buddies and Project Unified. Students will participate in a door decorating contest and other activities through advisory, ending the week with a guest speaker and inclusion basketball game. Zia also has a team that will be participating in the Heart for Autism walk on March 29th. If interested in joining our team, scan the QR code on the flyer below and/or contact Renee Lucero at rlucero@lcps.net.
Basketball Playoffs begin this week. See brackets below for times and locations.
Reminder....Zia FFA is selling Chihuahuas Baseball tickets for $22 in section 120. (See attached map) This is a major fundraiser for our FFA club and would really appreciate your support. You can purchase tickets with cash or check payment made out to "Zia Middle FFA". If interested in purchasing tickets, please reach out to Sydney Lindberg at slindberg@lcps.net.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Apodaca
Important dates to remember...
- March 3rd-7th - Spread the Word to END the Word
- March 7th - Spread the Word to END the Word Assembly (Afternoon activity schedule)
- March 4th-6th - Band MPA
- March 10th-21st - Spring Break and Spring Intercession
- March 25th - Progress Reports go home
- March 28th - Immunization Clinic in the library
- March 28th - End of 3rd quarter
- March 29th - Heart for Autism Walk
Spread the Word to END the Word Campaign - March 3-7
Basketball Playoff Brackets
Join Team Zia - Heart for Autism Walk (1 mile - 3/29/25)
Free Summer Reading Program for Students in K-8 (2025-26 SY)
Thunderbird Yearbook - On SALE now!
- BUG Tutoring begins this week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Click the link below to register your student if you want them to stay after for tutoring. Tutoring runs from 4:00-5:00 in the library.
Take advantage of FREE Online Tutoring 24 hours a day!
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be printed and sent home through advisory every other Tuesday. They are due with PARENT/GUARDIAN signature by Thursday. Please see exact dates below.
March- 3/25
April- 4/8, 4/22
May- 5/6, 5/20