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Science Hill High School Newsletter
August 16, 2024
![Science Hill High School Newsletter August 16, 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/ca1b/fbab3df2d3f1a6751a64ba17e9a79a2e.jpg)
Get Involved
Students and Families,
Throughout the school year, we hope to publish a bi-weekly newsletter that contains a brief message from me and important information regarding SHHS. We hope this newsletter will improve our communication and help keep you informed about the school. This newsletter may evolve over time, as we work to make it better for you.
Our vision at Science Hill is to be significant in the lives of our students and community. We will do that by helping your students reach their full potential. Part of that work is asking your student to commit to excellence in all they do. We want to be excellent in the classroom, excellent on the playing field, excellent on the stage, and excellent in our interactions with each other. Another piece of this work is openness. We ask for honesty and integrity and a willingness to learn and try new things. Through this work, we are building a culture of significance, where all students are supported in reaching their full potential and following their chosen path in life.
One way parents can help us build this culture of significance is through encouraging your student to get involved at SHHS. The beginning of the year is a great time to join a club or group. We have performing arts groups, athletic teams, and a wide variety of clubs. Students who are connected to the school through one of these groups perform better in the classroom, have better attendance, and generally have a better high school experience. These connections also give students an opportunity to build lasting relationships with their peers and with their teachers and coaches. It is our goal for every student to be involved in something at SHHS. You can find a current list of our clubs HERE.
Lastly, whether you are new to SHHS or not, I would like to let you know that we have a tremendous teaching staff. Our teachers will support your student and provide them with the absolute best education possible.
Let’s make this a great year!
Go Toppers,
Josh Carter
SHHS Principal
Student Spotlight
Kate Carter
Kate Carter is a 17-year-old senior participating in the AP Capstone Program and concentrating her studies on the Med Tech Pathway. Last year, the Johnson City Board of Education named her a junior board member, and this year, she graduated to a senior board member. The non-voting student board member joins the school board for meetings, learning about the decision-making process and providing a student's perspective on school-related issues.
Why did you want to be a student school board member?
As well as this opportunity being a formative leadership experience, I wanted to serve as the student representative for the BOE to influence my own educational experience. Since elementary school, my teachers and parents have instilled that success is up to me to achieve. In this post, I knew I would be able to take charge of the goings on of my school and develop realistic suggestions based on my fellow students' educational needs and wants. Many students feel powerless to change their experience, but this appointment has helped me to give them a voice, in addition to my own, to create the best education possible.
What have you learned during your time on the board?
I have learned in the past year and a half about compromise, the power of elected officials, and the ever-changing nature of education. Complex policies are consistently changing, and the BOE navigates the nuances of current education to best alter or add policies. I have learned that one small voice can make major waves if they consult the correct people. Finally, I have learned invaluable lessons about leadership, formal processes, and doing the best thing for the largest amount of people.
What do you enjoy most about being a student school board member?
I most enjoy meeting with the board members in committee meetings and providing a student perspective on important issues. I feel honored to be able to attend the Student Congress on Policies in Education (SCOPE) Conference hosted by the TSBA in which students from all over the state come together to talk about the biggest issues in education.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan on majoring in pre-law or pre-med after graduation and hope to attend either ETSU, the University of Kentucky, or the University of Tennessee.
As a senior, what advice would you give incoming freshmen?
I would remind freshmen that everything they are going through, everyone at Science Hill understands. I'd also like to emphasize the importance of getting involved and finding your people. High school goes by fast, and it is so much sweeter with friends by your side.
Juniors who wish to apply to be the Johnson City Schools Board of Education Student Representative may pick up an application packet in the main office. Packets will be available beginning Monday, August 19. The deadline to return completed applications to the main office is Wednesday, September 4 at 3 pm. Any SH junior with a 3.0 or greater unweighted GPA through the end of 2023-24 school year and satisfactory attendance with no significant disciplinary infractions may apply.
Upcoming Dates
August 19 - Senior Cap and Gown Meeting
Seniors will meet during the school day to receive information about ordering caps and gowns for graduation. They will bring home ordering information.
August 19 - Junior Class Ring Meeting
Juniors will meet during the school day to receive information about ordering class rings.
August 21 - Student Movie Night
The Student Activities Council will host a free student movie night for SHHS students at 6:30 pm in Kermit Tipton Stadium. The movie will be "We Are Marshall". Free popcorn, candy and drinks will be provided. Students should park in front of the CTE building and enter through the gate next to the scoreboard.
August 29 - Senior Class Parent Meeting
Seniors and their parents/guardians can discuss post-high school planning, scholarships, financial aid, etc., with Science Hill counselors from 6-7 pm at Freedom Hall.
August 29 - Tri-Cities College Fair
September 2 - Labor Day Holiday
No classes for students.
September 3 - Board of Education Meeting
The Johnson City Board of Education will meet in regular session at 6 pm in the Board Room at Central Office (100 E. Maple Street). Board meetings can be viewed on the Johnson City Schools' YouTube channel.
September 5 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
No appointment is necessary. Teachers and counselors will be available in their rooms between 3 and 6 pm to meet with parents.
Take a look at our online calendars to stay up to date with what's going on at Science Hill:
In the Community
Project SEARCH
The inaugural class of Project SEARCH began their internships at Niswonger Children's Hospital and the Johnson City Medical Center on August 5. This is Johnson City Schools' first year for the program that places students in special education classes nearing graduation in internships in community workplaces.
The six students in the first class, Jacob Taylor, Carlos Martinez, Dominic Hensley, Olivia Andrews, Amanda Judy and Devin "Dave" Babb, just finished their second week of orientation at the hospitals.
Project SEARCH Coordinator and Instructor Kelli Garon said the interns have toured the engineering, food service, environmental services, child life and transport departments. They will be learning and practicing interview skills and participating in interviews for the internships. They are also learning and practicing soft skills and employability skills through the Project SEARCH curriculum.
As the school year begins, parents and guardians should make sure they have access to Canvas and PowerSchool Gradebook Portal. Both of these tools will help you support your student academically throughout the year.
Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) for Johnson City Schools and is used for students and teachers in grades 3 - 12. An LMS serves as a secure platform for teachers, students, and parents that houses and connects all the digital tools used for teaching and learning. It allows for the creation and distribution of content and the tracking and reporting of learning. Parents have the ability to view their students’ course content (assignment due dates, assignments, course modules, etc.) by creating a Canvas “Observer” account that is linked to their student(s) account.
- Already have a Canvas parent observer account? Go HERE to log in.
- Need a parent observer account? Go HERE for setup instructions.
- Looking for more information on Canvas? Visit the JC Schools Canvas FAQ found HERE.
PowerSchool Gradebook Portal
The PowerSchool Gradebook Portal provides real-time access for parents to view grades, attendance, assignments, and more.
- Already have a PowerSchool Parent account? Go HERE to log in or visit https://bit.ly/JCSParentPS.
- Need a parent account? To request a PowerSchool Gradebook Portal parent account, go to the Science Hill website and click on “ABOUT” then “Parent Gradebook Request” or go to https://bit.ly/SH_ParentPS_Request. After a request is made, please allow up to 3 days for processing. You will receive your gradebook portal instructions and access codes through the email provided.
Roan Scholars Recommendation Applications
Class of 2025:
We will soon be accepting applications from students interested in earning the Science Hill High School recommendation to the Roan Scholars Program. The Roan Scholars Leadership Program is a premier scholarship program at East Tennessee State University for students from across our region who have demonstrated the potential and the desire to become exceptional leaders.
The Roan provides funding for four years of tuition and fees at East Tennessee State University, room and board, and books and supplies. But the Roan is much more than just a scholarship; it also empowers Scholars through unique, out-of-the-classroom experiences that challenge, inspire, and encourage. Roan Scholars take it from there, committing to leadership excellence and lifelong impact.
While anyone can apply for the Roan Scholars program, Science Hill High School can only recommend two students. Those two students will automatically be granted an interview with the Roan Scholars committee upon completion of their application.
To apply for the Science Hill recommendation to the Roan Scholars program, pick up an application packet in the main office. Application packets will be available beginning Monday, August 26. The deadline to return applications to the main office is Friday, September 6 at 3 pm.
Senior Picture Retakes
PTSA Corner
Senior Sunrise
The first PTSA student event for the year is the Senior Sunrise at 5:30 am on August 30 in Kermit Tipton Stadium! The PTSA will be providing juice and water for the event. Please sign up to donate items here: https://signup.com/go/uWPQKUx
Items may be dropped off from August 27 to August 29. Please drop off items to the front desk at Science Hill labeled for the PTSA by August 29 at 2 pm. Thank you for your support!
Homecoming Dance
Save the Date! The Homecoming Dance will be held Saturday, September 14 from 7 to 10 pm in Grand Topper Hall. The event will be semi-formal and tickets will be $10. Please note that only currently enrolled SHHS students can attend the dance and ONE ticket per student can be purchased. More details about ticket sales will be announced when we get closer to the event.
Need a Counselor?
Everyone needs a little advice and support at times. Our dedicated counselors are always ready to help! Check out the SHHS Counseling page HERE, or email a counselor directly below:
- Joe McPherson (last names A-Carp) mcphersonj@jcschools.org
- Kim Thompson (Carr-E) thompsonk@jcschools.org
- Dr. Stacey Philbrick (F-Hon) philbricks@jcschools.org
- Ryan Goines (Hoo-Maq) goinesr@jcschools.org
- Suzanne Reaves (Mar-Pa) reavess@jcschools.org
- Seth Douglas (Pe-Sti) douglass@jcschools.org
- Eva Price (Sto-Z) pricee@jcschools.org
- Josh Jarnigan (Career Counseling) jarniganj@jcschools.org
- Chad Plaisted (Topper Academy) plaistedc@jcschools.org
Keep in the Know
Other ways to keep updated on what's going on at Science Hill
Daily Announcements
Check out our announcements page that are updated daily on the website! This is where you can find more information about detailed events, student opportunities, club meetings and more! Follow the link above or press the button on the website's main page that can be found by scrolling halfway down.
Social Media
Social Media can be a great communication tool to push out important events and information in a fun and entertaining way. Both our official Instagram (handle: sciencehill_jcs) and Facebook (linked HERE) as used to showcase what's going on at the hill both academically and athletically while keeping both families and students informed with the most updated information
All student and parent forms can be found in our Main Office in two main places: on a grid on the wall by the main entrance or on our counters.
On Wall in the Main Office
PTA Forms - How to sign up and be informed with PTA events and news.
JCS Communication Tools - Information on how to stay connected with Johnson City Schools.
Gradebook Portal Request Form - To request access to PowerSchool parent account.
Community Service Hours Form - Log form for students' community service hours. Must be signed by a the volunteer supervisor. Download HERE.
Transit Request Forms - Must be filled out, approved, and on file before students can use the school bus system. Download HERE.
Medicine Administration Permission Form - Must be filled out and turned into the nurse if students have medicine that needs to be taken during the school day.
Parent Observer Request Form - To request access to Canvas parent account.
On the counter in the Main Office
Lunch Form - For more information about our lunch program. There is a QR code that will direct on how to fill out forms regarding free and reduced lunch.
School Map - For a layout of the school so that students are able to locate their classes.
Drop-Off/Pick Up Map - For car drop off and pick up locations.