Burns Park Family Newsletter
October 6, 2024
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From the Principal
Wishing all of the Jewish Families of our Burn Park community a Good Holy Day for Yom Kippur on Saturday, October 12.
We are excited for this week's Walk, Bike & Roll to school day on Wednesday. Students who ride the bus will be dropped off at the Eberbach Cultural Center and as a group, we will walk to Burns Park. Thank you in advance to the all the volunteers working together to make this event a success. Additionally, there are several walking "meet up" spots along the routes to school for those who can walk instead of drive on this date. The weather is looking great and this should be great fun for all!
Upcoming This Week
10/11-10/14 Early Fall Break -No School
Take care & Be well,
Principal Bullock
Previous Family Newsletters
MSTEP Reports Information
MSTEP reports from last year's assessment will be sent home on Thursday in your students take home folder. Please review this letter from our district leaders that explains the report.
Meet our New Staff
Meet Nora
I am Nora O'Brien, one of your new resource room teachers. I studied at Eastern Michigan University to earn an endorsement in emotional impairment. I also have a bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology, focusing on archeology. I have a deep connection to Michigan, having grown up all over the state—from north to south and east to west. It's a state I love so very much! I settled in Ann Arbor 32 years ago, just recently moving to Chelsea.
My personal experience led me to pursue a profession in special education. After staying home with my children, I returned to work with AAPS in 2005. My first assignment was as a Special Education TA at Huron High School, finishing as a Medical TA. The past seven years were spent at King Elementary in the same roles.
I have four grown children, two girls, and two boys. Courtenay (40) is an independent director, producer, and writer in the film industry. Telfer (36) works for a construction company in Ann Arbor. Anders (27) is studying Environmental Science and Visual Arts at EMU. Molly (24) just finished her graduate program in social work and is now preparing to set off on her own. When I'm not busy keeping up with them, I create, volunteer, travel, and spend as much time as possible at my cottage on Lake Superior.
Nora O'Brien
Meet Yolanda
My name is Yolanda Singleton and I’ve worked for the Ann Arbor Public School District since 1998, with 18 years in special education. My passion for helping children with special needs has driven my career and allowed me to make a switch to special education. I’m now finishing a degree in Emotional Impairment to build on my Early Childhood Education degree. My focus is on building connections, providing the best support, and creating nurturing environments for all of my students.
Born and raised on the Westside of Ann Arbor, I’m deeply connected to this community. Growing up here inspired me to give back by working with local children and families. I advocate for early intervention and personalized support for students with special needs. As I complete my studies, my goal is to continue making a difference in the Ann Arbor community.
Bike, Walk or Roll to School Day
Wait Until 8th
From The Burns Park PTO
Join us Tuesday, October 8 at 7 p.m. via Zoom for our next PTO Meeting. We’ll be voting on a Golden Apple Grant for the library and an increase to the Staff Appreciation budget. We will also be learning about plans from the Burns Park 100th Anniversary Committee, the Family Giving Halloween Closet and the Special Education Millage. Check out the agenda online. The meetings provide an opportunity to learn about volunteer opportunities, events, school needs and our funding efforts. The PTO Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. via Zoom.
The Family Giving Committee is seeking costume donations for the Burns Park Halloween Closet. We need costumes ranging in size from 5 to 16, but the larger sizes are more needed. It’s a perfect time to get rid of old costumes that your kids can’t fit into anymore. Donations can be dropped in the bin outside the school auditorium starting Monday.
The Burns Park Community is only made stronger by its volunteers and we have some immediate needs:
Library Morning Helpers - Rachel Erdstein, our building library/media specialist, is collecting all due library materials first thing in the morning. We need a core group of 4-5 volunteers to regularly check-in and shelve materials just after drop off from 8:45-9:15 am. If you are available and willing to help, sign up here.
Walk & Talk Coaches - Walk & Talk is an optional lunch recess activity where students in grades 1-5 can choose to walk or run together around a specified loop in Burns Park. For miles completed, kids earn "toe tags" they collect on a chain and wear proudly! Coaches are needed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during lunch recess to organize and distribute student lap cards, keep track of laps completed, and distribute toe tags. Sign up here.
Thank you to everyone who has filled out the Volunteer Interest Form. We are sifting through the information and sharing it with the appropriate committees. You should be hearing from them soon.
Reminder that we will hold Room Parent Training for adults new to the role on Monday, Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. The training will cover sending classroom requests via School Messenger, Sign up Genius access, teacher gifts, and library and art volunteer information. Volunteer Coordinator Kathy Brzoznowski sent an email with the link. Contact her at volunteering@bpepto.org for more information. The recording will be available after the event for those unable to attend.
The PTO website has a Directory that allows families to create an account and share contact details and class information, enabling parents to reach out to each other within class, grade level, etc. to set up playdates and otherwise foster a sense of community. Our current PTO directory is opt-in, meaning that families have to proactively create an account on our site to join. Returning families need to update their class assignments and new families should definitely sign up!
On November 5, 2024, voters residing in school districts served by the Washtenaw Intermediate School District (ISD) will vote on a 12-year, no tax increase Special Education Millage Renewal proposal.
Washtenaw ISD will be holding community information sessions and welcome all community members to attend to learn more about the millage renewal. See the dates and register here:
Thursday, October 10 at 4:00 p.m. (register here) - Held at the Washtenaw Intermediate School District's Teaching and Learning Center at 1819 S. Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor, MI
Thursday, October 10 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom webinar (register here)
Monday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. (register here) - Held at the Washtenaw Intermediate School District's Teaching and Learning Center located at 1819 S. Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor, MI
More than 6,000 students, or 1-in-7 students, from preschool through age 26 receive special education services in Washtenaw County. In addition, nearly 900 additional children ages birth to 3 also receive special education services before entering preschool.
If the millage is renewed, it keeps $57 million in unrestricted general funds available for programs and services that could benefit every public school student. This could include advanced placement coursework, improved learning environments, mental health supports, extracurricular activities, school safety and more.
If the millage is not renewed, special education services in Washtenaw County would be underfunded by $57 million and school districts would need to use general operating funds to cover this shortfall.
Your Burns Park PTO
President Kory Zhao and President-Elect Michelle Ding