The Schofield Scoop
January 5, 2025
Welcome to the new year Forestdale Families!
After a refreshing number of days off, we are back in full swing here at Forestdale. Students and staff arrived on Thursday with smiles, so many stories to tell, and a few sleepy faces. Classrooms used this welcome back time to review Responsive Classroom routines of greeting each other politely, and looking over classroom charters - student and teacher agreed upon expectations for their space.
Many students received very fun smart watches as gifts this holiday break. Please remember that all smart phones, smart watches and digital cameras - items that have internet access and/or video and image capability - are things that are to be left at home. Below is an excerpt from our Forestdale Student Handbook as a reminder of this expectation:
Smart Phones/Smart Watches/Digital Cameras
Student use of devices from home such as smartphones, smart watches, digital cameras or
ipads is not permitted at Forestdale. All home digital devices will be removed from student use,
and will be held in the office for an authorized caregiver to pick up.
The weather has shifted into full winter, particularly with the windy backyard play area (playground, field, blacktop). Please dress your child in warm, temperature appropriate layers as we make every attempt to have go outside daily. If your child is missing some clothing items, please have him/her visit the extensive lost and found area in our MPR. If you are in need of support for warm, winter clothing for your child(ren), please contact either of our social workers for assistance:
I hope you enjoy this week's images of your kids working hard here at Forestdale.
-Kara Schofield
Mrs. Eastman's Puppy Program
Mrs. Eastman's first grade class started a Doggie Daycare this week. Each student has their own pup to name, take care of, and read to during independent reading time. Look how happy these new caretakers are! Have fun reading with your new pals Mrs. Eastman's class!
Math around Forestdale
Many of my pictures have been about ELA - reading and writing. We do LOTS of math here at Forestdale too. Math looks quite different than when many of you (grownups) were at school. Our math instruction focuses on trying out strategies, sharing thinking with others and lots of opportunity to practice. Hands on materials greatly help students to approach and understand new math concepts, and are also a fun way to practice and solidify skills. Below you see students using mini clocks to practice time, setting up math cards in order - and practicing counting by 5's, and using a whiteboard to show problem while students sitting on the floor use whiteboards, number lines and 10 frames. Using puzzles and legos helps solidify spatial reasoning, problem solving and allows for some social practice as well. In Preschool, students are learning to match shoes while working on talking with peers (eye contact, using names, responding to questions.)
Phonics and spelling practice are foundational skills students need to continually work on to improve their reading and writing. Story writing is a wonderful way to put those learned skills to practice. Many classes have "Authors Share Time", allowing the writer to read what they've written, answer questions and listen to feedback from peers.
Caught reading at Forestdale.
Sandwich PTA news...
News around town...
Feedback time!
Share feedback here: Thanks for all your great suggestions and ideas.