SHS Spotlight
May 29, 2024
School Garden Work Bee THIS SATURDAY
Please plan to help us rejuvenate our school garden! We will hold a work bee to clean up the old vegetation and get the beds ready for planting this Saturday, June 1, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Thank you to those who already volunteered. If you did not sign up, don't worry! We will take all the help we can get on Saturday morning, even if you can only come for part of the time. Thank you!
Jackpot Raffle Time!
Thank you to all who have taken extra packets of tickets and to those who have turned in stubs and money already. We have surpassed the 500-ticket threshold so that the prizes can be awarded as indicated on the tickets. However, we need to sell as many tickets as possible beyond the initial 500 so the school can recognize a profit from this raffle, too. This is the school's only fundraiser*, and we need everyone's participation for it to be a success.
*The bike-a-thon and spaghetti dinner are Home and School Association fundraisers.
Kaleidoscope Summer Programs in L'Anse and Hancock
Upcoming Dates
June 1: School garden work bee, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
June 1: Eighth-grade graduation at 4:00 p.m. Mass at St. Ann's in Baraga
June 5: Kindergarten graduation at 12:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church
June 7: Last day of school and JACKPOT RAFFLE DRAWING
About us
Email: secretary@sacredheartlanse.org
Website: sacredheartlanse.org
Location: 433 Baraga Avenue, L'Anse, MI, USA
Phone: 906-524-5157
Facebook: facebook.com/shcscardinals
Sacred Heart Catholic School integrates faith and reason to develop the whole child into a disciple of Jesus Christ, a great thinker, and a lifelong learner.