Southside Parent Connection
July/August 2024
Welcome Back!
Dear Little Pirate Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We're excited to have our Little Pirates back in our classrooms and hallways, filling them with energy and enthusiasm for learning. We have an exciting year planned and can't wait to embark on this educational journey with you and your children.
Important Dates and Information:
- First day of school: Monday August 12, 2024
- School hours: Doors open for breakfast at 7:15AM, the tardy bell rings at 7:45AM, and dismissal is at 1:50PM
- Early dismissal every Wednesday at 12:50 PM
New Staff: We're pleased to welcome several new members to our SES family. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook to learn more about our SES faculty and staff.
Upcoming Events:
- Meet the Teacher: Thursday, August 8, 2024 (Pre-K & KG: 11:00AM - 12:00 PM, 1st & 2nd Grade: 12:00PM-1:00PM)
- BooHoo/Yahoo KG Parent Breakfast: Thursday, August 15, 2024 (7:45AM-8:15PM)
- Volunteer Orientation: Monday August 19, 2024 (8:30AM & 5:00PM)
- PTO Meeting: Monday, August 26, 2024 (2:15PM)
- Open House/Title 1 Night: Thursday September 5, 2024
Safety and Procedures: For the safety of all our students, faculty, and staff, please review our parent handbook. This includes information on drop-off/pick-up procedures, attendance policies, volunteer information, field trip expectations and more. The parent handbook can be located on our website or attached to this newsletter. Please note sections on:
- Visitor check-in systems and volunteer procedures
- Morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up expectations
- Attendance policies and procedures
Communication: We'll be using the Remind app this year for announcements. Information on how to sign up will be going home with your student the first week of school. Please download the app and register to receive weekly school-wide updates.
Here's to a fantastic year of growth, discovery, and achievement!
Monica Weber Ed.D.
Principal, Southside Elementary School
Meet the Teacher & Registration
Meet the Teacher
Parent Calendar
Upcoming Events
Stock the Lounge
Summer Work Day
2024-2025 School Supply Lists
FOCUS Parent Portal
Arrival & Dismissal
Morning drop-off (No earlier than 7:15 am)
1. Cars must be in a single line for the safety of the children and yourself. Crossing through the cars is unsafe for all.
2. Please note that it is a one-way turn only into our drop-off/pick-up area (this is enforced by law enforcement). Parents will need to enter from Lime Street from 14th Street and then turn right into our drop-off/pick-up parent loop.
3. Refrain from using your cell phone in the drop-off/pick-up area for the safety of our students and staff.
4. Please have your child ready and prepared to exit your vehicle immediately on the passenger side. This helps keep the traffic flowing.
5. Pull all the way to the end of the covered walkway to allow more cars in the drop-off area.
6. Staff will assist your child as they exit the car.
7. ALL students will grab breakfast (if needed) and eat in the cafeteria before heading to their classroom. The tardy bell rings at 7:45 a.m. If your child is not in their classroom by the time the tardy bell rings, they will be marked tardy.
8. Parents may walk students to class until August 24th. This will help students navigate their way through the campus and become confident with our morning procedures. We will have several staff members throughout campus ready to assist your child in getting to class, if needed.
Pick-up (starts at 1:50 pm)
1. Gates will be opened at 1:15 PM and on Wednesdays at 12:15 PM.
2. Please note that it is a one-way turn only into our drop-off/pick-up area (this is enforced by law enforcement). Parents will need to enter from Lime Street from 14th Street and then turn right into our drop-off/pick-up parent loop.
3. Your child has been assigned a colored car tag. It must be visible on your passenger dashboard. This tag connects you with your child and is important for safety. Keep this for the whole school year. If you need a new one/extra one, please see the front office.
4. NO TAG, NO CHILD, NO EXCEPTIONS—YOU MUST GO TO THE OFFICE TO SHOW ID. This is for you and your child’s safety.
5. Please make sure your child knows their first and last name. This will make the process move faster.
6. Please stay in your lane and car; staff will assist your child as they enter the vehicle from the passenger side.
7. If a child is to go home a different way than their normal way, the office must be notified by 1:00 on regular dismissal days and 12:00 on early release days. This must be done by either a parent/guardian note or phone call.
8. If it is a bus change, please state the bus # and bus stop. If we do not receive notification in a timely fashion, students will be required to follow their normal routine. If you must sign your child out early, arriving before 1:00 pm and 12:00 (on early release days) is mandatory. Dismissal procedures have begun, and our bus lanes/pick up lanes are beginning to be used for dismissal. This is for the safety of your child.
Lunch Applications
Free and reduced lunch applications are now available! Apply online at https://www.nassau.k12.fl.us/foodandnutritionservices. Don't forget, applications must be completed each school year.https://www.nassau.k12.fl.us/foodandnutritionservices
District Calendar
Bookmark nassau.k12.fl.us/calendar so you can see any updates throughout the year.https://nassau.k12.fl.us/calendar
Volunteer Application
Thank you for volunteering your time to enrich our students’ learning experiences. Nassau County Schools. All volunteers must submit an online application at https://www.nassau.k12.fl.us/Domain/1135. Applications must be submitted annually. In order to chaperone on any field trip, all chaperones must be schoolboard approved volunteers.