St Peter's Primary School
Friday 6th December 2024
Message from the Principal
Christ, Teacher and Lord
Bless all in this school, as we look to end our school year,
with the grace you so generously provide.
We give thanks for the children, staff, parents, and wider school community
and all who have contributed to this year of nurturing and growth at St Peter’s.
We affirm all the positive moments of insight, of the excitement of learning,
of accomplishment, of creativity, of laughter, of a sense of community.
We recognise the times of struggle, of difficult work, of misunderstanding, even failure.
We give you these to transform into seeds of hope.
As we leave for a well-earned holiday,
may we take with us the knowledge that you will keep us all in your embrace,
so we may rest and be restored
and continue in the ongoing discovery of your love for us here at St Peter’s.
Dear Parents and Members of our School Community,
END OF YEAR REPORTS - On Wednesday 4 December, the St Peter’s Primary School End of Year Reports for students from Kindy – Year 6 were sent home electronically via SEQTA. I hope you enjoyed reading the progress that your child/ren have made throughout the year. If you have any questions regarding your child’s report, please contact the classroom teacher.
2024 CLASS ALLOCATION - Yesterday, all students were involved in our Transition morning. Initially, there were mixed emotions felt, as change can be hard, but quickly all students settled into their new classes for 2025. Throughout the day, it was lovely to witness new friendships being formed and friends from the past reconnecting. We also welcomed several new families to
St Peter’s on the day.
Many factors are considered when balancing classes, including academics, gender, social dynamics and emotional needs. In addition, children with any specific needs are also accommodated. Class lists are prepared with input from teachers and students as students have the opportunity to list five friends (friendship flower). This is a complex educational process, and we use Classroom Solver, an online program, to assist in the process. I am confident that the teachers put a great deal of thought into the class lists as we have dedicated meeting times to discuss the process and use our online program.
Given the information above, class lists cannot be altered at this time of the year. Over the summer holidays, please continue to encourage your children to embrace change, make new friends, and thrive in their educational journey. As always, we appreciate your support with this transition.
WELCOME - Following on from the ACM on Tuesday 19 November, Jonine Barouky has nominated to join the P&F Committee in 2025.
YEAR 4-6 MUSIC SHOWCASE - Thank you to Ms Sharni Cumming for organising our Music Showcase last week. This was a great opportunity for parents and grandparents to enjoy the musical talents of our Year 4-6 students. Students performed their Catholic Performing Arts Festival entries, highlighting the many talented individuals we have at our school.
KINDY – YEAR 6 END OF YEAR CONCERT - Thank you to all the parent, grandparents, family and friends who joined us for our Kindy - Year 6 End of Year Concert last Thursday evening. We appreciate all the positive feedback we have received. It was lovely to hear how much everyone enjoyed an evening outdoor concert and it was such a special way to celebrate another amazing year at St Peter’s! Thank you again to Miss Katrina Abreu for teaching our students Dance and Drama and providing them with this opportunity to share their talents! Kat, thank you for the huge amount of work you put into this production, it was amazing. Thank you also to all staff who assisted with preparation and supervision.
As we come to the end of the school year and reflect on a year that has been rewarding in many ways, it is important to also acknowledge that for some people, the year has presented personal and family challenges. For these families, may you experience the many blessings of Jesus through the human interactions and relationships encountered with others as well as community support.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank several people:
- Fr Jeronimo, whose presence enriches the school’s liturgical celebrations and is such a positive presence in our school.
- Tanya Holland and Matt Nettleton, who have carried out their leadership responsibilities with professionalism and amazing energy.
- I believe that the quality of our education system cannot exceed the quality of our teachers, administrative and support staff. Therefore, I extend heartfelt thanks to all staff at our school for providing the highest quality care and a Catholic education for our students.
- Thank you to the 2024 School Advisory Council and Parents & Friends Committee, who as representatives of the wider school community, have kept us on track financially and worked hard to build a strong sense of community.
- Special thanks to the students whose enthusiastic attitudes towards their learning pathways at St Peter’s highlights the strengths of the school.
- We wish our students and families that are concluding their time at St Peter’s all the very best for the future. Thank you for all your giving to our school community.
As our Year Six students venture into the big world of secondary school, I hope they remember they are all so talented in their own way. Being able to unlock and foster this talent will ensure they wake up happy, every day of their lives. Go well Year Sixes and remember the values that have been instilled in you at St Peter’s School.
I wish all our families a very blessed Christmas and a safe and relaxing holiday. We appreciate the support of all our parents and grandparents, as you have made it possible for our students to have amazing and memorable experiences. I thank you for sharing your time, energy and commitment, to make a positive impact on our school community.
SEASON OF ADVENT - Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas (this year Sunday 1 December). The first Sunday of Advent marks the commencement of a new Liturgical Year.
The use of the wreath and candles during Advent are a longstanding Catholic tradition that was originally adopted by Christians in the Middle Ages as part of their spiritual preparation for Christmas.
The 1st candle, which is purple, symbolises hope. It is sometimes called the “Prophecy Candle” in remembrance of the prophets.
The 2nd candle, also purple, represents faith and is called the “Bethlehem Candle” as a reminder of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem.
The 3rd candle is pink and symbolises joy. This candle is known as the “Shepherd’s Candle” and is pink because rose is the liturgical colour for joy.
The final purple candle is called the “Angel’s Candle” representing peace. It reminds us of the message of the angels: “Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Men.”
Advent is a time of joyful anticipation as we prepare our hearts for the Christmas season.
I wish you and your family a safe, restful and Merry Christmas. It is a fantastic time to spend with loved ones and to be grateful for the many blessings we have in our lives. I trust you will take great joy in the giving and receiving that Christmas brings and keep yourselves safe and well until we meet again in 2025.
I look forward to welcoming the students back on Wednesday 5 February 2025 and continuing to work together to create even more enjoyable and rewarding experiences for our students next year.
Have a lovely Christmas!
With regards and best wishes
Justin Tuohy
Important Dates 2025
The Calendar for 2025 has been added to the school website. Please be aware that whilst every endeavour is taken to keep changes to a minimum, events are subject to change, so please
re-check the calendar on a semi-regular basis.
Wednesday 5 February: 1st Day Term of One for all Kindy Classes to Year 6
Thursday 6 February: 1st Day of Term One for Pre Kindy
Wednesday 12 February: Parent Information Evening
Friday 14 February: Whole School Welcome Mass (9.00am)
Sunday 16 February: P&F Sundowner (4.00pm – 8.00pm) - Bayswater Bowls
Tuesday 25 February: School Advisory Council Meeting – 5.30pm
Tuesday 25 February: P&F Meeting – 7.00pm
TERM ONE - Wednesday 5 February - Friday 11 April
TERM TWO - Monday 28 April - Friday 4 July
TERM THREE - Tuesday 22 July - Friday 26 September
TERM FOUR - Monday 13 October - Friday 12 December
Monday 3 March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Monday 31 March - Parent - Teacher Interviews / Pupil Free Day
Friday 30 May - PD Day
Monday 2 June - WA Public Holiday
Monday 21 July - PD Day TBC
Friday 31 October - PD Day
Monday 3 November - Catholic Day
Monday 15 December - Friday 19 December - PD Days
Office News
KINDY 2026 - If your child was born between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 2022, just a reminder to lodge a Kindy application form before the end of the school year (2024.)
For queries or to email your completed application form, please contact Liz Cunningham elizabeth.cunningham@cewa.edu.au
Assistant Principal RE News
GRADUATION - On Tuesday 3rd December, St Peter's School celebrated the Year Six Graduation Mass, marking a significant milestone for our students. This heartfelt ceremony was a testament to the hard work, dedication and growth of our Year Six students as they prepare to embark on the next chapter of their educational journey. The Mass was a time for the school community to come together in gratitude, honouring the achievements of our students, the support of our families, and the guidance of our teachers.
During the service, our Year Six students reflected on their years at St Peter's, sharing memories, expressing thanks, and looking forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. It was a moving and uplifting experience, reminding us all of the importance of faith, friendship, and perseverance.
A huge thank you to Father Jeronimo and to the Year Six teachers for all of their hard work. As we bid farewell to this remarkable group of students, we are confident they will continue to shine in all their future endeavours.
Congratulations to our Year Six graduates – may you carry the values and lessons from St Peter's with you always!
YEAR SIX INITIATIVE - We are excited to share a beautiful and heartfelt initiative led by our Year 6 students, as part of their recent class inquiry project. As a way to support and engage with our
Spanish-speaking community members, the Year 6 students organised a donation and collection drive for items that will be distributed to Spanish students who attend our wonderful parish.
In addition to collecting these much-needed items, the students also took the time and care to create sustainable bags, designed during their inquiry project, to pack and present the donations. The bags not only serve as a practical way to deliver the items but also reflect the thoughtfulness and creativity of our students, who worked hard to produce them with sustainability in mind.
We want to extend a warm thank you to the Year 6 students and their families from the
St Peter’s School community for their generosity, hard work and contribution to this meaningful cause. Their kindness and involvement will make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve. May this initiative inspire us all to continue reaching out with love and support to our parish community.
Parish News
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Young Engineers
Community News
- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Programs are being offered. Apply now online - education.wa.edu.au/giftedandtalented
Applications close on Sunday 9 February 2025.
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8am - 4pm School Term Only
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900