Lowell News
April 22, 2024
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لترجمة هذه الرسالة من المدرسة ، اضغط عليها ثم استخدم الرابط الموجود على اليمين.
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Updated Class Placement Link!
Message from Mrs. Phelan
Dear Lowell Families,
Welcome back from Spring vacation. Student class placement will be at the top of our agenda. As always we invite you to give us feedback. If you have information that the classroom teacher may not be aware of, you may share via this form, no later than Thursday, April 25th. Please do not feel compelled to submit a form unless there is something beyond our knowledge you think will directly impact our work in creating a placement for your child. These forms will be shared with the teaching team as part of the placement determination process.
In order to support the needs of all children, requests for specific teachers will not be honored. Please do not request specific teachers by name. Additionally, please do not send requests to place your child with particular friends, as all students will be sent to their new class with “familiar faces.” However, if an older sibling has had a teacher and you would like to have your younger sibling have a different teacher, we will try our best to honor that request.
Whether you submit a form or not, you can be sure your child will be placed in a classroom in which he or she can grow academically, emotionally, and socially.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our wonderful school!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Contact Us
J.R. Lowell Elementary School
123 Lowell Ave.
Watertown, Ma 02472
Phone: 1-617-926-7770
Principal- Stacy Phelan
Assistant Principal- Benjamin Kraus
Administrative Assistant- Kara Flynn
Receptionist- Jim Swift
Nurse- Kathy Taverna
Guidance Melina Jacovides k-2
Guidance Brian Connors 3-5
Special Education Team Chair- Greg Roberts, ext. 37171
LEDP Site Coordinator- Adam Vachon
Lowell Elementary School Principal