FJVD Weekly Info
We Live the Word!
From the Principal's Desk
Today the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Pope Saint John XXIII, known not only for his holiness and good works but also for his humor. He would often tell of waking up in the middle of the night feeling like he needed to inform the Pope about some serious issue right away... only to wake up fully and realize he is the Pope! He would also frequently remark that "anybody can be Pope, and the proof of that is that I am Pope."
Ultimately, Pope Saint John XXIII took his work very seriously but did not take himself very seriously. His life, then, is a good reminder to all of us to take the most important things in life seriously, but not be afraid to laugh along the way.
Speaking of bringing a little joy to the lives of others, Father Doyle School was recently featured in an ABC6 article about the pumpkin painting activity that took place during our Walk-a-thon. You can check out the article here!
Lastly, I want to inform our school community that Mrs. Alexander's last day as our physical education teacher will be Thursday, October 31st. We wish Mrs. Alexander all of the best in her future endeavors, and we will be sharing more information regarding the search for a new physical education teacher in the coming week.
Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend! Please keep reading for additional information.
Continue Reading for Details Regarding:
- Join the Art Club with Ms. Arruda! Starting October 21st! See below for details and registration link. Open to students in grades 3-5.
- Coach Ed Correia is staring a Little Saints Instructional Basketball Program for students in grades 1-3! See below for details and registration. The first session will be held October 24th.
- Boys in Grades 4-6 are encouraged to register for the upcoming CAL Basketball season. Registration is due no later than October 18th. See below for link and details.
Additional Save the Dates:
- Save the Date: Our annual Spooktacular Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday, October 26th from 5:30-6:30. More details, including trunk registration, will be available soon.
- Save the Dates: We are working on compiling a list of school religious events from prayer services to monthly Masses. More information will be coming soon, but please note that school Masses are typically held at 1:00pm and all parents, grandparents, etc. are invited!
Art Club with Ms. Arruda - Starts October 21st!
Students in grades 3-5 will create mixed media art projects and learn different art techniques over this unique six-week course. At the end of the course, students will have a portfolio to share with their families. Space is limited, so please register soon!
Dates: October 21, 28, November 4, 18, 25 & December 2
Time: 2:30 - 3:30
Cost: $60 for the 6 weeks.
Register Here: https://payit.nelnet.net/form/wZTD0SQN
Little Saints Instructional Basketball Program
All students in grades 1-3 are invited to join Coach Ed Correia for an instructional basketball program beginning Thursday, October 24th. No experience required, come learn about the game of basketball and build teamwork skills in a fun, encouraging environment!
When: Thursday October 24th, 31st, November 7th, 14, 21,
Time: 2:30 - 3:30
Cost: $50
Space is limited, so please register soon!
Register Here: https://payit.nelnet.net/form/vjedJ7NH
CAL Basketball Registration - Boys Grades 4-6
We're excited to host another season of CAL Basketball for boys in Grades 4-6. All interested players are invited to join the team - no previous experience necessary.
Practices will begin as early as next week. Stay tuned for more information.
All players must register no later than October 18th. Please register here: https://payit.nelnet.net/form/k24jdNQh
Picture Day is This Tuesday, October 15th!
Picture Day is this Tuesday October 15th - Be dressed and ready for photo day!
Reminder: There is nothing to hand in and every student will be photographed. You will receive an email about 5-7 days after picture day with your personalized online gallery to purchase pictures if desired.
As always, be assured of my prayers for you and your families.
God bless and Go Saints!
Mr. Peloquin
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Photos from the Week
Important Documents and Information
Thank You to Our Partners in Education!
Platinum Sponsors
Ocean State Scale and Balance
Olde Theater Diner
Rhode Island Artesian Well
Gold Sponors
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About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Email: kevinpeloquin@fjvd.org
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints