RHS Weekly Newsletter
September 8, 2023
Weekly Message
Good evening Romeo!
It was another great week and a reminder of why we're so blessed to be a part of this community and school. Thank you for all you do to support our district.
There is one request we have for students and parents; please do your best to minimize disruptions to the students' school day. Absenteeism and tardiness have become real problems since the pandemic, and one of our school goals this year is to help our students build back their work ethic and reliability. We understand some appointments can only be scheduled during school hours, but any efforts to prevent students from being late, or leaving early, are greatly appreciated.
-Mr. Osebold
New This Week
Student Produced Newsletter
Each week, our students produce a newsletter to share all the great things happening at RHS. Please take some time to read through our first of the 2023-2024 school year: RHS Student Newsletter - 9.8.23
Bulldog Broadcast
Our Bulldog Broadcast daily announcements starts on Monday. Teachers will show the announcements at the end of 1st/2nd periods, but they can be watched at anytime, by parents or students, using the link above.
Wolverine Tutoring SAT Prep Class
Juniors!! RHS has a unique opportunity to be a part of FREE VIRTUAL SAT tutoring/prep classes through the University of Michigan. If interested, please fill out this google form. Once the form is completed Wolverine Tutors will reach out and provide you with a Zoom link specific to your session. Google Form
12 Angry Jurors Try-Outs
Interested in Acting, singing, dancing or creating a production from the backstage point of view, join us for the Opening informational meeting for Romeo Theatre Company will take place this Tues in the RHS auditorium from 3:15-4p.m. Please be aware the time has changed from the flyer on the wall due to a staff meeting. Lots to discuss... shows for the year, trips to Detroit, State Theatre Festival, New York Theatre Trip and more. Again all are welcome to attend, if you miss the meeting minutes will be available the following day by the 9th grade office or HS auditorium. Auditions for the fall play 12 Angry Jurors will take place Sept 20th-21st. Any questions see Mrs. Knoblock kendra.knoblock@romeok12.org
For Junior and Senior Students and Families:
Please review the information below as to the eligibility for joining National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society. These are 2 different groups with different requirements and advisors. Current members DO NOT need to reapply. If you are eligible to apply to both groups, you may do so but will need to complete both applications and faculty recommendations. Be sure to only apply to the group(s) you qualify for. Applications for both groups are due by 2:15pm on Friday, September 29.
National Honor Society (NHS):
- Minimum GPA of 3.5 needed to apply
- Faculty Advisor: Pam Gedert - pamela.gedert@romeok12.org
- National Honor Society Eligibility Letter - the application and faculty recommendation links are in the letter and can only be accessed through student emails
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS):
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 needed to apply
- Faculty Advisors: Shelly Bartolotta - shelly.bartolotta@romeok12.org Monica McDougall - monica.mcdougall@romeok12.org
- National Technical Honor Society Candidate Letter - the application and faculty recommendation links are in the letter and can only be accessed through student emails
Watchdog Shirts
We already sold out of Watchdog 2023 shirts, but if you still want one, order here: https://stores.inksoft.com/watchdog_2023/shop/home. Wearing your Watchdog 2023 shirt will get you into the Watchdog football game (for free) on September 15th.
RHS and 9GA offer free student tutoring after school, Monday - Thursday each week. Tutoring is in the RHS media center or 9GA collaborative space. We also provide bussing home after tutoring (3:40PM) on Mondays and Wednesdays. A schedule of teacher tutors will be shared after school starts. Tutoring will begin the week of September 18th.
School Policies & Procedures
School Safety
- During school hours, all visitors must check in at the main office. Any visitor going past the main office will have a quick background check done
- Hall passes are required for students, during class time, when students aren't in class
- Report safety concerns a high school staff member
Dress Code
What is appropriate for school is similar to what is appropriate for grandma's house or church:
- No alcohol, drugs, or sexual paraphernalia
- No undergarments showing
- No low-cut tops
- Shirt bottoms must rest below the belly-button (ie. no crop tops)
Attendance & Tardies
Students need to be in school on time, every day (unless there is a legitimate reason for an absence). Additionally, students need to be on time to each class. Here is our tardy policy:
- 5 tardies: Detention
- 8 tardies: Meeting with your academy principal and parent
- 10 tardies: ISS and loss of parking pass (if applicable)
RHS/9GA are Nut Alert Schools
Foods containing peanuts and tree nuts are highly discouraged. That means you shouldn't be bringing foods with peanuts or tree nuts to school. Additionally, we do not allow food in classrooms.
- During class time, student cell phones are required to be kept in the classroom cell phone holders
- Grading Standards Parent Letter - August 2023
Upcoming Events
9/15: Watchdog football game
9/18: Tutoring begins
Class of 2024
Painted Parking Refunds
Seniors who had their painted spots completed and cleaned up were able to get their refunds today in lunch. If they did not get these today, they can stop by the HHP office next week and see Mrs. Mangiapane.
Senior Apparel Fundraiser: All Proceeds go to the Senior Class
Are you looking for a special Senior Hoodie, Jogger, T-shirt or Crewneck? The RHS Dawg House is taking orders through September 30, 2023 for Seniors! Order forms are located in the main office or the RHS Dawg House (101C). Don't wait! Order forms are due by September 30, 2023 to Mrs. Lengemann room 101c. Here is a Link to the Order Form. Orders will be ready before Halloween!!!