Parkview Elementary Weekly News
Newsletter: May 31, 2024
From the Principal
It's hard to believe we are getting to the final days of the 2023-24 school year. We are enjoying the learning and fun activities that continue to happen each day in classrooms and school-wide.
Summer Office Hours:
The Parkview office will be open from 7:30-3:30 Monday -Thursday during the summer and closed on Fridays.
Camp Propel is at East Lake Elementary School and will be in session from June 17- June 28, from 9:00 -3:00.
ESY is at Cedar Park and will be in session from June 17 - June 28, from 9:00 - 3:00.
There is no class at either program on June 19.
Summer Library will be open at Parkview on the following dates:
Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 am: June 12 and 26, July 10 and 24 and August 7
We hope to see you this summer!
Nicole Garcia
Parkview received 15 extra yearbooks from Lifetouch. If you did not buy a yearbook before the deadline date, you have the final opportunity to purchase one for $16.00. They will be sold on a first come basis.
If you are interested, please complete this form https://forms.gle/SumjQ3t4EMkqaHgRA
by Monday, June 3 at 3:00 pm. We will contact you to confirm; at that time, you can have your student bring the $16.00 to the front office.
Please call the school front office directly with any questions.
Summer Guide for District-Issued iPads
Developing a Family Media Plan
Children/adolescents get the recommended 1-hour of daily physical activity and adequate sleep (8-12 hours daily);
Children/adolescents not sleep with devices in their bedroom, including televisions, computers, tablets and smartphones;
Designating media-free times (e.g. during meals and at bedtime) and locations (e.g. bedroom and kitchen);
Ongoing communication with children about digital citizenship, and
Developing a network of trusted adults who can engage with children/adolescents through social media and to whom they can turn to if/when they encounter challenges.
Educational Opportunities during the summer
Learning can happen inside and outside the classroom and extend into the summer months as well. As always, the iPads are a great resource for our students to create their own projects. There are a variety of apps that can help foster students' creativity over the summer that were introduced to them within the classroom by their teacher. Students can thoughtfully use these apps to learn, create, and explore topics of their choice and areas of interest to empower their learning.
Some examples could include:
Book Creator: Create their own books describing their summer experiences
Clips: Compile a video about a book they’ve read or a topic they’ve studied
PicCollage: Remember their favorite moments of school or camp with a digital collage
Epic: Students will have unlimited access to Epic throughout the summer to enjoy digital book content.
For more information on apps that support this learning see our Student 1:1 website at bit.ly/3yTxAA2.
Limiting Screen Time on Student iPads - Initial Set Up
District 196 limits which iPad apps students can download and uses web filtering to restrict certain internet content. Parents/guardians also have the ability to add additional restrictions and check their student’s iPad use.
Open Screen Time:
Log into your student’s iPad using their personal login code.
Go to Settings and tap Screen Time, then Turn on Screen Time.
Tap This is My Child's iPad.
Continue through Downtime and App Limits based on your family's preferences.
Downtime gives parents the option of disabling the iPad at a certain time (such as right before bedtime). Unless you add apps to the “Always Allowed” list, nothing on the iPad will function during the set downtime period.
App Limits allows you to set use limits for different types of apps. Most apps available on student iPads are used for educational purposes, so this will likely not be necessary.
Set a Screen Time passcode when prompted (recommended). Make a 4-digit passcode you will not share with your child. Type it in twice to activate the passcode. (Note: If you forget your passcode, please contact the school and it can be cleared.)
Screen Time Passcode Recovery will prompt for an Apple ID. No need to enter an Apple ID, select Cancel in the upper left corner and then tap Skip.
Important: When you are finished, press the round home button to exit Screen Time. This ensures your changes are password protected.
Requesting Technical Assistance
To minimize the potential for damage to devices, it is recommended to store them in a safe location when not being used for educational purposes. If you need technical assistance with your child’s digital device this summer, including repairs, go to https://www.district196.org/techhelp to complete the technology support request form and someone will be in touch with you.
Visit bit.ly/3aicXmK for additional information on iPad care and usage
Important Dates
June 5 - Last Day of School - Report Cards Available to Parents
Spring Event Survey
Our PTO would like your feedback! Please take a moment to provide your thoughts about the Spring Event by completing this short survey. Click on the link below.
Need to Report an Absence?
Reminder: you can use the “Report an Absence” for late arrivals & early pick up. This information will be accessed by the Attendance Secretary at Parkview. https://district196.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6xjxif0e0Ot7hLE
Parkview Parent Handbook
Please find the Parkview Parent Handbook at the link here. This resource has detailed information about Parkview policies and procedures. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w9AWEQVkB_nhZY2kP-mYFzCI7xoWJVVy5cH_twFaDRg/edit
Parkview Elementary
Email: pvattendance@district196.org
Website: https://pv.district196.org/
Location: 6795 Gerdine Path, Rosemount, MN, USA
Phone: 952-431-8350