AMMS Lions Roar
"Recognize the Roar"
Monday, October 7, 2019
Mr. Trey Martin, Principal
Dr. Mimi Gamel, 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Ms. Laurie Chans, 6th Grade Assistant Principal
Ms. Marissa Jonas, Assistant Administrator
Calendar of Events
Oct. 10th AMMS Professional Development Day (students off)
Oct. 11th Teacher Workday (students off)
Oct. 14th Columbus Day (school closed)
Oct. 16th Picture Re-take Day
Oct. 18th Reflection Entries Due
Student 5 Day Weekend - Coming Up!
Thursday, October 10th AMMS Professional Day
Friday, October 11th Teacher Workday
Monday, October 14th Columbus Day Holiday
Infinite Campus Portal
The Infinite Campus Grade Portal will be turned off from October 9th until October 18th to input grades. Access to viewing grades will be available on October 19th.
PTA Needs Your Help
The PTA needs your help! We are currently over $9,000 SHORT on our budgeted PTA Membership income! The PTA board will be forced to cut some of our planned activities/expenditures if we cannot make up the deficit soon! We know things like the 6th Grade Social, the 7th and 8th grade end of the year events, Field Day, the No Red Ink software and the Scientific Olympiad programs are so important to our teachers, students and our families. Please, if you have not already joined or if you have not joined at the highest level that is comfortable for your family, please take a moment to go to and enter the code ammspta (all lowercase) and do so today.
We truly appreciate all of you who have already made or who will make this important investment today!
Melanie Brandt
PTA President
Join the Chess Club
NAEP Assessment
We’re excited to announce that Autrey Mill Middle School will participate in the NAEP assessments in reading and math on October 16, 2019. Known as The Nation’s Report Card, NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students in the United States know and can do in a variety of subjects. A group of randomly selected thirteen-year-olds will represent thousands of others across the country in taking one of these assessments. Learn more at
Anita Erickson
Assistant Principal
Student Absences
It is not necessary for you to email the teacher for the absence.
IOWA Assessments in 8th Grade
During the week of Oct. 21-25, 2019, the 8th grade students will take the IOWA Assessments, which are standardized, norm-referenced tests. The results from these assessments will be used to show parents and teachers how the students are performing nationally in comparison to other students at the same grade level. Scores on nationally-normed tests are also one criterion used to determine placement for the Talented and Gifted program.
Testing will begin each morning at 8:55 a.m. to about 10:30 a.m. and students will follow an adjusted schedule for the remainder of the day. Students must be on time each day or they will not be able to take the test. They will be required to take the test during the make-up sessions in the afternoons.
The following tests will be given:
Monday, Oct. 21 – Reading
Tuesday, Oct. 22 – Vocabulary and Written Expression
Wednesday, Oct. 23 – Math Concepts
Thursday, Oct. 24 – Science and Social Studies
Friday, Oct. 25 – Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation, Computation
The IOWA Assessments are taken on school-based iPads or desktop computers.
In preparation for the test, students should:
· Get a good night’s sleep
· Charge iPads fully every night
· Arrive to school on time
· Eat breakfast
· Bring a novel to read if they finish early
· Leave cell phones and/or iWatches in their lockers
If you have any questions, please contact Anita Erickson, 8th Grade Assistant Principal at .
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)
Autrey Mill is excited to launch an important district initiative this year: Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). While many of our parents and students may be familiar with PBIS, as all of our elementary feeder schools have already implemented this program, AMMS wants to make sure we keep our parents informed as we roll out this important new system.
What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)?
PBIS is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide and classroom behavior support systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. Rather than a prescribed program, PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate effective school-wide, classroom, non-classroom, and student specific plans. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students and all staff in all school settings. PBIS is not a program or a curriculum. It is a team-based process for systemic problem solving, planning, and evaluation. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.
Around the school you may notice our PBIS Behavior matrixes that outline our school wide expectations. We are focusing on values that align with Respect and Responsibility. Below is a visual of our matrix:
Throughout the year, our PBIS Team, along with the support from our admin team, teachers, and staff, will highlight the PBIS system and provide helpful information and tips for parents. Feel free to visit the AMMS website for more information.
We look forward to working together with parents and our community to lead a successful PBIS implementation.
Food on Campus - Important Information
As we approach the upcoming holidays, please be aware that candy, desserts, baked goods (store bought/homemade), or other edible items are not to be sold or distributed during school hours unless approved in advance by the administration. Students who do not adhere to this expectation are subject to disciplinary action for insubordination, and all food items will be confiscated. Please discuss this expectation and possible consequences with your student(s).
This measure will help us maintain a safe environment for all students. You can help us protect your student(s) by requesting that they not eat anything given to them by another person, anything that they have not brought from your home or anything not in its original sealed package. Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping all of our students safe at school!
J.E. Trey Martin, Principal
Autrey Mill MS
National PTA Reflections "LOOK WITHIN"
The Reflections Program provides an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works.
This year’s theme is “LOOK WITHIN” and young artists may submit an entry in any of these six areas: Visual Arts, Photography, Literature, Music Composition, Dance Choreography, and Film Production. All entries are due by October 18th (note new date) and should be turned in to the Media Center.
Parents who wish to volunteer for this year’s program may contact Maria Baron, Reflections Chair, at
Don’t miss out! Purchase your yearbook now at The price will go up soon!
Parents of 8th graders-celebrate your student with a personalized yearbook ad. Space is limited!
Lions Literacy
The Lions Literacy Alliance October selection is Dread Nation by Justina Ireland. LLA is open to all students, parents, and staff members interested in participating on October 8th, 8:00 a.m. Read the book ahead of time on Sora or from the library. Bring your own k-cup for coffee/tea/hot chocolate to drink while we discuss the book. Light breakfast snacks will be served.
Basketball - Boys & Girls
Both teams will be coached by Coach Dustin Owens
Information Meetings are in D109, Mr. Owen's room and are held on the following days:
8:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 6th
8:30 a.m. Wednesday, December 4th
Students only need attend one meeting. Meetings will last approximately 10 minutes. No parents need attend.
Boys- Monday, December 9th & Wednesday, December 11th
Girls- Tuesday, December 10th (and maybe Thursday the 12th depending on numbers)
Fulton County policy dictates that only 7th and 8th graders may participate in extramurals. As a result, 6th graders will not be allowed to tryout. There is one boys' team and one girls' team for the school
Community News
JCHS Pink Out Shirts
Johns Creek High School is selling Pink Out shirts and Pink Ribbons at Autrey Mill again this year. On Wednesday, October 15 and Thursday, October 16 in the morning before school and they will be set up in the lobby. Shirts are $15 each and ribbons are $1 each. If students buy a ribbon, they will be able to write the name of a person who has battled breast cancer on it. (More than one may be purchased) They can also write a positive message if they do not have a name to put on a ribbon. The ribbons will be displayed in the lobby at Johns Creek High school during the month of October. They will also be displayed at the Pink Out game October 18.
To purchase shirts and ribbons, please send money in with your student on either one of the days. If you want to send a check, make sure it is written out to GAA and all contact information is included on the check including phone numbers. Please put student’s name in the memo section.
We encourage you to attend the game this year and wear your Pink Out shirts! There will be a silent auction and a raffle full of wonderful items donated by generous people and businesses in our community. As JCHS has done every year, 100% of the funds raised will go to the Karen Wellington Foundation for LIVING with Breast Cancer. The KWF focuses on putting FUN on the calendars of women and families LIVING with breast cancer by sending them on special vacations, relaxing spa days, dinners out, concerts and other FUN-ONLY activities. Because of the generous donations from last year, JCHS was able to sponsor four women battling breast cancer IN OUR COMMUNITY! The funds stay right here in the Johns Creek/North Fulton area.
For any questions, please contact Kelley Curl or 404-433-7045
Jr. Gladiator Volleyball
Jr. Gladiator Volleyball
5th - 8th Grade Girls
Volleyball Clinics at Johns Creek High School
Saturday, October 19th and 26th 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
To register: Complete this form and return with payment:
$60 for 1 day or $100 for both Saturdays (includes t-shirt)
Player Name:_________________________
Player Age: ___________________________
Player Email:__________________________
Player Phone #:_______________________
Player Address:_______________________
T-shirt Size: YL S M L XL
Liability Waiver and Consent:
I am the parent or guardian of the player named on this registration form. I recognize that there are inherent risks involved in the named player’s participation in this volleyball program, including the risk of catastrophic injury, paralysis and even death. In consideration of participating in this volleyball program, I (for myself, the named player, and our heirs, executors and administrators) hereby waive, release and hold harmless Johns Creek High School, Fulton County Schools and Junior Gladiator Volleyball, Inc., and their respective administrators, staff, directors, officers, coaches, employees, agents, sponsors, volunteers, representatives and heirs, successors and assigns from any and all claims, actions, cause of actions, suits judgments, demands, liabilities, damages, injuries or losses to property or person, including those resulting in permanent disability or death, which may be sustained or occur during participating in this volleyball program, whether during tryouts, practices, scrimmages, games, clinics or otherwise, whether due to negligence or otherwise. I certify that the named player is in good health and is able to participate in all program activities. I give permission for the staff or volunteers of this volleyball program and their agents to seek appropriate medical attention and treatment for the named player in the event of accident, injury or illness. I will be responsible for any and all costs of medical attention and treatment. I consent to, and authorize the use and reproduction, in print and electronic format, by this volleyball program or anyone authorized by it of any and all photographs which are taken of the named player for any publicity purpose, without compensation. This volleyball program will own all images, electronic negatives and positives, together with the prints. The undersigned has read and understands the above liability waiver and consent and has provided accurate and truthful information on this registration form.
Signature of Parent/Guardian:_______________________Date:_________________
Please pack a light lunch and plenty of fluids for clinic
Send completed form and mail check to:
Jr. Gladiator Volleyball
10301 Papillon Trace
Johns Creek, GA 30022
Attn: Tammy Fragakis
Please contact Tammy Fragakis @ with any questions.