WT Page Weekly Newsletter
September 29, 2024
Contact Information
Email: stacey_m_brown@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/pagees/
Location: 13400 Tamarack Rd, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-7560
Twitter: @WTPagePenguins
Table of Contents
Principal's Message
Mark Your Calendars with Links and Flyers
24-25 FARMS information and QR code
WT Page PTA Information, Updates, and Events
Community Event Flyers and Information
Information from Past Newsletters
Past Newsletter Links
WT Page Principal's Message
Dear Page Families,
Here is some important information that I would like to share with you this week.
1. Personal Body Safety Lessons: Beginning this through January, 2025 our school counselors, Ms. Palmer and Mr. Floyd will be presenting age appropriate lessons on the topic of child abuse and neglect. The lessons, known as Personal Body Safety Lessons, have been taught at Page for several years now. (PBSL Letter is attached below.)
2. Join us for WT Page PTA Virtual General Body Meeting on October 1st at 7:00 pm
Meeting ID: 854 2205 4702
Passcode: 812716
3. Page Penguin Fun Run Fundraiser Packets Go Home: You can now sign up for our Page Penguin Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $5,000 for playground equipment. Signing up is easy and free!
⭐️ Sign Up Now On MYBOOSTER.COM ⭐️
Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!
Follow our social pages for updates on our fundraiser.
Key Dates to Remember:
💻 Sign up online OPEN at MyBooster.com – Start TODAY!
🎉 Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 10/03/2024
👟 Event Day – 10/11/2024
*Need help signing up? Video instructions HERE.
4. FARMS (Free and Reduced Priced Meals) Applications must be submitted by October 8th.The Free and Reduced-price Meals (FARMS) application is available for this school year. Families must reapply every year to determine whether they are eligible for the FARMS program, even if their child qualified the previous year. Tuesday, Oct. 8 is the last day that student eligibility from last school year carries over into this year. After Oct. 8, students without a new eligibility will revert to a paid status and be charged for meals. Students/families can request a paper application at any school, but processing is faster online.
4. Reminder No School - October 3rd - for Students and Staff
See you bright and early Monday Morning.
Ms. Brown
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Dates
This Week
- Tuesday, October 1st - General PTA Meeting @ 7:00 PM
- Wednesday, October 2nd - Personal Body Safety Lessons Begin
- Thursday, October 3rd - No School For Students and Staff and PTA Boosterthon Fundraising Starts
- Friday, October 4th - PTA Movie Night to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month Join the PTA for a Fun-filled Family Movie featuring Disney's - "Coco" See the new Flyer to pre-order Pizza (See Flyer Below)
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, October 8th - Free and Reduced Priced Meals Applications must be submitted
Thursday, October 10th - Hispanic Heritage Evening Event @ 6:30 PM and PTA SIP n' Paint event from 6:30 - 8:00 PM (see information below)
Friday, October 11th - PTA Boosterthon - Page Fun Run - Register for our school fitness fundraiser at Mybooster.com. Our goal is to raise $5000 for playground equipment to benefit all students at our school. We also need volunteers! Sign up to volunteer here!
Wednesday, October 16th - PTA Spirit Night at Chipotle
Friday, October 18th - No School for Students and Staff
Apply for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS) for 2024 - 2025 School Year
FARMS applications must be completed each school year. New for the 2024 - 2025 school year students in Maryland who qualify for reduced-price meals will not be charged for meals. The application for FARMS is online and has been updated for the new school year. Apply using www.MySchoolApps.com; this is the preferred application method. You can also apply online using the QR code.
Comfort Cases Community Day on October 3rd - 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Comfort Cases are backpacks filled with comfort and personal care items for youth entering the foster care system. Typically, children are given a trash bag to pack up their belongings when they are removed from their homes. They are working to end this practice while providing the essentials for a child’s first few days in foster care.
Page Community Day: October 3rd from 1 -3 pm at 9300 Gaither Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Limited spaces available: Spots for 5 adults and 15 children. Sign up here!
Boosterthon - Page Fun Run
- Boosterthon is a school fitness fundraiser that involves students participating in physical activities, such as running or exercise challenges.
- Fundraising Starts October 3rd and final event on October 11th
- Boosterthon - Page Fun Run - We need volunteers! Sign up to volunteer here!
Join & Renew Your PTA Membership
- Renew every year
- Join for as low as $12
Three great reasons to JOIN the PTA
❶ Amplify your voice.
❷ Have fun and meet new people!
❸Benefit from money-saving deals. PTA members save time and money on major brands. Check for the latest offers.
WT Page PTA Calendar
- Stay up-to-date with upcoming events, news and meetings.
- Subscribe to our calendar today!
Calling all Volunteers- We need your help!
- Boosterthon - Sign up to volunteer here
- Book Fair - sign up to volunteer here
- Sip n' Paint - October 10th
- Committees - Reflections, Bingo Night, Winter Dance, Spring Fling, Silent Auction, Teacher Appreciation & more
Email Tawanna at president@wtpagepta.org if you are interested in volunteering
Box Tops for Education
- Download the Box Tops app, use the WT Page Referral Code (KP1V04U6) and scan your receipts to help us reach our goal. Buy Box Top products, refer friends and family and other parents in the school to download the app. This will help us reach our goal of $500!!
Teachers Lounge Snack Donation
- While our beloved teachers are busy raising the bar for our kiddos, we are going to set a different "BAR" for them daily to say "Thank YOU" for all their hard work. If you would like to drop-off snacks, please leave them in the Front Office and let the staff know that the items are for the Snack Pantry. This is an ongoing effort and will seek support for the remainder of the school year. If you would like to contribute to helping make this happen click on a slot and sign up. If you would like to make a cash donation, please visit the PTA store by clicking Cash Donation or sign up
PTA - Sip n' Paint
- Sip n’ Paint – October 10th, 6:30 – 8 pm
- Items created by students at our Sip n' Paint event can be submitted as an entry to the National Arts Reflections Program. RSVP for Sip n' Paint here.
- For more information visit: https://www.wtpagepta.org/services-3 Please contact Miranda at VPofprograms@wtpagepta.org with any questions.
Reflections Art Program - Accepting Imperfection
- National PTA Arts Program - Students are invited to create theme-based artwork in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography or visual arts.
- More information to come. Please contact Miranda at VPofprograms@wtpagepta.org with any questions.
Dear MCPS Families,
This week’s Thursday message includes information on Bells Mill and Woodfield Elementary Schools winning National Blue Ribbon Awards, a Q&A with Karla Silvestre, a Hispanic Parent Night event on Oct. 9 that will discuss how to pay for college and a reminder for families to apply for FARMS by Oct. 8.
You may read the full message here: https://ww2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/publicinfo/community/school-year-2024-2025/Community-Update-20240926.html