August 23

August 23, 2024
Dear Hayshire Families,
The first week of school was fantastic! Lots of happy children and smiling faces. Thank you all for your support of school. We look forward to working with you to ensure a wonderful school year for your child!
Our PTO is gathering first day of school pictures for Hayshire’s memory book. If you took a first day of school picture of your child and would like to share it, click here.
The Hayshire PTO is open to all Hayshire parents/caregivers and staff. They organize Hayshire events such as the Scholastic Book Fair and classroom parties. PTO provides each member of the Hayshire community with a Memory Book at the close of the school year. Please complete this interest form if you would like to know more.
Name plates were sent home for car riders and walkers. If your child is a car rider, please display your large name plate in your car window. If your child is lobby pick up, please have the small name plate in your hand ready to go.
If you participated in the Summer Learning Bag activities, please remember to return your child's completed Hayshire Summer Fun Challenge paper so they can receive their prize!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 717-846-6789, extension 1900 or sthomas@cysd.k12.pa.us.
See you soon!
Mrs. Thomas
Hayshire's Latest Post
The first day of school is always exciting. Children in first, second, and third grade spent the day with their classmates and teachers.
Kindergarteners had orientation with their parents/caregivers. The families learned about their classroom, their teacher, and their classmates.
To learn more about our first day of school, click on the button below.
Save the Date... Back to School Night
Back to School is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, September 5. Back to School is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and learn more about your child’s school experience!
Back to School Information
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Information has been updated for the 2024-2025 school year. Check out the video for Hayshire Arrival and Dismissal. This brief video (see below) includes important information for our car riders and walkers. If your child is going to be a car rider or walker this year, please click on the box below and fill out the attached permission slip. You are welcome to return it with your child the first day of school or send it to us via email. Thank you! sthomas@cysd.k12.pa.us
Volunteer Registration
Prospective volunteers for the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to obtain and update any necessary required clearances and background checks. Volunteers must renew their volunteer application every school year. To renew your volunteer status, you must complete the online volunteer application. For the 2024-2025 school year, all volunteers must resubmit their clearances when completing the new online application. The volunteer page and handbook have been updated. Please click on the button below for more information
Breakfast and Lunch
For the 2024-2025 school year, breakfasts will be free for all students. Click on the buttons below for Online Payments, Breakfast and Lunch Menus, and Free and Reduced Meal Applications.
Student Lunch $2.80
Reduced Lunch No Charge
Student Breakfast No Charge
Reduced Breakfast No Charge
For those families who would like to apply for free/reduced lunch, please do! Everyone who wants to apply for free/reduced, must complete a form.
2024-2025 Hayshire PTO Events
Skyward Instructions
Skyward is the District's Student Information System. It stores information that includes attendance, grades, school reports, personal family information (address, phone, email, emergency contacts), and health information. Skyward is also used as a communications tool for teachers and administrators to send messages to families. Your Skyward account is created when enrolling your student and completing the registration process.
If you cannot login or successfully reset your Skyward password, please contact familyaccess@cysd.k12.pa.us
2024-2025 Calendar
Hayshire Important Dates
September 2- No School (Labor Day)
September 5- Back to School- 6:30 PM
September 12- PTO Meeting 6:00 PM
September 13- Hayshire P.O.W.E.R. T-Shirt Day
September 20 - Early Dismissal- 12:30 PM for Elementary Students
September 25- Picture Day