Capital High Newsletter
April 2024

February 17th - President's Day - No School
March 17th - March 21st - Spring Break
Seniors and Senior Parents/Guardians - Please watch for an email the first week of February to verify the name that will be printed on the diploma. Any corrections will need to be submitted by March 3, 2025 to jacqui.rogers@boiseschools.org
If you have not ordered your cap and gown yet, please do so ASAP or talk to your counselor if you need assistance. Capital has very few caps and gowns to rent out so don't delay if you need one reserved for you!
Call Jostens directly at 208-343-0175
Order your yearbook now and enjoy the memories for a lifetime!
The friendships. The achievements. The memories. What your student builds in these years can last a lifetime, and the Capital High School yearbook is a beautiful record of it all. Order TODAY to guarantee your copy!
Help support Capital’s Make-A-Wish kid, Brynn! Read more about her story here!
DECA, the business and marketing student organization at Capital High School, is hosting a fundraiser throughout the month of January and February to raise funds to help send Brynn to Disney World! Our fundraiser will culminate with the first-ever Capital Glow Run on the evening of Thursday, February 13th.
Glow Run Fundraiser
Glow Run Information
Make A Wish Bake Sale
Dennis Technical Educational Center OPEN HOUSE
Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with EF’s Japan: Land of the Rising Sun Tour in 2027! Discover Japan’s vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history as you visit iconic cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Hiroshima. From ancient temples to futuristic skylines, this immersive experience blends tradition and innovation at every turn. Don’t miss your chance to explore the heart of Japan—reserve your spot today! There is LIMITED SPACE on this tour. Please RSVP for a parent/traveler virtual meeting on January 29th @ 6pm. See the QR code below! Contact Teegan Carter with questions! teegancarter@gmail.com
RSVP HERE for the virtual meeting link!
Capital High School Presents the musical Chicago: Teen Edition
March 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th
7:00 PM all four nights with a special $8 matinee at 1:00 on the 8th.
CHS Auditorium
$12 for adults
$10 for students
Come see the band in action on February 11! The Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble and Symphonic Band will all be performing in the auditorium at 7pm!
Good luck to the students participating in the District Three Solo and Ensemble Festival on February 26th. Many of them will be competing to qualify for the State Competition!
Congratulations and good luck to the following students as they participate in the All-State and All-Northwest Honor Bands:
Bo Bishop - Jazz Band Trumpet
Liam Baker - Concert Band Trombone
Tariq Hammoodi - Concert Band Alto Saxophone
Ada Hunt - Concert Band Clarinet
Amulya Tanikella- Concert Band Flute
Bo Bishop - Jazz Band Trumpet
Liam Baker - Concert Band Trombone
Ada Hunt - Concert Band Clarinet
Capital’s Celebration of Day of Hope and Hope Week
Boise School District will be celebrating a "Day of Hope" on Thursday, February 13, and Hope Week from February 24th to the 28th in an effort to raise awareness about suicide prevention and mental wellness.
Currently, suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth ages 10-17. In Idaho, in 2022, 444 people died by suicide, and over 21.3% of high school students have attempted suicide. More information can be found at https://www.youthranch.org/idaho-youth-suicide-data.
During the Day of Hope (Feb. 13th) students in the Boise School District’s Hope Squad organized a community-wide effort to bring the community together with the goal of destigmatizing mental health issues and empowering community members to ask for help when they are in an emotional crisis. At Capital on Thursday, February 13th, students’ are asked to wear the color green to promote Hope Squads annual theme 'Planting Seeds of Hope.' Planting Seeds of Hope aims to convey the idea of nurturing optimism and resilience in others, with the belief that small acts of kindness and care can grow into something powerful over time. During 2nd period, teachers will give students a clothespin to write a positive message or affirmation. Capital Hope Squad members will hang all of the clothes pins around the school during Hope Week to share our school wide message of hope.
During Hope Week (Feb. 24th - 28th) the Hope Squad has planned daily activities for students to participate in at Capital. The activities include reading to students at Valley View Elementary, Go Team therapy dogs, athletic events during lunch, affirmation floral giveaways, and ending with Friday rootbeer floats. Please see the attached flyer for daily activities and more information regarding Hope Week.
*About Hope Squad: Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program that works to reduce suicide through public awareness and education. The goal of Hope Squad is to equip students with mental health and suicide prevention knowledge and ensure they know how and where to get help in times of need. For more information, visit hopesquad.com or https://www.boiseschools.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=508306&pageId=97051663.
Other Languages – Open Enrollment Application and Contract
Once the application is submitted we can process it and have it reviewed by administration. Please remember to upload attendance and behavior records for those applying from other districts. If you have any questions, email Mrs. Weems at patty.weems@boiseschools.org
Please remember that any absences not verified within 48 hours will result in a Truancy which could be followed by disciplinary action. Please refer to the attendance policy on the website for tardy and absence policies.
You can call for absences and permits to leave at 208-854-4493. Thank you for giving us an hours notice to get those delivered to your students, it is much appreciated.
You can also email at capitalattendance@boiseschools.org
Capital High School
Website: Capital.boiseschools.org
Location: 8055 West Goddard Road, Boise, ID, USA
Phone: 208-854-4490
Derek Gardner - Principal
Jeff Hultberg - Assistant Principal, Last Names A - Go
Greg Tovey - Assistant Principal, Last Names Gr - O
Shannen Hickey - Assistant Principal, Last Names P-Z
Beverly Glouser, Last Names: A - D
Jack Donnelly, Last Names: E - LL
Jenifer Ayres, Last Names: Lm - Ri
Lindsay Taylor, Last Names: Ro - Z
To request an appointment with your counselor,
please contact Mrs. Weems at (208) 854-4499
Social Worker
Jana Mansfield: (208) 854-2239
Main Office: (208) 854-4490
Attendance/PTL: (208) 854-4493 or capitalattendance@boiseschool.org
Registrar: Jacqui Rogers (208) 854-4516
Nurse: robyn.olson@boiseschools.org
Athletic Director: jason.willer@boiseschools.org