The Patriot Post
August 16, 2024
In This Update
- School Supply List
- Back to School Important Links *updated*
- Transportation Information *new*
- Student Image Opt-Out Notice for 2024-2025 *new*
- Camera Security System *new*
- New Daily Schedule
- Student Class Schedules & Schedule Changes
- Back to School Open House *updated*
- Picture Day
- Washington D.C. 2025
- Music Department and Dates *new*
- Yearbook Sale *new*
- Important Dates for the Start of the 2024-2025 School Year
- 2024 Fall Athletic Newsletter & Sign Up
- SPASH Girls Rugby
School Supply List
The 2024-2025 PJ Jacobs school supply list can be found via this LINK or via the PJ Jacobs website, on the homepage.
Transportation Information
Student bus information will be accessed online. Accurate route information will be available online the week before school starts. For all information regarding transportation, click here.
If you have any questions or concerns please call the Transportation Office at 715-345-5477 or email Karen Adams, kaadams@pointschools.net or Tammy Barker, tbarker@pointschools.net.
Student Image Opt-Out Notice for 2024-2025
Please click the following link to view the district notice regarding student Image Opt-Out for this school year - LINK. Opt out letters are due to the district office by September 16th, 2024.
Camera Security System
P. J. Jacobs and other district properties use a video surveillance system to monitor their buildings for the sake of safety and security. Our system has enhanced camera output, and a new management system.
*SPAPSD policy does not allow school officials to share video from the surveillance system with parents.*
New Daily Schedule
for the 2024-2025 school year.
*For more information on Patriot Learning Centers, click the link in the Back to School Important Links section above.
Student Class Schedules & Schedule Changes
This is a reminder that student schedules will be released next week. Based on multiple factors, schedules will now be released on Wednesday, August 21st at 5:00 pm. Please note these are DRAFT versions of schedules, as we are still balancing classes and fixing scheduling conflicts. Families can view schedules by accessing Skyward Family Access. Step by step instruction can be found here. Additional information can be found on the P.J. Jacobs website.
The window to request a schedule change for Semester 1 will open on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 5pm and will close Friday, August 30, 2024 at 3pm.
Students interested in changing their schedule must complete a paper form and submit it to the Student Services office. No phone calls or emails regarding schedule changes will be accepted; however, school counselors will accept emailed pdfs or pictures of the completed paper form if you are unable to drop off the form off PJs. The link to the paper form will be active starting Wednesday, August 21 at 5pm. The form can be accessed on the P.J. Jacobs Website under the Counseling Office tab.
Schedule change requests may only be considered for students with:
1) ECCP class to fit into schedule (9th grade only)
2) Class failure/credit recovery (9th grade only)
3) A college requirement needed for acceptance
4) A graduation requirement to be met (9th grade only)
5) An online class approved
6) A course level change at semester (examples: English 7 to Advanced English 7 or AP Government to Civics).
Back to School Open House
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024, 04:00 PM
P.J. Jacobs Junior High School, Main Street, Stevens Point, WI, USA
Back to School Open House
Back to School Open House is this month! New and returning students are invited to join us on August 28th from 4:00-8:00PM. There will be opportunities for students and parents/guardians to tour the school, try out lockers, meet teachers and more! View this LINK for additional information!
School Pictures
All students will have their school pictures taken during their Science class on Thursday, September, 12th AND Friday, September 13th. Pictures may be ordered online, please click here and enter the event code, EVTMZJGMG. After that date, orders/checks should be mailed to “LIFETOUCH, 1280 S. Van Dyke Rd., Appleton, WI 54914.” Students will receive brochures/envelopes on their first day of school.
We will have a picture retake day on Thursday, October 10th, 2024 for students who were absent at the initial picture day or for students who would like pictures retaken. The event code for picture retake day is EVT4VFK38. Any questions regarding school pictures, please call Lifetouch at 1-800-926-8274.
Washington D.C. Trip 2025
On March 7th to 12th, 2025, P.J. Jacobs Freshman will leave on a tour of historic sites showcasing our nation’s heritage. They will spend six days in Philadelphia, Washington D.C., & Historic Virginia.
Registration is open and currently accepting interested students. Here is the LINK to the registration information. The 2025 tour, the 50th year of this event, will be chaperoned by Mr. Fink, Mrs. Skarsten, & other staff members If you have questions you may contact Mr. Fink at dfink@pointschools.net
Music Department
PJ’s band and orchestra students are reminded to have their instruments ready to play by the second day of school: September 5, 2024.
Students are welcome to bring their instruments on Back to School Open House Night or on the first day of school. The school district does have a limited number of instruments available for rent but not enough for everyone. If your child needs to rent a school district owned instrument, please email the teacher as soon as possible so that they can prepare the instrument(s). School district rental instruments are $35 per year and are paid through Skyward. A signed Receipt and Bond form is required for all school district instrument rentals.
If you are new to PJs and your child has never played/sang in one of our district ensembles, please contact Mr. Van Tiem immediately so that we can assess your child’s musical needs and place them in the appropriate ensemble.
If you have any questions or concerns prior to the start of the school year regarding your child’s participation in band or orchestra please contact one of the following teachers:
7th & 8th grade band teacher: Mary Nowinski mnowinsk@pointschools.net
7th - 9th Orchestra and 9th grade band teacher: Kurt Van Tiem kvantiem@pointschools.net
7th - 9th grade choir teacher: Allie Weaver aweaver@pointschools.net
Music Department Dates
- 12/06/2024 - PJ Chamber Orchestra Elementary Outreach Tour
- 12/13/2024 - PJ Concert Band Elementary Outreach Tour
- 03/01/2025 - WSMA District Solo and Ensemble Festival
- 03/11/2025 - All - District Orchestra Concert
- 04/08/2025 - District Jazz Night
- 04/24/2025 - PJ Jacobs Spring Band Concert
- 05/03/2025 - WSMA State Solo and Ensemble
- 05/08/2025 - PJ Jacobs Spring Choir Concert
- 05/13/2025 - PJ Jacobs Combined 6th and 7th Grade Bands
- 05/15/2025 - PJ/Ben/SPASH Bandshell Concert
- 05/19/2025 - PJ Jacobs/Elem Strings Spring Orchestra Concert
- 05/22/2025 - PJ Award Ceremony Jazz Band Performance
Yearbook Sale
Interested in the 2024-2025 P J Jacobs Junior High School Yearbook?! Yearbooks are currently $29 if you order by September 20th! Go to jostens.com/backtoschool or call 1-877-767-5217 to order yours today! Click on the download below to view the flyer.
2024 Fall Athletic Newsletter & Sign Up
If you missed the Fall Athletic Meeting on Monday, August 12th, it is not too late to sign-up for a sport! Feel free to use the sign up link or reach out to our Athletic Director, Dan Fink dfink@pointschools.net
SPASH Girls Rugby
Want to try something new? Try rugby! SPASH has a full contact rugby club for girls in grades 9-12 and we are looking for players. No experience? No problem! You don't need any experience to join, we don't have tryouts or cuts. We welcome any body type and athletic abilities.
Players and athletes should come to the first practice on August 12 from 5-7 on the fields behind Madison Elementary School to learn more and join in the first practice. Come dressed for activity. Practices start the 12th and will run Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-7.
Can't make it that day? Email SPASHGirlsRugby@gmail.com for more information, or we will see you on the 12th! We can't wait to have you on the team.
P.J. Jacobs Junior High School
Website: https://www.pointschools.net/PJJacobs
Location: 2400 Main Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Phone: 715-345-5422
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PJJacobsJuniorHigh
Parent Partner Information
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