CVE Friday Flash
November 15, 2024
Mr. Macken's Message
Centerville Families,
As we work together to support the success of our students, I want to share an important reminder about one of the simplest but most effective ways to help your child thrive—ensuring they get enough sleep.
Adequate sleep is essential for children’s physical health, emotional well-being, and academic performance. Experts recommend that school-age children get 9–12 hours of sleep each night. Sleep helps students stay focused, manage emotions, and retain what they learn in class.
Here are a few tips to establish healthy sleep habits:
- Set a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends.
- Create a calming bedtime routine with activities like reading or listening to soft music.
- Limit screen time in the hour before bed to help their minds wind down.
- Ensure their sleeping environment is quiet, dark, and comfortable.
Together, we can give our students the tools they need to feel energized and ready to learn each day. Thank you for partnering with us to prioritize their well-being!
Go Cougars!
Mike Macken
Dates to Remember
- Nov 27th: Grandparent / Special Person Day (Grades 1, 3, 5 Only)
- Nov 28th & 29th: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- Dec 23rd - Jan 1st - No School (Holiday Break)
- Jan 2nd - School Resumes
The Centerville Elementary Calendar is located on our school’s website at https://centerville.isd12.org/ under the Parent Hub. Here you will also find the 2024-2025 District Student Calendar and the 2024-2025 Elementary Student Letter Day Calendar.
Cougar Pride in the Bathroom
Now that we have been at school for a couple of months, it is helpful to review some of the expectations for different spaces at school!
Next week your child’s classroom will be reviewing what Respect, Responsibility, Right Choices, and Readiness look like when we take bathroom breaks.
If you could take a couple of minutes to talk through these questions with you children, we would appreciate it!
- What are 3 ways that you show RESPONSIBILITY at the bathroom?
- What are 3 different RIGHT CHOICES that you make at the bathroom?
Cougar Club Winners
We are so proud of the way these students show the 4 R’s every day!
Principal's Chair:
Tor Olson
Pizza Winners
Leland Davis
Koen Olson
Chloe Pischlar
Raya Hertog
First Grade
Tyler Cantwell
Hattie Bechel
Second Grade
Evelyn Cypull
Harper Dickerman
Third Grade
Callen Thompson
Brinley Branham
Fourth Grade
Tate Johnson
Emmett Moua
Fifth Grade
Mia Richter
Hunter Nielson
Prize Winners
Eli Thompson
Emily Heagle
Joey Nola
Charlotte Esselman
First Grade
Emmy Clochie
Nigel Seefeldt
Second Grade
Keatron Davis
Milki Bullo
Third Grade
Oscar Parisian
Luis Vargas
Fourth Grade
Dawson Little
Mallory Kern
Fifth Grade
Valentina Hernandez Campos
Leyla Brozek
The nurses office is in need of boys underwear, sizes 4-8. If you find a great sale or are able to help us out we would appreciate it.
Centerville Parent Teacher Association
- Join us for our meeting next Tuesday at 6pm, in-person in the library or virtually via Google Meet <meet.google.com/xip-rnah-izo>.
- Kids are welcome.
- We will discuss recent and future efforts as well as budget spending.
Just a few yearbooks left at the lowest price. Don’t miss out on this memorable book!
Click HERE to purchase.
Community Education
The Winter Activity Guide opens December 4 at 8 am. Check out just some of the great activities for youth:
· “Floor is Lava” Adventure Challenge
· Youth Spring Volleyball League
· Multiplayer Minecraft: Survival Challenge
· Beginner Indoor Group Tennis Lessons
· Canvas Fun Painting: Loons in Love
· Sunday STEM Fun: Build Your Own Board Game… and much more!
Join us for Open Swim select Sundays in November and December!
Open Swim will be held Nov. 17 & 24, and Dec. 1 & 15, 3-5 pm, Centennial Community Pool, Centennial High School, Door N52. The cost of Open Swim is $2/per person payable at the pool. For more information, please contact Pool Coordinator, Clare Waddell, cwaddell@isd12.org.
More happening soon:
Nov. 23- Skyhawks Basketball Camp (ages 5-11)
DASH Floor Hockey Camp (ages 6-10)
Cougar Soccer Academy (gr. 4-6)
Nov. 25- Fall Soccer Skills (gr. K-2)
Dec 5- Sugar Cookie Decorating (ages 10+, adult)
Dec. 7- Breakfast with Santa (ages 10 and under with adult)
Dec. 14- Santa’s Holiday Workshop: Gingerbread House Making (ages 3-11 with adult)
LED’s, Circuits & Conductivity (ages 5-12)
Dec. 27- Video Production: “Top” List Creator (gr. 3-5)(virtual)
Dec. 30- Dungeons & Dragons 101: One Shot Minecraft Adventure (gr. 2-5)(virtual)
Dec. 31- Spark Equestrian Day Camp (ages 6-12)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Want to receive school closing and bus delay info by text?
Text “Y” or “Yes” to 67587. Families must opt in to receive Centennial text messages annually. Terms and conditions: Message frequency varies. Standard message and data rates may apply. Text STOP to cancel.
Make a Difference and Substitute in our Schools!
Don’t miss this chance to get involved and make a difference in the Centennial School District! No experience necessary; training provided!
This is a great opportunity to:
- Be involved in your child’s education and help out in the schools.
- Turn your volunteer hours into extra income.
- Work a schedule that fits with your student’s schedule.
- Get paid weekly and take advantage of bonus opportunities.
Apply at teachersoncall.com; 800-713-4439 for the following positions:
- Substitute Teachers (To qualify, you must have bachelor’s degree with MN Teaching or Substitute License; you can obtain a Short Call License if you have a bachelor’s degree.)
- Substitute Paraprofessionals (To qualify, you must have a HS Diploma/GED.)
- Substitutes are also needed for Kids Club, food service, custodial, administrative assistants, and nurses. More information can be found on the Centennial website.
Contact Information
Email: tbuescher@isd12.org
Website: www.isd12.org/cve
Location: 1721 Westview Street, Centerville, MN, USA
Phone: 763.792.5800