Cottonwood Compass
Principal's Update - January
January Capturing Kids Hearts Character Trait: Honor You, Honor Me / Respect
This month, we’re focusing on respect, which comes in many forms: respect for life, for property, for parents, for elders, for nature, and for the beliefs and rights of others. Respect includes being courteous and polite, as well as respecting yourself by avoiding self-criticism. We can model respect for our children regarding how we speak to and treat them. Respect is not only an important character trait, but it can also be a source of real joy! Respect implies a certain appreciation, which makes us more aware of other people’s needs and feelings.
ENGAGE: Honor Each Other
As a family, create an Honor Board where family members and friends can write affirmations to the person of honor. (Make sure each family member gets to be the honoree.) The Honor Board can be made of construction paper, poster board, or a blank piece of paper. Once the board is complete, encourage the family member to display it so they can see it often and remember the great things others see in them.
EMPOWER: Practice Forgiveness
Everyone makes mistakes. Ask each family member to share a story about a time they made a mistake (at school, work, home, etc.) and discuss what lessons they learned. Share this quote: “Mistakes don’t define us, but how we respond to mistakes will.” Ask, “How can we show honor for each other, even when we make a mistake or disagree?” Process each person’s response and thank everyone for their willingness to share. Challenge each other to respond to mistakes this week with love and respect.
EXCEL: Honor Those Who Serve
Celebrate members of your community who lead through service to others. Write “Thank You” notes to someone that has helped or served your family. Consider people in your community like veterans, teachers, nurses/doctors, ministers, bus drivers, police officers, firefighters, mail carriers, etc. Deliver these notes with a special treat.
Conversation Starters
What is the biggest lesson you learned last year?
What is something you want LESS of in the next year? Why?
What is something you want MORE of this next year? Why?
What makes you feel respected? Disrespected? Why?
Cottonwood is a Capturing Kids' Hearts® National Showcase School
Visit this link for more information about this recognition:
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Cottonwood Elementary Smart Device Policy
At Cottonwood Elementary, we prioritize focused learning and student safety. To support this, all smart devices, including phones and smartwatches, must be powered off and kept in student backpacks throughout the school day, including during dismissal while students wait to be picked up.
This policy is in effect to minimize distractions, promote safety and encourage social interactions.
If you need to communicate with your child during the school day, please contact the front office, and we will ensure they receive your message promptly.
Thank you for helping us maintain a productive and safe environment for all students
Community Engagement
Cottonwood has two committees that depend on the support and involvement of families. We encourage you to consider joining one of these teams. If you're interested, please reach out to the front office.
PAC (Parent Action Committee)
SAC (School Accountability Committee)
This committee plays a key role in reviewing budget decisions, school-wide academic and behavior data, and setting goals for the year. It’s a great opportunity to gain insight into the decision-making process and understand how and why we implement various strategies at Cottonwood.
Cottonwood Community Input
Cottonwood families and community,
We want to hear from you! Please let us know what we are doing well, where we can improve and if you have any safety concerns that need to be addressed. I would love to follow up with you about your input! Please include your contact information if you would like to hear from me.