Mayo News
February 12, 2024
Hello Mayo Families!
This past week was busy at Mayo. We had a wonderful Community Reader day, popsicles for the whole school, a visit from the Acton Discovery Museum for our Kindergarten classes, and a Glow Day for Grade 3. The third graders started us off on our MCAS journey, we had a half day, and Lego Club and Girl’s on the Run Club continued after school.
This week is our Choose to be Nice celebration, Pie Day, MCAS for Grade 4, Lego Club K-2 Group B, potential snow mid-week, a Grade 1 Math Games event, and the end of the 3rd Quarter!
I am sure we are in for another great week!
Cariolan Kasper
Superintendent Reilly reads to Grade 1!
Popsicle Day!
Grade 3 Glow Day!
Environment Club
Environment Club “Shout Out” Fundraiser for TeamSeas
Hello Families,
The Environment Club has set a goal to raise $100 for TeamSeas, an organization that cleans up trash from the ocean. Each dollar raised removes one pound of trash from the ocean. We are selling electronic “Shout Outs” that will be displayed on the Mayo TV screens in the lobby and cafeteria to coincide with Earth Day.
Each Shout Out will be a Google slide, with room for both a photo and text, and will cost $1. Please make a copy of this Google Slide to edit and share it with Mrs. Dorogi at by Thursday, April 11, 2024. The photo above is an example of a Slide Shout-Out!
Remember, your $1 donation removes one pound of trash from the ocean! If we exceed our $100 goal, all extra money will be split evenly between TeamSeas and supplies for our upcoming Spring Cleanup at Mayo.
Please send a dollar bill to the office in a bag/envelope labeled with your student’s name, once you have completed your message. Please email Mrs. Dorogi at with questions.
Thank you,
Mrs. Dorogi, Mrs. Severance, and the Environment Club
New Head Custodian
We finally have a full custodial staff. We are excited to welcome Mr. Bob Dumas as our new Head Custodian. He has been on the custodial team at Glenwood Elementary for over 10 years. One of his first priorities is a "deep" clean at Mayo! Please see the nursing notes below for new district guidelines for respiratory illness,
Cardboard Day
Cardboard Day will be held on April 29th. Start saving cardboard boxes and tubes. Details coming shortly.
Pie the Principal Day! Students raised over $17,000 ! That is simply astounding and worthy of a pie in the face! An additional prize will be announced to students tomorrow for going so far above our goal of $10,000. Thank you to all who organised and donated - and of course to the students who read so many minutes!
Staff Baby Picture Contest (#4)
Only 2 students matched all 6 baby pictures to the correct staff member. Five teacher got them all right. This was clearly the hardest one yet! See the pictures with answers and Winner Names in the link below.
HERE is the Week 4 video with answers and the LIST OF ALL WINNERS!
The Grand Prize winners will receive a custom Mayo t-shirt with their name on it! (since only 2 students got them all correct, they will both a t-shirt)
Look out for Contest #5 coming up this week!
- Date Grade/Test
- Tuesday 4/2 Grade 4 ELA MCAS
- Wednesday 4/3 Grade 4 ELA MCAS
- Tuesday 4/9 Grade 5 ELA MCAS
- Wednesday 4/10 Grade 5 ELA MCAS
- Tuesday 4/30 Grade 3 Math MCAS
- Wednesday 5/1 Grade 3 Math MCAS
- Tuesday 5/7 Grade 4 Math MCAS
- WednesdayMay 5/8 Grade 4 Math MCAS
- Tuesday 5/14 Grade 5 Math MCAS
- Thursday 5/16 Grade 5 Math MCAS
- Tuesday 5/21 Grade 5 STE MCAS
- Wednesday 5/22 Grade 5 STE MCAS
Choose to be Nice
Tomorrow will be our CTBN celebration for the word for March - RESPONSIBILITY!
We will also introduce our word for APRIL - FRIENDSHIP!
I will be announcing the surprise extra prize for reaching over $17,000 in the Read-A-Thon fundraiser AND....Mr. D and I will both be getting. pie in the face! Busy school assembly!
HERE are At-Home activities by grade level for the month of April - Friendship.
Nursing Notes
Info from Nurse Mangum
The Massachusetts School Health Unit has updated the guidance for COVID. The District will no longer have a separate protocol for COVID. Please review the guidance below.
WRSD Respiratory Virus Guidance
When you have ANY respiratory virus - stay home and away from others if you have respiratory virus symptoms. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others.
Return to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true
Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication)
When you go back to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.
Keep in mind that you may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. You are likely to be less contagious at this time, depending on factors like how long you were sick or how sick you were.
Nurse Mangum is also in need of tissues and sandwich bags (for ice). Any donations are greatly appreciated.
As the weather warms, please make sure your child has a water bottle at school and is dressed in layers to accommodate change in building temperature.
Here are general Guidelines for when your child is sick.
4/1 - Choose To Be Nice: Responsibility Celebration (Intro: Friendship)
4/1 - "Pie the Principals" Read-A-Thon reward (and extra prize announcement!)
4/1 - Girls on the Run Club 3:30-5:15
4/2 - MCAS Gr 4 ELA
4/3 - MCAS Gr 4 ELA
4/3 - Lego "Together We Build" Club (registered students gr K-2 Group B) 3:30-5:30
4/5 - End of 3rd Quarter
4/5 - Grade 1 Math Games
4/5 - Girls on the Run Club 3:30-5:15
4/5 - Grade 5 Spaghetti Dinner
4/7 - PTA Roller Skating Night (see flyer below)
4/8 - Solar Eclipse!
4/8 - Start of 4th Quarter
4/8 - Lego "Together We Build" Club (registered students gr K-2 Group B) 3:30-5:30
4/8 - Girls on the Run Club 3:30-5:15
4/8 & 4/9 - Acton Discovery Museum Visit (Gr 3 Magnetism)
4/9 - Red Sox Season Opener - Wear your Gear!
4/9 & 4/10 - MCAS Gr 5 ELA
4/10 - Acton Discovery Museum Visit (Gr 4 Sound)
4/10 - PTA Meeting
4/11 - PTA Mayo Night at Mexicali 5-9
4/12 - 3rd Q Report Cards
4/12 - Play Day (PM) Read-A-Thon reward
4/12 - Girls on the Run Club 3:30-5:15
4/15-4/19 - April Vacation
4/26 - PTA Plant Night with Bemis Farms 6PM
4/28 - Spring Clean-up @ Mayo (Environment Club and ALL welcome) 10-12
4/29 - Cardboard Day (more details coming)
4/29 - Environment Club (helping with Cardboard Day cleanup)
5/17 - PTA Mayo Night at WooSox 6:05PM
Details in the works...
6/3 - Field Day (Rain date 6/10)
6/11 - Last Day of K (as of today)
6/12 - Spring Concert (Gr 3-5)
6/17 - Last Day of School (as of today)
Mayo Skate Night 4/7/24
Mayo Night @ Mexicali 4/11/24
Bemis Farm Night @ Mayo 4/26/24
APRIL 2024 Lunch Menu
The Kitchen Staff is asking parents to please talk to your child about their lunch choice. We have had some problems in the kitchen with students choosing and ordering one lunch choice the morning, but taking something else in the cafeteria, leaving the last few grades without the options they ordered. Thank you!
Bus Safety
1. not passing buses at any time on school grounds
2. dropping off students arriving by car in the back of the school.
3. only entering through the Front door or the Carpool door.
4. using caution and judgment at the front of the flagpole “rotary”.