Spartan Chronicle - June 5, 2022
June 5, 2022
Principal's Message
Dear Herrick Families,
It is hard to believe that we have come to the final last few days of the school year! As a Herrick staff, we want to thank you for your support of our school and your students throughout this year. We will have one final Spartan Chronicle newsletter on the last day of school, so please look out for that.
Below you will see information regarding promotion, 8th grade trip, and the last few days of school. If you have an 8th Grader who is not attending Great America will be celebrating with activities and we will be ordering pizza, and students will be dismissed at the normal time.
We also wanted to provide some end of the year reminders:
- Google Accounts - As we are gearing up for the end of the year, eighth graders and students not returning to District 58 are encouraged to transfer their Google account to a personal account. This can be done with Google takeout. Here are the directions.
- Report Cards and Final Grades - District 58 middle schools have moved to digital report cards. Final grades will be available for you to view at 4 p.m. on Thursday, June 9 and paper report cards will be mailed home on June 10. If you require your PowerSchool login please contact the Herrick main office at (630) 719-5810.
- Yearbook Distribution - yearbooks will be distributed to all students on Tuesday.
- Eighth Grade Student Records - At the completion of the school year, your child's permanent record will be forwarded to the appropriate District 99 high school.
- Eighth Graders not attending District 99 - If your child will be attending a high school other than Downers Grove North or South High School please complete the following steps. Contact Sharon Skibbe at Herrick (sskibbe@dg58.org) and tell her the name of the high school your child will be attending OR Contact the high school your child will be attending and complete a request for records form. When Herrick receives the request for records we will send the records to that school after June 10, 2021.If a records request is not received at Herrick prior to Thursday, June 10, 2021, the school records will be forwarded to Downers Grove North High School.
This week:
- 8th Grade Trip
- Promotion - 8th Grade
- Last Day of School
Thank you for your continued partnership and support of our community.
Dr. Dave Norman
Principal of Herrick Middle School
June 6th, 7th, & 8th
- The 8th graders will be on their end of their year celebration trip to Great America. The schedule is below.
- Regular school day for 7th Grade
June 7th
- Wrap up activities for the end of the year
- Yearbook Distribution
- Locker Clean Out (8th Grade)
June 8th
- 7th Graders Only
- Locker Clean Out
- Preview of 8th Grade
- 1/2 Day of School
8th Grade Trip - Great America
8th Grade Parents - please review the check in times with your students and general expectations.
- The busses will leave Herrick at 9:00 AM and will return around 7:30 PM. Please pick students up promptly at 7:30 from Herrick.
- We will be arriving at Great America around 10:00 AM.
- Our picnic lunch will start promptly at 12:00 PM. All students are required to check in at 12:00 PM. (@ the Picnic Area - location shared tomorrow morning with students)
- There will be another check in for students at 3:00 PM. (@ the Merry Go Round in the middle of the park)
- All students should begin heading to the Merry Go Round at 5:45, with Herrick leaving Great America promptly at 6:15.
- All students must be at the Merry Go Round by 6:00 PM.
Throughout the day, there will be staff members at the Merry Go Round throughout the day. Should students need anything, they can head there and get support.
Students may bring additional money for souvenirs and refreshments. Students are responsible for everything they bring to Great America. Please know that Great America is CASHLESS.
I will be available via email throughout the day in case students or parents need anything.
Any additional questions can be sent to Dr. Norman (dnorman@dg58.org)
School Supplies 2022-2023 (Repeat Item)
Promotion (8th Grade Families) - Final Letter & Reminders
Herrick 8th Grade Families,
The promotion assembly for eighth grade students is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Downers Grove North High School in the Purple Gym. Certificates of promotion will be awarded, and special awards will be presented, sponsored by the American Legion, the Downers Grove Education Foundation, and the Herrick staff. The District will also be livestreaming the ceremony and it can be viewed by visiting the District's YouTube channel at youtube.com/c/DownersGrove58
Tuesday, June 7 is a regular attendance day and all students will be dismissed at 3:17 PM. An overview of promotion preparation and practice will be shared during 8th grade lunch periods
Eighth graders must be at Downers Grove North High School by 6:45 PM and should report directly to their designated seat in the gym. The doors will open at 6:30 PM and seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the bleachers on both the main floor and in the balcony. The gym will have seating for 6 people per family so we will not utilize a ticket system. A limited amount of seating will be available on the floor for those who may have difficulty sitting in the bleachers.
Students do not wear caps and gowns for the promotion ceremony. Appropriate dress for promotion includes slacks and shirt (ties or jackets are optional), dresses or skirts and blouses. Formal wear is not appropriate for this activity. We trust parents' good judgment in helping students decide what to wear. Students are encouraged to dress up as this is a ceremony to celebrate their achievement.
A professional photographer will take a picture of each eighth grader at the moment of receiving the promotion certificate. Free color proofs of these photos will be e-mailed to families within a week after promotion. Enlargements will be available at a reasonable price, directly from the photographer.
Please work with your child to designate a meeting place at the conclusion of the ceremony.
The last day of school is Wednesday, June 8. Only seventh grade students will attend from 8:30-11:45 AM and there are NO Early Bird classes.
Upcoming / Important Dates
- June 6th - 8th Grade End of Year Trip - Great America
- June 7th - 8th Grade Promotion
- June 8th - Last Day of School
Office Staff
Mrs. Samantha Inglima, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Ann Russ, Office Secretary
Mrs. Sharon Skibbe, Office Secretary
Mrs. Sandy Anaya, Office Secretary
Location: 4435 Middaugh Avenue, Downers Grove, IL, USA
Twitter: @HerrickMS