Lowell Lantern
May 22, 2020
Principal's message
Dear Lowell Families,
We are thankful for some sunshine on this Friday and are looking forward to the Memorial Day Weekend! We have enjoyed spending time with students this week. Their smiles put some sparkle into this gloomy weather week! Next week is our last week of the 2019-2020 school year! We are looking forward to spending the last four days with students in our learn at home classrooms! Please continue to have your children engage in this last week of learning! Our teachers have some fun activities and surprises for our students!
All Lowell students will be allowed to use their district assigned device over the summer. If you will not be attending Lowell next year, you can turn your device in during materials pick up the first week of June or Monday - Friday from 11:00 - 1:00 at the Walker Career Center, Door 70.
Starting Wednesday, June 3rd we will be distributing students’ personal items, including end of year reports cards, and collecting textbooks and library books via a drive-through service at the Lowell car rider line, which is along the front of the building. Our distribution will be on three dates depending on your students last name. Last names A-M will be Wednesday, June 3rd from 12-6 pm, last names N-Z will be Thursday, June 4th from 12-6 pm, and Friday, June 5th, 9 am-12 pm will be a make up day.
Early in June, we will be mailing grade level summer learning packets to all students in grades K-8. These packets will focus on essential math and reading skills as well as social-emotional skills. Students will receive an incentive for completing their packet upon returning it to school in the fall.
Please stay connected by visiting our website, downloading our mobile app, and viewing our district social media twitter and Facebook accounts for updated information.
Have a great and safe Memorial Day Weekend!
Mrs. Griffin
Splash Into Summer Spirit Week!
Wear Your Lowell Green on Friday!!
Building a Bright Future ~~ underCOREstruction
Personal Item Pick-Up
Starting Wednesday, June 3rd we will be distributing students’ personal items, including end of year reports cards, and collecting textbooks and library books via a drive-through service at the Lowell car rider line, which is along the front of the building.
Our distribution will be on three dates depending on your students last name:
Wednesday, June 3rd from 12pm - 6 pm -- Last Names A-M
Thursday, June 4th from 12pm - 6pm -- Last Names N - Z
Friday, June 5 from 9am - 12pm -- Make Up Day
Warren Township Survey -- Please Complete!
Summer Learning Packets
Early in June, we will be mailing grade level summer learning packets to all students in grades K-8. These packets will focus on essential math and reading skills as well as social-emotional skills. Students will receive an incentive for completing their packet upon returning it to school in the fall.
Testing is free and registration is required. You can register onsite or online at MarionHealth.org/INDYCOVID.
Indianapolis Public Library Summer Reading Program
Preschool & Kindergarten Registration is Now Open
If you are a current Warren Early Childhood Center parent and your child will be attending a Warren Elementary School, please call our hotline number at 317-608-0545 and we will assist in getting your information moved over. If you have a new Preschool or Kindergarten student attending Warren, please use the online registration process. We are also accepting out of district applications at this time.
If you are experiencing any issues with online registration, please contact us at 317-608-0545 or email msdwarrenelearning@warren.k12.in.us. We will be happy to assist you in registering your child online.
School Counselor Connection
Zoom Close Out with the Counselor
Mrs. Hand will be hosting a Close Out with the Counselor session on Wednesday, May 27. See the times below for student groups and join Mrs. Hand to visit and say so long to the 2019-2020 school year.
Here are links:
K-2: Close Out With The Counselor - 11:00-11:30 on Wednesday, May 27
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86212654900?pwd=VkJqNFliVDNXNjlGRTkrYmVjUXB1Zz09 Meeting ID: 862 1265 4900 Password: 5BzGMr
Grades 3-4: Close Out With The Counselor - 11:30-12:00 on Wednesday, May 27
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82083948969?pwd=aGwyQVZ6MXE5R01nK1hxakVYTlF2Zz09 Meeting ID: 820 8394 8969 Password: 6DGziW
Have You Completed Your 2020 Census? Your Response Matters!
Food Outreach Program
Tutoring Help By Phone ~ ~ ~ Call and Learn
Playworks at Home Resources
Playworks has for over 24 years focused on bringing games and activities to schools, while creating a safe and healthy recess for students. We are now, more than ever, committed to responding to the need for continued healthy activities at home through several resources we are offering for free:
Play at Home Webpage: A library of videos and other resources featuring games and activities families can play at home. Each meeting the CDC requirements of social distancing and limited equipment. All available free on the Play at Home webpage
Play at Home Playbook: This game guide has a variety of games and activities families can do in their own home, with little to no equipment necessary.
Live Virtual Recess: A Playworks Coach leading a morning warm-up, a midday game, and an afternoon cooldown each day. Anyone can tune into Facebook Live Monday- Friday at 12:00pm, 2:00pm, and 4:00pm EST and play along.
Daily schedule - Facebook Live Recess
12:00PM - Morning Stretches & Warm Up
2:00PM - Recess Game
4:00PM - Afternoon Cooldown & Cheer
Families can also connect with us on Facebook (@makereccesscount), Twitter (@playworks), and Instagram (@playworksrecess).
Lowell Construction Updates
LGI/Cafeteria Fresh Concrete
Aerial View of New Addition
Aerial View of Lowell School with New Addition
Lowell Students of the Week!
May 18, 2020
Lowell Spirit Day -- Superhero Day!
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Follow us on the Lowell website!
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Lowell Elementary School
Contact Us
Kim Griffin -- Principal
Tasha Reedus -- Dean
Website: lowell.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 2150 South Hunter Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/LOWELLLEOPARDS
Twitter: @LowellElementa1