Horizon Happenings
September, 2024
Happy Fall Y'all
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The newsletter is jam packed with a lot of good information that you will need to know about your child's school. Please take a few moments to read through it.
Keeping your child safe is our number one concern. Please read through the student handbook and ask if you need clarification on anything. One change that is important to note is there can be NO cars in the bus line as our busses all arrive early this year. So, if you need to come in to pick up a child you must park in a parking lot space or on the north side of 10th Ave. and then walk in.
Second, please remember during morning drop-off to "stop and hop" right out of the car once your vehicle is stopped (Hop out along the whole length of sidewalk in the pick up and drop off line). Please do NOT wait until at the front to get out as it slows down the system for pick up and drop off.
We would like to encourage you to check your students agenda every night to have a greater understanding of what your child is learning about as well as be more informed as a parent. Often times agendas need to be signed or initialed by the parent and/or guardian. We also encourage clear and transparent communication with everyone involved in your students education. Please feel free to reach out to your students teacher first, if you have any questions.
Smile big at the upcoming picture day! Picture day is Monday, September 30th! Reading with your child is so very important for their development. If you have a very young child you can read to them every evening or if you have a little bit older child they should read to you! Make it a special (and exciting) time that is unique to the two of you! You won't regret it!
Yours in Education,
Jill Taylor, Principal
Amber Boone, Vice Principal
Homecoming 2024 INFORMATION
Horizon Homecoming DRESS UP days!
9/23 Western Monday: Dress in Western-wear aka Cowboy/girl
9/24 Y2K Tuesday: Dress like your favorite movie!
9/25 Wednesday: Dress in your favorite Jersey Day
9/26 Tropical Thursday: Wear fun tropical clothes
(School appropriate)
9/27 Black & Orange Friday:
Dress in your Tiger gear or Black and Orange!
Jerome Tiger's Homecoming
(Parade and Game) is
Friday, September 27th
Go, Fight, Win Tiger's!
Meet our New to Horizon Office Staff!
Mrs. Jennifer Heath
Is one of the first smiling faces you will see when you check into the building as she is our newly hired Bookkeeping Secretary.
- While new to this position she is definitely not new to Horizon and its students.
- Ms. Heath has been with Horizon for 5 years as a hardworking and dedicated Paraprofessional.
- Jennifer lives right here in Jerome with her husband and three children.
- Jennifer LOVES TO SING and boy oh boy does she have a beautiful voice)!
Stop in and say hello when you get a chance.
Meet our new Reading Corps Tutor!
Ms. Molly Dwyer
- This summer, my husband, David and I moved to Idaho from Oregon.
- We have two dogs, a dachshund named Tater and a poodle named Liberty.
- My favorite holiday is Halloween because I get to wear fun costumes.
- Sometimes I wear my silliest costumes to the grocery store in the middle of the year to make people laugh.
- My favorite television shows are I Love Lucy, Babylon 5, and M*A*S*H*.
- I also like to work on my car, knit, and play outside.
Meet our New to Horizon 4th Grade Teachers:
Ms. Barbara Flickinger
- I am teaching 4th grade and am loving every minute of it.
- I am a world traveler and enjoy spending my summers & breaks traveling to somewhere in the world. :)
- I look forward to this school year and getting to learn alongside the students and other staff members.
Meet our NEW to Horizon 4th Grade Teacher!
Ms. Cindy Hosburg
- I am in my second year of public school teaching.
- I have a bachelor's degree in organizational leadership.
- I am currently enrolled in the CSI alternative teaching program.
- I am married with six children and three grandchildren.
- I spent 25 years homeschooling our six children.
- My husband and I live in Twin Falls.
Meet our NEW 5th Grade Teachers!
Ms. Amanda Mansell
- I teach 5th grade this year at Horizon! I am so grateful to be able to be part of the Horizon family.
- I am originally from Logan, Utah and graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho this past April.
- I love spending time with my family, visiting new places, reading, and playing with my dog.
- Thank you for all of the warm welcomes!
Neurodivergent/Neurgraphic art
Flexible and Fun Fridays
Ms. Voorhees aka Ms. "Emily", School Counselor, taught about the brain:
- Students learned all about the human brain, brain vocabulary and characteristics today (appx. 3#, texture of jelly and the size of our two fists together.
- They learned about the roles of the amygdala (emotions) and
- prefrontal cortex (when we are regulated and learning things)
Ms. Boone, Vice Principal, taught a neurographic art lesson:
- Students learned an artistic way to self regulate
- Students made artwork that resembles their neurons
- Students learn to create beautiful artwork
**IF you or anyone you know would like to share your skills, profession or business with our students as part of our Community Helpers Program we would LOVE to hear from you. Please contact Ms. Taylor, Ms. Boone or Ms. Voorhees if you are interested for the details.**
We want you!
To volunteer as a Horizon Elementary School “Grandma”!
- Patience
- Kind heart and actions
- Love of all children
- Willing to help out
Feel good while doing something meaningful for a child in your community.
We can work with your schedule whether an hour a week
or an hour a day!
*must have references and be able to pass a criminal background check.
MONDAY, September 30th is Picture day!! Look your best!
Watch this short video to see why attendance is important!
No Bullying!
The Horizon family values:
- Proactive, positive behaviors
- Collaboration between all
- Kind words
- Caring Actions
Bullying other is NOT allowed under any circumstances and will be addressed whether in school, on the playground or on the bus.
Bullying is defined as The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.
Free and Reduced lunch Applications
If you haven't done so already
PLEASE fill out the Free and Reduced lunch form.
- You can fill out a paper copy or a digital copy online at https://www.mymealtime.com/Apps/signin.aspx .
- This really, really helps out our school and the students
- This information stays only at the district office.
- No information is shared with any agency or person at any time. NEVER.
- If you need help filling out the form please contact Vanessa Fitzsimons 208-324-1201 or Guadalupe Mercado at 208-324-1203 our district office and they will be happy to help you!
FREE breakfast!
It is hard to learn when you are hungry!
- Breakfast is FREE again this year!
- Serving starts at 7:45 am until 8:05am
See you there!
Don't miss this delicious opportunity!
Safe Kids are NO Accident!
Safety of your child is our #1 priority:
Drop off/pick up line:
- 5 mph in the line
- Hop out as soon as the vehicle stops! (Do not wait until the front of the line to disembark!) it slows down the whole line!
- Wait at the two designated parent pick up lines. Please wait for staff to bring you your child. (Do NOT cross between the cars
- To cross 10th Ave a student MUST use one of the two crosswalks (near tiger Drive and near Filmore)
- Students must be accompanied by an adult to cross parking lots and bus lane.
- PLEASE use sidewalks! DO NOT cut through the line!
- Written note is needed to ride a different bus or go home with someone else.
- If parking to pick up a student you MUST park in a designated parking stall (Not in center of lot or in NO parking along Forsythe Park side of 10th Ave.)
- There is NO left turn into the school drop off line. You must get in the line from the east, please.
Student Behavior Expectations
Horizon Elementary has school-wide
behavior expectations in all areas of the school.
- PAWS stands for Purpose, Attitude, Well-respected and Self-control.
- We are trying to teach students to stop and "pause/PAWS" and think about what is appropriate behavior in all areas of the school. Then put that positive behavior into action.
Let's lead the Tiger way, everyday!!
SCHOOL-wide student expectations were
explained by Ms. Taylor and Ms. Boone
to ALL the Horizon Elementary students.
- We will be using leadership tickets again this year for students to "shop" the school store as a form of recognizing positive behaviors in students (PBIS)
Stop, Walk, Talk Strategy
Horizon uses the
STOP, WALK AND TALK method with students
Here's how it works:
- STOP: Tell the person that is bothering you or doing something you do not like to "STOP". Be sure they hear you and you say it like you mean it.
- WALK: Walk away from an undesirable situation. Remove yourself from what is going on.
- TALK: If stop and walk did not solve the problem then go tell a Playground Para that is on duty. DO NOT wait to go into class and tell your teacher because they cannot fix it.
We also encourage students to both advocate for themselves and use conflict resolution strategies learned by teachers and SEL classes..
Learning how to settle arguments on their own with peers using a variety of conflict resolution strategies is essential as students mature.
Did you know that attendance really does matter in your students educational process.
- It is very hard to learn a rigorous curriculum if students are absent, tardy or leave early on a regular basis.
- Please help your student to be successful by getting them to school daily and staying the entire school day!
- Whenever possible schedule appointments outside of the school day!
GYM SHOES are required
PLEASE remember!
- Gym shoes are needed to participate in Physical Education.
- You are welcome to keep your gym shoes at school if you choose.
- PLEASE label your students gym shoes with their full name.
Self Help skills!
Please practice tying shoes!
A very basic and important skill is shoe tying.
- Please teach your student how to tie their shoes and practice, practice, practice until they learn how!
- Students also should be able to dress themselves, zip, snaps or buttons coats and put on their own outside clothing.
4th and 5th Grade Battle of the Books Club...
- This year the 4th and 5th graders have the opportunity to join our Battle of the Books Club here at Horizon.
- Battle of the books is a book trivia competition where teams of 4 or less students compete against each other.
- The trivia comes through a list of 16 books that have been preselected.
- Mrs. Mangino, our librarian, has purchased the books to share amongst the teams. Meeting times will be during school time once a week.
- Students are not required to read all 16 books but will split the duties up amongst their team members. Battles will start after Christmas Break.
If you would like more information
contact Mrs. Mangino at Julie.Mangino@jeromeschools.org
or visit https://idahobattleofthebooks.org/
CSI Read like and Eagle Program
Read like an Eagle is coming to Jerome on
September 4th at 10:00am.
Students who read and meet their goals will receive a free t-shirt!
Student reading goals forms will be coming home soon!
The free t-shirt is free admission to the soccer game.
Soccer game night at CSI is October 26th.
Gifted and Talented Applications
All Gifted and Talented (GT) applications
can be found on the district website
and are due the end of SEPTEMBER.
2nd: NO SCHOOL for everyone-Labor Day! No School!
4th: Read like an Eagle assembly at 10am Soccer Teams
6th: Ms. Emily Presentation on Brain Science
10th: Vision Screening for all K, 1, 2,5
13th: "Love yourself" Presentation for Flexible and Fun Friday special
20th: NO SCHOOL for students-PD Day Teacher work day
27th: Homecoming Parade and Game. Go Team!
30th Picture day!! Look your best!
26th: Read like an eagle game night (wear your Tee-shirt)